Arima's Forum Posts

  • JuniorTabanez Calling me lazy for not using google translate is the same as calling yourself lazy, because you don't want to use it either. This is an English forum. Being on a forum means you have to abide by the rules, and one of those rules is users speak in English. We cannot effectively moderate if we need to copy and paste messages one by one to translate. It would be extremely impractical considering how many posts are made if even a small fraction of them weren't in English. In addition, moderating this forum is not the only thing I have to do. Calling me lazy is just plain rude and simply isn't true. If I was truly lazy I wouldn't be a moderator, as it's not even a paying job. So please refrain from calling me lazy and abide by the forum rules.

  • I don't know what you mean by 'oh laziness' and 'let the lazy.' Are you calling me lazy?

  • That's odd, C2 doesn't have any motion blur at all. Motion blur is an expensive and/or difficult shader technique. Are you sure what you're experiencing isn't the pixel response time of your monitor? My previous monitor had a very good pixel response time, and had no blurring at all. Then I got a new one which has much better color and contrast, but a much worse pixel response time, and now objects 'smear' a bit when moving quickly.

    Also, are you sure the stuff you're making is at 100% opacity? If clear background is off, and there's only 1 layer at 90% opacity, then you'll get a bit of ghosting (the previous image remaining partially visible).

    Do you have screen video capture software? Fraps has a free version if you don't. Could you capture video of both something you made with this problem and something played also on your computer that's fast and doesn't have the problem? Even capturing just a screenshot of the effect would help to determine what it is. If you can't capture the effect, it's most likely your monitor.

    As for the screen tearing, I notice I get tearing in Firefox but not chrome. Chrome has a flag that you can set to use vsync or not, but you should check your video card's settings, as I think some computers have override settings on a per-application basis, meaning setting chrome's flag might not fix it because the control panel is set to override it.

  • junior, que bom encontrar um brasileiro por aqui!

    tentei acessar o link porém deu invalido.

    meio perdido nesse forum

    Perhaps you missed my post above. This is an English speaking forum, please stick to English or also provide a translation with your post.

  • As I understand it, advertisements themselves can have malware in them. From what I heard, adfly was not very diligent making sure the advertisements they had were free of it.

    Even trustworthy advertisers have stuff slip through from time to time, but there were enough people complaining about it that it seemed like a significant problem.

  • Arima so we aren't allowed to use Adfly/Linkbucks anywhere?

    I think just blindly monetizing on work is annoying, for sure, but with a C2 license and original work I think it would benefit users who do want to make something.

    I did some research on it and found a lot of people complaining that adfly is a hive of malware, so yeah, adfly links aren't allowed.

  • I found using those expressions in the canvas object can be slow, but by sticking the whole image into a json string via the canvas.asJSON expression, then getting the values from that, it is much faster.

  • Yeah, don't use adfly. As an alternative to the arcade, you can attach files to posts.

  • No need for rudeness or escalating things. Beaverlicious - please don't be so quick to accuse someone of trolling, it can upset someone if you're wrong. Azu's been a member of the community almost as long as the community's existed, and I'm guessing has been using CC and is ready to move on to C2.

    Azu - as mentioned, scirra generally doesn't announce when there will be an upcoming sale. On the other hand, C2 is already one of the cheapest options around. It may cost a bit, but it's worth the money!

  • I'm afraid the stream is getting like 1 fps on my ipad and worse on my computer. :/

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  • You can also try using sprite text instead of the text object, it should be faster.

  • What i've understood is that they have native speed while exporting on ios (which is done with one command by the way).

    It doesn't matter what platform. Apple, before iOS 8, didn't even allow jit compilation of JavaScript in anything but safari. It would have been big, big news in the web development community if someone had found a way to get JavaScript to run as fast as native. Their claim may be true for rendering speeds, but for logic speed it is simply false.

    I am not against visual interface and help from the framework. But to give an example, I had to abandon 2 projects because one of them required complex AI logic which was a way too heavy to do with events. It was an action script seek and kill with multiple floors with ladders and multiple enemies.

    It took about 2 hours to build a logic, which was buggy by the way because C2's behaviors didn't fit the style, and most of the time was spent on clicking. You may say yeah you can create your personnal plugins and stuff. Well okay but basically it should not happen, C2 is too unspecific (or maybe just too specific to suit all of my needs)

    Another bug was happening with physics behavior where you had to move a ball in a labyrinth. Sometimes you've had to rotate at 90° the labyrinth with the ball in it and strangely the ball was falling through occasionally.

    Another one where i wanted to use pathfinding behavior with disabled diagonals pathfinding, well in the beginning this went as it should but the movement wasn't straight at the end. The enemy was turning a bit, which my client didn't want. And programming all this with events is a pain in the ****

    If the behaviors aren't working for you, you can customize the behavior with events. You can also use events rather than needing to go as far as making your own plugin. If you think making it with events instead of behaviors is difficult, writing it all from scratch in code is much harder. Also, two hours on ai really is not much at all. AI is notoriously difficult no matter what you code with. AAA games with millions of dollars put into them sometimes struggle with it too. It is extremely likely that C2 is capable of what you're trying to do, but you're trying to tackle something more difficult than you can manage with your current level of experience with C2. I did the same thing with the first version of my rpg, loot pursuit.

    Recent project. Where the collision with a trigger should have been spawning an object and moving it along other ones to make the transition seamless. Well there were gaps, that meaned that construct doesn't have a good collision detection for this purpose.

    I posted in your thread, that problem was incorrect math, it didn't have anything to do with collision detection.

    I mean common you can do simple games. But it's a pain in the *** for big ones and complicated ( physically, logically..)

    C2 is plenty capable of making large and complex games, I've been making two and it works fine for them. It does require knowing how to use the program well, though, but the same will be true of whatever framework you use. Large complex projects need to be designed correctly to remain manageable in C2, C++ and everything else.

    You might like typing code more than making events, but I assure you, you will encounter similar problems writing code directly.

  • The problem has nothing to do with C2 being unable to be pixel perfect. The problem is incorrect math. You're doing the calculations for only one of them and expecting them all to work. You placed all initial tiles at y positions -256, 0, 256, and 512 in the first example and -256, 0, and 256 in the second. By adding 8 to the y position each tick you will always get the y at 768. But the space between each tile, 256 pixels, is not divisible by 9, so the ones not at y=0 or wherever you are calculating from end up missing.

    Do the math, watch the y position in the debugger or just repeatedly add 9 to 512 and watch what happens. It misses 774 and 770. It's not about either of those being divisible by 9, the problem is you're not starting from the same y position for all of the tiles, so they're offset. That's why one row works, and the others don't.

    What you need is a different method. For example, you can check is the spawners are not overlapping any tiles, and if so, get the y position of the highest tile, then create a new row of tiles at that position-256.

  • Why would you need anything to be accurate to the millisecond? Games generally only run at 60 fps max because most screens only run at 60 fps max. Accurate to the millisecond would be running at 1000 fps. Even if you used an engine that decoupled the logic from the rendering, you'd still be using a crazy amount of CPU power for something that you could most likely achieve at 60 fps too.

    Also, I don't believe game closure's claim of getting native speed out of html5/JavaScript at all. Maybe on the rendering side, sure, but on the logic side? No way. Many huge companies have put incredible efforts towards that goal and no one has achieved it. Besides, you would still be using the same tech C2 uses (html5/JavaScript - so impactjs would also have the same problem), just coding yourself instead, so it would have the same performance issues - and possibly more of them, if you don't know how to avoid Javascript's issues that can hit performance, which C2 takes care of for you (I don't know if game closure or impactjs do anything to help with keeping from generating garbage or such, for example).

    More info: ... javascript

  • That actually sounds like a different problem than my bug. On mine, it's not a matter of changes not showing, it's a matter of the game not running correctly - logic doesn't behave right, layer parallax is messed up, the screen is flipped - stuff like that.

    Is your problem happening during preview or after export? If it's the latter, it might be because of the appcache, which you can delete or use the browser object to check if a new version is downloading and then reload when it's finished. If it's the former, on rare occasions I've had the preview not reflect the changes too, but previewing a second time has always fixed it for me.