ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • It's totally worth it though :). My first game paid for my mac mini, ipod touch and dev account and then some :).

    Just gotta put in the work of figuring it all out, but it is worth it.

  • Well that's a bummer, both games I was looking at submitting run in landscape only. Hopefully there is a solution soon.

    Ashley, do you know of anyway to add a screen orientation to he tizen exporter?

  • Try just disabling the physics objects and see if that clears it up the laggyness.

    Are you wrapping it with CocoonJS, or just running from a browser on your phone?

  • distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) Calculate distance between to points

    It's pretty self explanatory. Say you have a player and an enemy

    distance(player.x, player.y, enemy.x, enemy.y) will return the distance from those 2 objects.

    So if you want the enemy to shoot when the player is closer than 200 pixels:

    If distance(player.x, player.y, enemy.x, enemy.y) < 200

       - Trigger enemy shooting event/function/group

  • Try the distance expression for starters.

    It's here in the manual.

  • Nice work, always more than one way to get the job done :).

  • Well I did get it working in a web simulator. However my game runs in landscape and changes the config.xml from auto-rotate to landscape doesn't seem to make a difference. Is there another place to mark that the app is landscape only?

  • Just create a global for levelsCleared and CompleteCheck, then all you need to do is edit the global variable if you add levels.

  • Well, you know how many levels there are right? Say there are 20. So when the variable = 20 you know all levels are complete.

    My approach is a bit long winded :). There is a lot of flexibility with arrays that is why I use them. Like I said, might be more complex than you need :).

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  • I do something very similar with my apps for levels. I use the string of levelCleared for my webstorage. I create and pick apart that string with arrays.

    In other words, I have an array called arCleared, I populate that array with the values from the LevelCleared String.

    For Each X of arCleared

    ------Set Value at arCleared.curX to tokenat(LevelCleared, arCleared.CurX, ",")

    Now you have an array populated with your levelcleared data.

    For each X of arCleared

         If = 1 then add 1 to a variable

    Then just compare that variable to the number you want for all levels to be complete.

    Might be a simpler way, but I like the versatility of arrays and having all my level info stored in one :).

  • Sure, or just create an invisible sprite that it collides with to destroy it.

  • Cocoon is by far the easiest. You just use their cloud compiler.

    In order to publish to iOS you will need 1. A Mac running the latest XCode. 2. A developers Account from Apple ($99 a year). 3. An iOS device for testing.

  • Just make that one piece of lava have the bullet behavior, but not active on start. Put it on the layer below the lava it's going behind. Then when you are ready, activate the bullet and watch it go down and away. Then just have it destroy outside of layout so it's not lingering.

  • Yeah, I have tizen sdk installed. I'll run through the steps again. Thanks, glad to know it works.

  • Yeah, my game is completely done and already on iOS, Droid and Windows 8. I just want to submit it to Tizen. Would be great to get some clarification on how to make this work. I mean having a Tizen export is pretty useless if we can't actually get our projects onto the Tizen store :).