ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I'm pretty sure you need to have a device to test on. Apple won't let you archive/submit and app otherwise.

    If I have the simulator selected, my archive option is not available. Only when I have my device selected can I archive. See image

    <img src="" border="0">

    Here is a good guide on what all you need to develop and submit ios apps.

  • Depends how your objects are setup.

    One way would be to create 1 sprite with each object being a different animation frame.

    Then you can spawn it using random like

    Create Object

    Set Animation Frame to int(random(20))

    Or, you can put the objects into a family and by spawning/creating the family, C2 will automatically spawn a random object from that family.

  • search the forums for Pode's iframe plugin. You can load webpages that way.

  • Well the way I designed the app is with Arrays. So the grid of letters is stored in a variable like "A,D,C,D,F,X,G,S" etc. Then it's dumped into an array using the tokenat expression to split it up. Same goes for the Words and the Keys.

    My vb app just generates those strings after my grid is built. Hopefully that makes sense. A lot of times when working on projects it helpful to build a Level Editor, or something like this that just helps. I didn't do it with my first word search game and it took much longer to build the levels :). Now I can easily make more levels to offer and sell :).

  • Haven't tackled it yet. I'll attempt it with CocoonJS. If I can't get it to work I'll release with a (More Coming Soon) button until I can get it figured out and then update the game when it's ready.

  • With the success of my first Word Search For Kids game, I'm releasing a sequel about a year and a half later.

    The sequel looks much cleaner as I hired a graphics artist to handle the job. Mark Quire, found him in the For Hire forum. Awesome guy.

    This will be my first attempt at doing inApp purchases as well. For version 1, I used phonegap to compile for droid and ios. I might go with CocoonJS this time around, we'll see. Still in beta, so some graphics may change.

    My release date is set for Sept 30th. I may also do a Spanish version as well this time around :).

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    To make it easier to expand with more levels, I created an app in to help in generating the puzzles.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • You might want to check out the Platform tutorial. It teaches you how to do this.

  • This probably isn't possible, but a rewind feature would be amazing :). Just throwing out wishes here ;).

  • Yeah, the built in templates should really help you out.

    Basically you are adding the bullet behavior to the background and making it move.

  • I've created a Beginner Game Development with Construct 2 course on Udemy. I wanted to post it here as I didn't want to just post a link to it as a tutorial.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Not sure if this is the best way, but it works.

    I created a spawn sprite called Spawn and a check sprite called Check.

    The check sprite is 100,100 to give your distance. Naturally you would hide the check sprite, and in game I would even delete them all after you are done.

    You can probably also do this without the check sprite, but using Is Overlapping at offset.

  • Tom is this active? I remember an email from you a while back where you stated the affiliate program was shut down.

  • Yeah, I was going to ask that. If bounce off solids is set to no, do objects with the bullet behavior still do checks?

  • Haha, thanks Ashley :).

  • Thanks Kyatric

    The debugger has already saved me a ton of time when trying to find a bug in my current project. I didn't think it was a big deal that it was missing, but now, not so much :).