ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, I got a ton of errors as well.

    I was under the assumption that C2 to Tizen was a piece of cake. Guess not :).

  • I got a few games done I would love to get up for the competition too.

    I might start trying tonight, but so far it looks like there has been little luck getting c2 games working with tizen.

    My first game is pretty simple, so here is hoping.

  • Yup, that's my game :).

    This is the code I used.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Do you want it like this?

    Start the game and let the first bomb go, all the bombs on the screen blow up, one after the other.

  • It's been released on Google Play, Amazon and Windows 8. Waiting for Apple approval now.

    All paid versions now. Trying to find a good Full Screen ad company that works with CocoonJS.

  • Create a global variable CONTROLTYPE

    Set it based on what the user wants to use then

    Compare Variable CONTROLTYPE = "Gamepad"

    • Game pad code here as sub events


    • Every tick >> Sprite >> set angle to mouse.x Mouse.y

    Or something like that.

  • We need a bit more to go on to help. Maybe post up your CAPX file or something?

  • A few factors go into this.

    1. What device will the ads be show on (mobile or web?)

    2. What ad service are you using?

    More questions follow after those are answered.

  • You mean you want 3 hearts, or you want the heart to have 3 different animations to represent health?

  • You mean different than the search that is already in C2?

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • CurrentHP and MaxHP are both Instance Variables of an object called enemy. Does that help?

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

    Game is finished. Working on building some buzz with parenting blogs and such. Planning a simultaneous release on iOS, Android, Windows 8, Blackberry and Amazon.

    I'm going to end up building it with CocoonJS, and then begin to work on iAP purchases for each platform as cocoonJS gets them working.

  • Don't follow my advice blindly, do some research. I had the funds to just buy an ipod touch. At that point I was beyond the point of frustration of trying to "go minimal" with what I needed for developing an iOS game. It's a long story, but in the end it was much easier to just buy a mac mini, and an ipod touch and move on :).

  • Well here is the catch to that. The device will need to linked to your account that you use to develop with. My first thought was, well I can just use my Wife's iPhone. Nope, it was already attached to her apple account. I finally just bought and ipod touch off ebay for 100 bucks.