ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Does this help?

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  • The cocoonJS object has events and actions for a virtual keyboard.

  • I'm pretty sure they are not supported via Cocoon.

  • Is it that way when you preview/run the game?

  • ludei

    Ok, for about a week I have been trying and trying to get Fullscreen ads working in one of my apps. I've tried both AdColony and InMobi. Adcolony seems to work until you go live (remove test ads) and InMobi I can't get to display anything.

    Both confirm communication with their SDK when I test the game. Just no ads show.

    Can anyone confirm that Show Fullscreen Ad actually works with the CocoonJS plugin for Construct 2?

    I'm preloading the ad on my title screen. Then my level select screen, on startup is using Show Fullscreen Ad.


  • IF you just want HTML5, I guess go for it.

    For me, I like making the game once and then making minor tweaks in C2 to make the most money I can from it. That means exporting to HTML5, Amazon, Android, Windows 8, Windows 8 Phone, iOS, Blackberry 10, Tizen, Kongregate, etc. All with very minor changes to my games I can use all the features that makes the game fit with each system. Some games I make more on iOS and some do better on Droid. Anyway I do it, they make some money on each platform so why not? :)

    I just finished my 5th game with Construct 2. All of my games are available on all the systems listed. Sure some you need to pay for dev licenses or whatever, but it pays for itself pretty quickly.

  • Use the Trigger Only Once event with the event.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Check out Families.

    It's not part of the free version though. FYI

  • Well, I thought I had everything setup and working with AdColony, but I could never get real ads to show, only test ones. It was also pretty hit or miss.

    It would be great if anyone could chime in with their full screen add experience with CocoonJS and what provider they went with.

  • The have a very small team that is dedicated to making C2 the best it can be. I'm sure they just don't have the time to make Tutorial videos.

    They do an amazing job making example projects of all kinds of game types. Maybe someone could walk through making a video tutorial of each of those example projects.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I had this exact problem just yesterday with Landscape. My problem was both the bad graphics and my game wasn't centering on the screen.

    Here is what I did.

    Open up the Index.html in Visual Studio

    In the Style tag area, just before the </style> add


    width: device-width;


  • Yeah, I get antivirus warnings when trying to download. Sorry.

  • Actually, I think I may have figured it out. I'll post up if I did, and if you don't have an answer already :).

  • thehen

    I sent you a PM already, but thought your answer might be useful to others. Do you have any experience getting Microsoft Advertising to work in Windows Phone 8? I have no problems with my Windows 8 apps using the advertising sdk, but windows phone 8 seems to be a much different animal, and I can't find anything online.


  • A few ways off the top of my head. 1. Use the distance expression 2. Create a sprite, like a circle, that goes around the object. Make it invisible and check for collision with it. Collisions still work on invisible objects.