ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • If it's mobile web you might try Leadbolt. Their ads are pretty easy to implement using Pode's iframe plugin.

  • Do you have a CAPX you can share? Would be easier to help find out what's wrong.

  • Construct 2 will have OUYA support when CocoonJS has OUYA support.

  • Put your every tick-add dt to timer event in a group. Deactivate that group on level end.

  • You could just use sprites that pop in (create it), pause the game, then when they are touched then destroy and the game continues.

    Or create the continue button when you create the info sprites.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • It's been said one is coming soon though, so just need to be patient :).

  • I don't typically use free sounds. I usually purchase them from

  • Iris,

    Are you just testing using the preview? In order for the leadbolt mobile ad to work, it has to detect the user is on a mobile device. Export your game as html5, upload it to a server (like dropbox) and visit the url on your phone browser, the ad should then work.

  • It's pretty easy actually. You log into your itunesConnect account, click on manage apps. Then choose Manage Game Center.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Go through all the process of setting up your leaderboard and remember the leaderboard ID.

    Then in Construct 2, add the cocoonJS object. On the start of layout request login to game center.

    Then using the cocoonJS object choose when to submit a score or access the leaderboard based on the ID you created when setting it up.

    Sorry for the quick tutorial, I'll try to do an actual video tutorial of this soon.

  • Yeah, also the loading logo. It would be cool to be able to just set that in preferences or something, so I don't have to remember to copy it over after every export :).

  • I actually have a Lumia 920 as my phone and test device and it worked fine either way.

    First build I sent in was the code I posted above. When it failed cert because of the back button, I resubmitted using theHen's plugin/project files and it still worked fine.

  • Create a sprite for a button then when you click/touch it add an action.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Ok I got them working, but there is a problem and I'm not sure if it C2 or CJS.

    My game is compiled with the online compiler. I'm loading my debug apk onto my device and using eclipse to debug.

    I have Show FullScreen Ads on my start of layout. First time I go to the layout it fires, I see mopub doing it's thing in the debugger. However, every time I leave the layout and come back to it, it never fires again. Is the Show FullScreen Ads action on suppose to fire once per game session?


  • Well you just have two variables. One for the current high score and one for your score. Then check if the score is higher than the high score, if so. NEW HIGH SCORE!