ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Loving the new debugger. I'm curious if there is a way to see all the current values of global variables with the debugger? I feel like I am just missing that section somewhere.



  • Try Construct 3

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  • Define successful.

    My word search for kids game brings in 3-500 a months in sales via iOS. I consider that successful.

  • Have you looked into using the EaseTween Behavior? It's a third party plugin, just search the forums for EaseTween

  • Possible the origin point isn't centered, so when it's mirrored it's off a bit?

  • Maybe this will help? It's a tutorial I did a while back on creating a multiplier over time.

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  • Yeah, most likely. Now you can change the Logo.png. That is the picture you see when the game is loading.

  • Pick up spriter as well, while it's cheap :). Even if you are not planning on doing animations right away, it will be worth it.

  • Not sure what you are asking. Do you need to get an icon made for your game? if so, check

    If you are asking how to set the icon for your game, it's done when you create the app on the app store developer console. You upload screen shots, icons, etc.

  • Figured it out, on the non working ones the Parallax was set to 0,0

    I wonder if the version of C2 I was using when I first started this project defaulted the parallax to 0,0 and now it defaults to 100,100


  • Thanks, what happens is it doesn't scroll to the point I am asking it to, in this case the center of the screen. The window just focuses on the upper left as if there is no scrollTo events.

    I've had weird stuff happen too and the only fix was the basically start from a fresh project. Might have to do that :).

  • I would post up my CAPX, but I just can't as it's a completed game.

    Here is my issue. I have a Layout that is 1100,800 and window size is 960x640. On start of layout I am setting scrollto x to 550, and scrollto y to 400 so the window is centered on my layout.

    I cannot get it to work. I have checked and doubled checked every object to make sure they don't have a scrollTo behavior. I even opened up a compiled c2runtime.js file in notepad++ to make sure nothing had a scrollto behavior.

    This is an existing game that I just recently changed the layout and windows sizes on it. I tried the above on all 4 of the existing layouts (each with their own event sheet) and it just won't center.

    However, if I created a new layout in the project with a new event sheet it works fine.

    Could I be overlooking something on my existing layouts? I do this pretty much in all of my new projects (to allow for various screen sizes) and I have never had a problem until now, so I have to just be missing something.


  • NO, I never did. Once Construct 2 had export to BB10, I wasn't sure if this GUI was even needed anymore. If it is, then I will go ahead and add it.

  • I don't know the answer to that. At the time I wrote this GUI, there was no ad network for BB10 that I knew of. Do you know of any?

  • Check the EaseTween behavior. It's not part of Construct 2, it's a user made behavior. Just search the forums for it.

  • No, shouldn't need to do that. It's happening when you preview too, right?

    Check your Chrome extensions and disable them and see if it fixes the problem. If so, then start adding them back in one at a time until you find the one that is the problem.