ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Is it only happening in Chrome, or in all browsers?

    I had a similar issue in Chrome, and it happened on all of my PCs. I finally removed all of my 3rd party extensions in chrome and it went away.

  • Remember, Random returns a FLOAT value, so Random(100) could be 1, 1.323423, 1.233, 3, 99.39324324, etc.

    I just tested with a Text object, and button. On button click set text to int(random(100)) and it get a random first number every refresh.

  • Would really need to see your code, or a demo of it happening.

  • There is a behavior you can add to sprites called drag and drop. When you click and hold (or touch and hold) a sprite you can drag it around as fast as you want. Not sure if that will help you.

  • Did you try the drag and drop behavior instead?

  • California

    I guess it does have similarities to Plants vs Zombies at first glance, in game the resemblance to PvZ is pretty minimal.

    Thanks for looking out though. We'll make sure we made changes if needed.

  • It is paid, of course.


    Opera Store

  • FILLED-. Thanks

  • That's not uncommon. One of my apps on ipad has 300 impressions today and 0 clicks. Same app on iphone has 330 with 4 clicks.

  • Did you click to include the playstore in the Cocoon compiler?

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I don't see any white lines when I run your capx. I just see the line where the backgrounds meet up, since it's not a seamless background.

    You can try making your layout width a bit larger, and creating the next background a bit out of the window frame.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yup, been seeing this all day. By the time I finish writing a reply, my session has expired.

  • I used Airpush early on in one of my games. Compiled with phonegap, through eclipse. I quickly removed it though, the amount of spamware it installed on the users device made me uncomfortable. Maybe they have gotten better, but when I couldn't stand to have my own game installed on my device, that's a problem :).

    Anyway, there is the Construct 2 SDK, from what I understand, a plugin could be made to support any of the companies with their own sdk.

  • There was a forum post about this not too long ago. If I remember where, I will post it.

    If your grid area is going to be that small, I would be lazy and just make invisible sprites, and when you click on it, have it spawn the block :). Invisible sprites still register collisions, like touches and clicks.

    My math isn't great either, I'll see if I can find that post.