andreyin's Forum Posts

  • Oh, that's awesome! Would you plesae re-upload? It got taken down/deleted..

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I had the same problem and R0J0hound helped me fixing it, here:

  • Have you tried using the 8-way behavior on your player object?

    The programming should be

    IF player collides with object (tree) : player -> stop

  • I have no idea if the problem is only in this computer. I'm not providing a .capx because this happens with any project.

    Steps to recreate:

    1. create a new sprite object;

    2. close animation window;

    3. click "edit" on the animation, under the properties bar.

    Then C2 goes white and Windows 7 says C2 crashed.

    I'm using C2 r99 x64 on Windows 7. All my drivers are up to date.

    Also, this happens whether you have something drawn on the sprite or not.

    EDIT: Forgot to say, this does NOT happen if I double click the sprite, or right-click and select "edit animation". It only happens when you go to the properties tab and click on "edit".

  • I have a Motorola Defy and I simply love it. I use custom ROMs though, I'm using the latest CM10 right now (Android 4.1.1 jellybean). Works great.

  • I'm using 4 layers at the moment. "hud and effects", main, bg1 and bg2. I want to keep it like that, I don't see why someone would need more than 4 layers.

  • When I used Construct Classic, I did rain by using 2 particle objects.

    One is the rain itself, and the other was the rain splashing.

    I think this would be too much for C2 though, would probably slow the game down.


  • I don't have the full version of GraphicsGale (which I use to create sprites), so it won't export to .gif, but I don't feel any difference at all from exporting to multiple .png images and importing them to C2.

    I'd like to know though, when C2 imports .gif files, do the animation speed in there have the same speed as in the gif?

  • What do you mean, updating can affect FPS?

  • Yeah, it's a little early to be doing commercial/important games on HTML5, in my opinion. But I'm hoping that by 2013 things will be a lot better.

  • You're using safari? Instead, use CocoonJS to make your app a native iOS/Android app.

    There are a few tutorials on the site on how to do it.

  • That happens frequently in here, too. If my computer goes into sleep mode, whenever I wake it and maximize C2 again, it's all laggy and with black bars.

    Now I just refrain from doing so.

    Maybe you should use Snes9X?

  • I don't understand much about programming, but wouldn't this be too CPU intensive, for games?

  • Instead of adding to a variable, try subtracting from it.

    Let's say you have a var "jumps_allowed" and set it to a initial value of 1.


    If keyboard W was pressed

    and player.platform movement "is jumping"

    and player.jumps_allowed > 0


    Subtract 1 from player.jumps_allowed

    Do the double jump


    I think this way is better so you can have as many jumps as you want, since you can just add the max value whenever you want.

    Also don't forget to reset the variable to it's initial value when player is on the ground.

  • I have a question also;

    Can I see an objects UID and IID directly from the Construct 2 window? The only way I can do this right now is if I create a text object, put it above my character, play, and stay in front of the object I want to get the UID from..