Some test results in CocoonJS launcher demos.
Sony Ericcson Live!
(320x480, 1GHz MSM8255, Aderno 205, 512RAM, 2.3.4)
Multitouch: 4 fingers
Sprite test (Asteroid) 60FPS: 430 objects
Alcatel OT-995
(4808x800, 1GHz MSM8255, Aderno 205, 512RAM, 2.3.6)
Multitouch: 2 fingers
Sprite test (Asteroid) 60FPS: 650 objects
The multitouch is not a surprise, but the objects in the sprite test. The Live is equal to OT995, but have a smaller screen and a slower CPU.
Before the test I trought, that the smaller screen could make a lot less graphic processing, cause the Live have 60% less pixels. It was a big surpris that the speed of CocoonJS is not really depend on the screen size, but mostly on the CPU speed.
Do you have similar experiance?