FireLight's Forum Posts

  • Just wondering, how did you get all of those reviews?

    Did you submit your game or link to websites or did they just naturally review the game after release?

  • What is the best way to use a boolean (true/false) parameter?

    Should i use the "AddComboParamOption" and then allow the user to pick between true or false or is there a better way? Also is there already any plugins that use a true/false switch that i could check out? thanks

  • I am still new to making games/apps and was wondering what you guys use for your project sizes when you start creating a project.

    !) Do you build for mobile phones only or for tablets also? If you build for a single device either Android mobile or Android tablet what dimensions are best to use for the project?

    2) Do you use different dimensions if you are building for iphone and ipad?

    3) If you were to make a html5 game rather than for a phone etc what is the best general size to work with?

    I was thinking of making apps rather than games but designing for the smaller phone size or the larger tablet size is something i have been wondering about since i would probably use images for buttons etc. If anyone can help me on the right path before i start a project that would be great thanks.

  • Thanks that is really great news :D

  • Most javascript libraries (e.g. jQuery) assume they are being used in a browser. Construct 2's edittime script is a pure V8 context with no browser, which means very very few Javascript libraries will work in it. Which library are you considering?

    Thanks for your reply, I will be making my own library based around the current features doing various tasks i might need to use on the edittime.js side.

    I was also planning on using some external things such as encryption etc so it just decrypts the strings on the runtime side. There would probably be other things i would do if this feature was available though, i mentioned a few other reasons why i think this would be a great option above before i read your post also.

  • FireLight

    1) If you only want to include the code in edittime.js and not in runtime.js, why can you not simply code it directly into edittime.js itself?

    2) What exactly are you wanting to include in your edittime.js?

    3) Why do you call them "common functions"? What are they common to? (common.js is necessarily common to both edittime.js and runtime.js - that's what 'common' means, but what does it mean for you?)

    1) Because i want it organized and like to use multiple scripts, it makes things much easier to organize and update projects that way.

    Also as i said the common.js already offers this and it would otherwise be perfect for my needs however it has the problem i posted above in that it adds all the extra code to the exported project. Why would one want to use common.js and add to the exported projects file size when that shouldn't be needed on the edittime side though?

    2) Various things depending on the plugins, everything from simple value limiting and variable storage to graphical things like drawing GUI controls.

    Sure i could pack a load of code into a single file but then as the complexity grows the project gets messy, no doubt that is why scirra's own framework is split into multiple parts rather than in one huge js file. Basically i like organized projects where i can quickly find things, if you could set ../ on the path you could also use it across multiple plugins.

    3) I was not referring to the common.js script, by that i mean commonly used functions (a library of functions basically).

    The bottom line here is however i read a post where the developers of this program asked what features plugin developers wanted to help make this the best game development tool, i need this feature so i though requesting it would be a good idea. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • I was just wondering if you plan on releasing offline build options like Phonegap has so people could download the source from github etc and manually build projects rather doing it through the cloud?

    This would be great to have available and if it happens i definitely think i will replace all my current Phonegap built projects with CocoonJS in the future as it seems great. :)

  • 4) I have also been wondering, rather than on the runtime.js side can you instead get the users currently selected ept_combo item in the edittime.js?

    I tried using["MyCombo"][0] but that does not seem to work. So if this is not currently possible i would like to request this as a option also, thanks again.

  • Is there a way to include a javascript(s) in the edittime.js without it getting used for the runtime.js also and then built into the exported project like the common.js does.

    I did try the regular JS ways to include other files but i get errors which i think must be because it is using V8 for edittime. Basically i would like to have some common functions in a separate javascript but use it only with the edittime rather than getting it included.

    Maybe there is a way to do this or change the common.js settings to only include with either the edittime or runtime?

    If this is not possible i would like to request this as it would be very useful to me, many thanks.

  • It would be nice to have Construct Classics right click menus to align, distribute and hide/lock objects and size. I noticed that with the Z Order menu it also misses Classics Bring Forward and Send Backward which would be really great to have available also.

    Another useful thing that seems to not be there yet from Classic is the List objects mode from the Insert new object dialog which i found made it faster for me to find objects that i needed when it sized the icons down.

    This editor keeps getting better and better but i always miss these things when i use C2 so hopefully they will get added again, thanks <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi, i have few plugin dev requests that i think would be useful.

    1) In the Plugin settings we can add a single "help url" which in the Properties shows as "More information : Help", it would be great if we could customize that text however and maybe have more than one website link.

    So you could for example have something like:

    "help url":     "" | "Plugin Info: Visit",

    "help url":     "" | "Plugin Manual : View Manual",

    2) It would be useful to be able to set a refresh() in the edittime.js to redraw all of the property list controls. I was thinking this would be available already but it seems to be missing in the reference.

    3) It seems when you add or remove Properties you need to close the editor, so I was thinking it would be great if there was a way to right click the plugin in the Objects tab etc and select re-load then it would re-load and update the plugin with the new controls/contents.

    Hope everyone likes these suggestions :D

  • Stencyl seems like a great program in my opinion. They have the right idea about supporting flash and multiple platforms also.

    Flash right now is more powerfull then html5. But the focus is on HTML5 tech (plugin-less in general). The big boss companies are betting everything on it, brilliant devs are makes brilliant things on it, there's tons of engines and frameworks for it etc etc.

    As you say Flash is a lot faster, if HTML5 uses WebGL for the GPU boost and it's running in a decent browser for some things it's a bit faster than well coded flash, however if you then enhance flash also with Stage3D, Alchemy etc then flash totally destroys HTML5 in terms of power and speed.

    Being a general coder using a range of programming languages i recently decided to go back to code with AS3 instead of using C2 for the moment. Don't get me wrong here i mean C2 is great in my opinion and why i purchased it but i don't think HTML5 is as good as flash yet so i am basically just waiting and focusing on other things for now. HTML5 is also constantly chagning at the moment, i made a few plugins for C2 a while back but had to make adjustments with new releases and then got hold up by needing updates to the SDK, months later they are still not added probably due to the developers having a load of other things to add first so that is also another reason why i have decided to change focus but then return to C2 at a later date.

    Adobe have already announced they are dumping Flash in favour of HTML5 for mobile devices. Not sure what plans are for continuing for PC or MAC. With severe stability issues surrounding Flash lately... Adobe will need to do do something before HTML5 not only catches up, but far surpasses Flash.

    No that is not correct, firstly they have not dumped it and will continue to release bug fix updates, after they released V11.1 they now are instead focusing on Adobe AIR and HTML5 for mobile devices because they are better suited for them. I am guessing they don't want to focus on flash because it would be a load of work having to make updates everytime a new phone/tablet was released which had a different configuration just so flash would work on it, with Adobe AIR and HTML5 they would not have to worry about that however.

    Adobe now owns the Phonegap service and makes other tools like Edge so with HTML5 they probably want to stay current and also to try and start making money with these also. That does not mean they plan to stop all support for flash though but multi platform is a good way to make money and also if Flash ever did end many (hopefully many, many) years from now they would then still be able to keep going with their web based software.

    For PC flash however support is still very strong and they are apparently now working on Flash Player 12, with V11 it just got Stage3D which is much better than WebGL in my opinion also and faster.

    So while many pro HTML5 supporters like to point out about the mobile thing, what some of them say is often not right correct and a very powerful version of flash is still avilable for many mobile devices and for the PC platform flash is definately not going anywhere for a long time. Plus there is so many flash games online already and it's not like as soon as HTML5 was released people stopped playing them, if games are good then people will keep playing them and that is also true for other languages like Java with Minecraft etc.

  • It seems right after i posted here thinking my post would be visible and get feedback it's right at the bottom of the list all of a sudden (and some of those seem to be off topic btw). :(

  • I posted these a while back in the general forum but the post was quickly lost so i will post here as it's a much better place for the request.

    I suggest the following new ept_types for the plugins GUI/Properties as i think these would help make the visual part much more organized, hopefully other developers here will like these suggestions also.

    1) Paired/grouped values like you already have with the Common properties for Position and Size. It would be nice to have these available to use for regular plugin and behavior properties also. I have made a few plugins where i have many sets of X/Y values and each needs it's own item making the vertical size much longer than it needs to be so for me this would be very helpful.

    2) A separator line. Each item is already separated by a thin line so maybe it could just make that line chosen color and also slightly thicker, maybe with a optional title text. This would be helpful if a plugin or behavior was slightly more advanced and you wanted to organize the properties into a few groups/sets.

  • I had single problem with the new test in that the exe would not close correctly and remained in the task manager, so i had to force close it. For the GUI however everything seemed to work well.