Image offset in r100?

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  • With the introduction of WebGL shaders in r100, will we be seeing the return of the "Image Offset" feature Tiled BGs had in Construct Classic as well? It was ideal for tilesets, infinitely scrolling backgrounds, etc.

    Better yet, could this be implemented as a shader that could work on not just Tiled BGs, but other objects as well?

  • Oh that would be fantastic for TiledBG.

  • There a workaround you can set infinitely scrolling background without offset in C2

  • Yup, you just reposition the object everytime it hits the texture border.

  • True but that's a bit tacky and harder to pull off for something like "scrolling" fog on the topmost layer. I'm more interested in using it for tilesets, anyway. Individual frames is not the answer.

  • Are you sure you want this done by a shader? Since it requires WebGL, at first it will only work in Firefox and Chrome on desktop, and you'll need to figure out something else for Canvas 2D anyway.

  • Well I was told Image Offset wouldn't even be possible until shaders are added, and figured it'd be easier to implement as a shader than build in to the Tiled BG itself.

    As far as it only working on Chrome and FF...well, ya don't really want people playing your game on other browsers anyway ^^; Plus there's the .exe exporter (and Mac/Linux possibly) which I'll probably use exclusively for various reasons.

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  • Well I was told Image Offset wouldn't even be possible until shaders are added, and figured it'd be easier to implement as a shader than build in to the Tiled BG itself.

    As far as it only working on Chrome and FF...well, ya don't really want people playing your game on other browsers anyway ^^; Plus there's the .exe exporter (and Mac/Linux possibly) which I'll probably use exclusively for various reasons.

    I'm most likely going to use the exe exporter exclusively as well

  • A custom shader could be written to achieve this effect if I understand it properly. When you say tilesets, what exactly do you mean?

    I will be working a lot on custom shaders. If it is something I can pull off, I will give it a whirl.

  • I had the same problem and R0J0hound helped me fixing it, here:

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