andreyin's Forum Posts

  • What about the difficult? Are you going to put in an easy mode for noobs like me?

    Seriously I can't beat the first version, and believe me, I tried!

    Great project, loved it.

    edit : couldn't get past the 4th screen on this version hahaha

    Well, there were only 3 things that kinda annoyed me :

    1. The noise he does when he touches the ground.. I don't know if it's just too loud or what, it just doesn't feel right.

    2. There was a screen where while I was trying to kill the aliens in front of me, suddenly an alien came from out of the screen, from behind me, and killed me.. I don't know if this was supposed to happen, but I don't remember it happening in the previous version..

    3. If I die, I return to the beggining of the game.. guess that's because I didn't got far enough to reach a safe area, right?

    Anyway, great game for the hardcore people

  • The 3D videos are great! I was wondering if any of you could render just the that C, with "Construct" written on its side (or maybe under it), with a clean/black background so I can use at the beggining of my game and promote Construct?

    An awesome video like that is just too much for the games I'm doing haha


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • This is great ! Thanks !!

  • Goldwave and Audacity are my favorites.

  • Are you playing in a channel? Try setting the position back to 0 before you play the channel again. It's probably playing, but since it's at the end it's basically playing nothing.

    Alternatively you could Autoplay the file or resource, then it automatically starts the sound over from the beginning on a random unused channel.

    I was using autoplay, and it DID work, but suddenly, one day, it stopped.. not sure why ):

    Here's the cap file : ... ects=0&d=1

  • Sorry if this has been asked before..

    Is there any way you could put the DX9 .dll files in the game install option, so it wouldn't ask for DX9 when running the game?

    I've seen people making games and including DX9 .dll files in them.. would that be possible? What if I just put some DX9 .dll files toghether with the game when .zipping it?

    If so, which files should I add?

  • I'm having a lot of trouble with XAudio2, myself.. in my game there's an occasional thunder, and I want it to make a sound, but I'm not sure how to do it.. I tried applying the "run just once" event to when the screen flashes, but if I do that, only the first thunder makes a sound.. the next ones don't.

    What am I doing wrong? ):

  • Scirra's Construct is the first website to show here on Google Brasil.

    But hey, when Construct 2 comes out I'm pretty sure it'll be the first result everywhere else!

  • Hello, this is my first post.

    Sorry if the question is resolved, I used the search but found no solutions.

    When I use XAudio2 I have a problem with FPS.

    The first thing I load the wav to resources. Then, after the conditions put to action: XAudio2: Autoplay resource "sound.wav" (No Loop). (Sound is played every 150 ms)

    When I start the game after some time FPS drops.

    Please help.

    PS: Sorry for my English, translated online.

    I think that since you made the sound play every 150ms automatically, it plays on different channels everytime, and after sometime there are so much open channels that your game lags?

    I could be wrong, I have no idea how the XAudio2 REALLY works.. just guessing.

    I'm still struggling with the XAudio2 too heh, but I think that might be it.

  • > This just happened to my friend, heres a print :


    > <img src="">


    > the .exe works fine here, but not on my friends PC..


    > her system is Vista home basic, 32bits.


    > Also using the last build of Construct, 0.99.62


    Latest build is 0.99.72 (it's an unstable build, but it's no less stable than 62) Can be found on the forum in announcements, don't know if it'll fix the problem though.

    I updated, but it still gives the same error.. I wonder what can it be? I thought it was OS related, but the OP here said it was XP-64bit.. my friends is Vista 32bit so I really am not sure.

    My only guess is that's something video-card related.. my friend video-card sucks.

    The main 2 problems that my friends are having, are the lack of DX9 and that weird crash (the crash only happened to 1 frien tho).. not that I'm complaining, I'll take ages to get anything done in my game anyway

  • This just happened to my friend, heres a print :

    <img src="">

    the .exe works fine here, but not on my friends PC..

    her system is Vista home basic, 32bits.

    Also using the last build of Construct, 0.99.62

  • The only thing that really annoys me on the animation editor is that I can't pick the transparent color.. I have to use the eraser. It would be a time saver if I could ctrl + click the transparency and paint as it was a color..

  • For fading the object out smoothly, you could use lerp, that way'd you'll only need two events:

    random(x) -> Set LayerOpacity to 100
    If LayerOpacity > 0 -> Set LayerOpacity to lerp(LayerOpacity,0,1-0.0001^TimeDelta)[/code:35yon0z6]
    The smaller you make the 0.0001 part the faster the fadeout will be. One another way to speed up the fadeout would be to do this:
    [code:35yon0z6]Set LayerOpacity to lerp(LayerOpacity,-100,1-0.0001^TimeDelta)[/code:35yon0z6]
    By changing the target opacity from 0 to -100 in the lerp you'll speed up the time required to hit 0.

    I get it.. this is much better than the way I was using, thanks !

    Just one question, in the part where you said "random(x)", let's say I use "random(10)", does this means that the layer opacity will go to 100 when the random number reaches 9? I don't understand much of the "random" function

    Or should I create an event to generate a random number each 1000ms, and then use "if numer = 9 -> set layer opacity to 100" ?

    Thanks again, that was really helpful, the way I was doing it was kinda buggy.

  • If you want to fill the screen with white just add a layer with a non-transparent (white) background on top of everything, and adjust its opacity in events. To process a shader on the full screen, create a window-sized Canvas, enable 'grab layout before drawing', and add a shader to the canvas object.

    By default Construct uses linear sampling, which is a way of smoothly rotating and stretching sprites, but its well known side effect is pixelly sprites at floating-point positions look slightly blurred. To restore pixelly movement, rotation and stretching, set sampling to Point in application properties.

    Thanks for the fast response! Going to try that right now.

  • I was looking all over the place for something like this, and was about to install 100MB worth of programs when I suddenly stumble across this!! ... ects=0&d=1

    (uploaded to my google sites, but just to make it clear again, I did not make this program.)

    It generates simple sound effects. Hope this helps someone as it helped me. This is perfect for pixel-art games.

    Made by DrPetter, wherever you are now, thanks!