andreyin's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, I managed to do it!

    Didn't understand why the *dt though, does it make the turning smoother?

  • Awesome! I started using yesterday while searching music for my game, too.. I had not thought of searching for chiptune music there, tho.


  • Is it possible to create particle-like objects using the bullet behavior?

    There's a "gravity" option on it, but I'm not sure how to use it or even if it does what I think it does..

    What I'm trying to do is create an object that, after created, changes its angle from 0 (up) to 90 (down) gradually.


  • Can't you just make so whenever an audio is playing, it changes a variable to the tag name (or to anything)?

    Then you can check the variable to see which audio is playing?

  • What you can do is compare the X position of your character to X of the window (viewport) / 2.

    With this logic, if the X position of your character is greater or equal half of the X viewport, he'll be on the right, so set the camera to follow. If his X position is lower than half of the X of the viewport, he'll be on the left, so set the camera to stop following.

    Good luck!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Since the demo isn't being sold and is being distributed freely, I don't see why not..

  • I'm going to try it with Dropbox now, you said I'd have to put every file in the same folder, do you mean that literally or do I still have to create a sub-folder "images" for the sprites?

    edit- nevermind, I created the sub-folder "images" and it worked. I feel so dumb, I've had dropbox since 2009 and I never knew that to make the files public I had to put them in the "public" folder, I always searched for that "Copy public link" option and never found it.. <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • Sorry to bump this old thread, but I have the same question.. for some reason dropbox didn't work for me, so I was wondering if are there any other free servers just so I can try my game and show some friends?

    If not, maybe a cheap server?


    edit: also, I'm a real noob when talking about servers and stuff, what do I have to look in a host to be able to host Construct 2's games? HTML5? Java? PHP?

  • I highly recommend Graphics Gale, started using it yesterday and after some tweaking with the hotkeys (creating my own) I began to love it.

  • I actually used Construct's image editor to draw pixel art, and before that the Multimedia Fusion image editor.. I got to used to them because they're so easy to use, and I can draw anything quickly just to see what it looks like in-game then refine it later.

    I should try Graphics Gale, I remember trying it years ago and not liking it, but who knows?

  • Amazing!

  • It's showing now, thanks Tom!

  • > What do you mean, "run out"?

    I think he's referring to the 'Early Adopter' price reduction, which will run out eventually, not the license (I hope!!!) :)

    Tom has already said you buy the one license only, for ever, and only need to upgrade to a commercial license (pay the difference) when you start making 5g or more. Well, that's how I read it :/

    Yeah, I asked on twitter once and they confirmed it. You buy it once, and if you make more than 5k you pay the commercial license.

    I do hope I can make more than 5k by making games someday haha

  • E-mail sent, I wasn't logged in when I bought it ):

  • Just bought my license. For now the standard license suffices well enough for me. I plan on making commercial games at some point in the future, and if the early adopter plan runs out before I hit 5000 (likely). Hey, more money to you guys! =)

    What do you mean, "run out"?