andreyin's Forum Posts

  • I'm using Android 2.3.7! It's up to date, I use the MIUI custom ROM and am constantly updating it as soon as new versions come out.

  • I'd really like to try out your game on my Motorola Defy, but it say it's incompatible in the Market.. which is kinda weird. My girlfriend has a Samsung Galaxy 5 (I5500) and it says it's compatible.. any idea why it isn't compatible with the Defy?

    And I've been trying to take my games to Android too, I was using appmobi and even tho the game is playable, the framerate is awful and there's a really weird bug with the platform behavior. Might as well try phonegap now!


  • I'm better with 2D pixel art so I use GraphicsGale.

  • TF2 (always) and Tribes: Ascend (SHAZBOT) are the games I play the most, currently..

    Other than that, I've been playing Audiosurf and Max Payne.

  • Let's say I have an object that I want to be transparent, then gradually becomes opaque. Usually I create a variable within the object named "transparency", and

    if "transparency" = 0

    then every "tick" obj.transparency= obj.transparency + 5

    and if "transparency" = 1, it does the opposite.

    Is there any way of handling this better? I'm not that good with programming, and I feel this isn't the right way of doing it.. I also feel like it should go fast like that. I wanted it to go fast at the beggining, then when it gets close to being completely opaque, it slows down the speed it's doing it.. is there a formula for that?

    Sorry, it's kinda hard to explain since english isn't my first language.

  • My entry:

    First time participating in a Global Game Jam, it was pretty fun!

  • I'll be attending in Rio de Janeiro with a friend, using Construct 2!

    I'm anxious as hell hahaha..

    Has anyone participated before? How was it?

    Also how big are your teams?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here it is:

    I'm pretty sure that to fix this all I'd have to do is rotate the maze itself, but I have no idea how to make the green bars (which is where the ball colides) turn with the maze at the exact position..

  • mhhhh...i would have to see the CAPX to give a speccific answer, but are you sure, that all elements inherit the physics behaviour?

    What is the "force" that should move the objects? Pure gravity?

    Yup, pure gravity! I'll upload the cap when I have the chance, I'm on a cellphone right now.. But thanks!

  • Hello,

    I've been testing with physics in C2, and I tried to make a rotatory maze with a ball, so you would rotate the maze and the ball would go around inside of it.

    But after testing for awhile, I can't get the ball to move. I tried rotating the layer and the layout, but of course, they were the same layer/layout where the ball was, so it didn't work. Would I have to rotate only the maze? I tried that, but since the maze had a collision mask it didn't work..


  • Well I use Google Chrome with GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D enabled, which allows me to zoom in (ctrl+mousewheel) without blurring the graphics. I also keep WebGL disabled as it makes the graphics blurry regardless of sampling option..pretty sure it's broken.

    The graphics are not scaled up at all. If you do that, then objects will appear to move by fractions of an in-game pixel, which looks really bad!

    Choose "point" sampling with webgl enabled.. it keeps the hard edges of resized art.

    what tok said above is true, but I actually think the sub'pixel' movement looks okay.. if you want to use pixelly art but don't want it to feel like an older game then it's even better cos it's smoother.

    Oh, I get it now, thanks! Had no idea there was such an option.

  • BEAUTIFUL game! I loved it!

    Sorry to ask, but it's been bothering me; how did you make so the sprites didn't get blurry? I always draw little sprites too, but if I stretch them on C2 everything gets so blurry.

    Did you just make them twice or thrice as bigger on the tool you're using to draw them? Or is there another way..?


  • Hello,

    I remember asking this when C2 wasn't even out yet, and now I'd like to ask the same question but about C2, not Construct Classic;

    What's the best way to work on the same project in a network? I have really small team and I'm introducing C2 to them, and since we have to be together to discuss the projects we've been wondering on how to work together.

    Is this implemented in C2 already? Will it be? How would it work? Would it be possible for me to save the project and the project updates automatically on everyones computer?

    Also, the "Preview on LAN" option seems really good, I'm going to test it later.

    Thanks for all the hard work!

  • I have to say, I really really really liked the color pallete you're using!

    I also liked the AI. It kept trying to jump on my head, that's pretty well done.

    But I couldn't hit the guy.. is that normal?

    Keep up the good work!

  • Well, since you gave platforms as an example, I'd say about 1-2 hours.

    Most old platform games are this big, I think..

    Unless it's a metroidvania, then with all the back-tracking it would probably double or triple the total length..

    Anyway, if you're just making a normal platformer, don't think about the total length, think about how many levels it will have. 10 levels that you can beat in a hour is a lot more satisfying than 3 huge levels that look the same all the way..