Short answer: yes working in team is implemented ^^
For a more elaborate answer: the saved project format is either a single .capx or a folder with a main .caproj file.
A capx is a zipped "caproj folder".
So working as a team with a tool like SVN or even dropbox, you can:
In the case of dropbox: Share the folder between all members of the team. The shared folder is the project folder, meaning that any modification on it is automaticly broadcasted to all the users.
This means indeed that if you modify the project and save, it gets updated in all members folder.
This also means that any member of the team modifying the project will automaticly modify the project for anyone.
But beware, there's no option in C2 that allows to "refresh" the code. You have to close and open again the project to use the "last modified version".
SVN (or SubVersion depending on the version) is a tool specificaly made for team to share source code.
It allows for revisioning and an easier way to manage the handling of modifications on each files.
Tbh, I only toyed with it, alone to see what it was about and it sound pretty powerful.
But I guess your team and yourself have to find your own way to integrate this tool to your workflow.
SVN is advised as files in the folder of a C2 project are mostly .XML/text files (that SVN can very well handle and is designed for. Actualy I'm pretty sure it can even be useful for graphics and any ressource files, keeping the previous versions of the files in need).
This allow a member of your team to work on a specific event sheet (an included one for example) while you're working on another one, and another member works on a layout, etc...
And when each one of the members save their work, SVN automaticly "merges" all the files into a single common folder.
And if a modification ****** you can always go back to a previous version of the file.
To me, it sounds like a solid option, and something CC couldn't provide.
C2 has been designed with team collaboration in mind.
Edit: and for preview on LAN, be sure to check the tutorial out.
I'm pretty sure it would fit well for your team too, once again imo, once you figured how to use it in your worflow.