RayKst's Forum Posts

  • Yeah no doubt :)

  • Man if i were to make something like Iconoclasts it would take decades :) That sprite work is beyond awesome. Not only that but it's gameplay is perfect really polished. I'm currently developing an app to paint and animate sprites to help but that itself is taking ages :)

  • Well, node-webkit already has a builtin function to close the window so this shoudldn't be hard to add. 'Close Game' only makes sense in desktop so this would be an action in node-webkit plugin, not of 'System' like it was in Classic. Just made a little test adding close window to the plugin and it worked no prob. The only work is correctly diposing the game when closing window. Let's just wait for Ashley to properly do it.

  • Looks amazing ! Realy polished ! Congrats to you. It'll surelly help C2 gain more popularity :)

  • A button to preview directly in node-webkit is really missed. Not a hard addition and great feature.

    About the stereotypes...

    The stereotypes will go away as soon as more and more 'desktop level games' made in C2 start to appear. I don't even mention mobile games. C2 needs more games like Iconoclasts which is brilliant and would never work in a touch screen (But in a console would). Mobile is not everything. Now that C2 has Desktop support there's no limit to the possibilities.

    But there's complicating factors involved like the stereotype that web games are all simple mini games (Shame on me, my only game on Arcade is a mini dumb game :D). Until recently HTML5 platform was too immature to make big complex games but now it's finally ready. Or almost.

    Another factor is that making games in pure JS is a terrible experience (Not everyone knows of C2 :D). C2 is here to save us all of that of course.

    And another is that C2 is treated by many as a game maker for non programmers or entry level programmers (It's announced as such in fact, a mistake imo). The problem is that it attracts many people that are just starting , not exactly a bad thing, since there's many very talented amongst them, but scares away many experienced developers who are making those awesome 'desktop level' games in other engines.

    Of course there's lot of pre-conceptions involved with web games etc. Those are still very hard to break. Flash is the culprit ! :D

  • The only problem is that node-webkit adds at least 30MB to your final game size, since it's basically embedding an entire browser engine in it. If you can live with that then it's almost the same as a native exe.

    • Post link icon

    Yeah aside from modular features i vote too for proper text support with sprite fonts. Web fonts are not suited for games imo.

  • It could be done by integrating three.js into C2. The problem is that such functionality can't be proper abstracted away in a plugin. C2 would have to be refactored and modified to include a 3D pipeline into it. Maybe heavily so. So it's unlikely we'll ever have 3d on C2. I don't know the inner workings of c2 exactly so i can only speculate.

  • The technology is very promising but very new. Give it a couple of months. Be it Asm.JS or whatever HTML5 gaming has a bright future, since everyone is targeting it and working hard to make it better, specially Mozilla. PC's are already more than covered. Now there's only mobile and consoles left. I'm specially excited with consoles (Ouya).

  • This would be the best course to go if Ashley had taken the path of writing C2 in Cpp + OpenGL. It would then be a matter of compiling the engine to JS using Emscripten generating Asm.js code . Right now the idea of Asm.js is to formalize a subset of JS that can be heavily optimized by a specialized JS engine like SpiderMonkey / V8 which can then generate much faster native code from JS . So right now the path is C/C++ -> JS/JS Asm. But there's work with JS -> JS Asm too (LLJS) . So using Asm.js in C2 could be possible in the future, but not right now.

  • Right now i'm pretty sure node-webkit is the best option for html5 content on wrapped on a desktop window. No doubt. I've been suggesting this for ages in fact.

  • Haven't tried yet. I meant that i was using it for apps. I don't know exactly what would be needed for making it work with C2.

  • More of the same type : Spine

    From what i'm seeing , spriter kinda started the trend but it has already been surpassed. I particularly liked Spine very much.

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  • Really excited with this tool : Objecty. Same concept of Spriter but it appears to have a much bigger scope. I'll keep an eye on this one.

  • Yeah , well from what i can see there's no reason to keep using Awesomium instead of this. I could be wrong but i think node-webkit can replace awesomium entirelly. I can point some advantages:

    • FOSS (Free Open Source)
    • Blazing fast to start
    • Lightweight
    • Much faster updates / synch with latest webkit tech
    • No need to deal with C++ , very easy to setup etc.
    • Big plus: Full power of node.JS so you have full local disk access , so you can make editors with it, open and save file dialogs etc. And on top of that you can access native functions via C++ plugins.

    I can say because i'm already using it.

    And so on. I think it's safe to at least try it and compare it side by side with Awesomium :)