I've discovered this thing called App.JS. It embeds Chromium inside a desktop shell via Chromium Embed Framework (CEF) and uses Node.JS . In short it's a 'make desktop apps with html5, css, js' framework. So in theory it could be faster than Awesomium since CEF is more lightweight. It supports webgl so i had to try to run C2 in it. I succeeded. More or less. It does indeed support webgl, and the particles example ran fine. But it caps at 30fps here on my machine. A good thing is that it starts much much faster than awesomium but uses more disk space. And uses less RAM. It could, be a replacement for Awesomium but further investigations are needed. The fact that it runs at half fps than awesomium intrigues me though. I had to remove this lines from c2runtime.js for it to run with webgl:
/*if (tempgl.getSupportedExtensions().toString() === "OES_texture_float,OES_standard_derivatives,WEBKIT_WEBGL_lose_context")
??console.log('webgl not supported');
??use_webgl = false;
So maybe there's no full suport for webgl yet...
Anyway here's the files if anyone wants to hack it too: Download