> Wow, looks like almost exactly the same thing as Spriter! Even the UI is almost identical! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a blatant ripoff.
> I could be wrong but from what I've seen it looks very, very similar.
I wouldn't say it's a ripoff - maybe the project was on its way before spriter, or maybe the author saw spriter and didn't like where it was heading (it appears to be the case, since they don't seem to want a proprietary export format), or maybe he was playing around with the idea, and spriter spurred him into action.
In any case, competition is always good - you can't have too many animation tools.
That may be, but the guy has stated he would make it export to the Spriter format.
They could have made some copyright protection on it, but they decided to keep it open so that people could make plugs for the different systems.
Saying that he would use it is in very poor taste imho.