andreyin's Forum Posts

  • There are a few games on iOS/Android that have been made in C2 using wrappers, so no, it's not a problem. It won't be rejected because of that.

    You'll only have to care about cocoon/appmobi costs if you really sell a lot, and let's face it, if you have a game that is really successful to actually make some decent money, you'll probably should think about opening your own company and actually getting licences for cocoon/appmobi.

    About support for your games, if you have a problem, you should take it directly to cocoon/appmobi. They also have forums, people who help, and etc. You may not be able to mess with your code properly by using these wrappers, but if you ask for help in their websites, they will help you.

  • Can you post an example .capx? If I do that here, everything works fine..

  • Thanks!

  • Hi,

    Is there a way I can use imported files? I'm trying to import a .xml or a .json directly to Construct 2 by clicking the files folder and importing it, but what would be the path to use it? Is this even possible?


  • Sooo now that C2 was greenlit, any idea of when is it going to be released there?

    Is there a date? Or any idea of how long will it take?

  • You have to use "set platform vector".

    I did something like this on my GGJ project earlier this year. It works, but if you want the player to be knocked back depending on the side on which he has been hit, you've got to add some things. This is also kind of a mess because I did it in a hurry.

    Here's that bit of code:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Basically what's it saying is:


    IF the player has been hit

    AND he isn't invicible/blinking

    AND the ducking animation isn't playing (he uses a shield when he's ducked)


    Deactivate the controls group

    Set animation to hit

    Set invicible var to 1 (which makes him blink and be invicible for a short period of time)

    Set platform vector Y to -200 (this makes the player move up, if you want to increase/decrese the size just mess with the number, but it has to be negative for him to go up)

    Subtract one from health


    If you want to have him be knocked back instead of just up, you have to add the "set platform vector X" too.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Couldn't you have an option to export the game with/without jquery?

  • Hi,

    You linked your pictures wrong, they're all linked to test/images/scirra/gameover.jpg

    I tried your website out and it' pretty neat! I like the idea of people logging in on the website, then playing the game.


  • Just wondering, is it possible to still upload games there? Or was it a single-time opportunity? I'm out of the loop on the whole windows 8 thing.

  • Uh, I don't think so. Every tick = CPU ticks.

  • That's a pretty good idea, I'd love to read something like that.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    I've been using this line of code for years. You'll have to change the numbers to your screen size, and at the last part, use half of your screen size.

  • I used CamStudio once ( ), but the quality was awful and it didn't record sound.

    BUT, it may have been my fault, since it was for last year's Global Game Jam, and I was tired as hell when I recorded it. Maybe if I had configured it enough, using decent codes and such, the quality would be a lot better and it would have sound (probably).

  • Oh, I didn't know! Was it always like that?

  • Usually I use "wait 1000 * dt" or something, could you try that? If I'm not mistaken, you should use 300000 * dt to get 5 seconds (really unsure though).