andreyin's Forum Posts

  • You can use Node-Webkit, it runs better and you can export to Mac and Linux with it, but I think it's only available in the beta releases (running 117 here).

  • Probably it's because the first two lines are running at the same time, so AJAX haven't got the time to request the file yet.

    Instead of using "on start of layout" try using "on AJAX finished" or something like this, I'm sure it had an option like that.

  • Not sure where I should post this, but...

    I've been getting this error when trying to opt-in in the beta 117, since it was the version I was using before.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    If I click "ok", Construct 2 opens, but it's still version 114. <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I tried re-installing everything, checking the integrity cache, etc, but nothing works. If I opt-out of the beta, I still get the error, unless I reinstall it completely.

    Another weird thing is that when I download it, it says the size is 300+ MB, but it actually is just 98MB.

    It works normally if I don't opt in the beta, though.

  • You could use the bullet behavior on a text object that shows the score, but I think it would look ugly. Maybe you should look into sprite fonts.

    edit: OR, if you're just going to show "+3" or something like that, you wouldn't need sprite font, I guess.

  • These are pretty funny! I really should record mine too.

  • Wow, that's a really bad "tutorial". It isn't even commented.


    1. Construct 2 can't create objects if there's no instance of them anywhere on the project, that's why he probably put them out of the layout. Putting them there doesn't affect performance or anything, it just helps to make the layout more "clean".

    2. About the door you've mentioned, it took me a while but I found the code. If you go to the right of your screen, click on the "project" tab, and open the event sheets directory, there are two event sheets.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    He basically creates a black square, makes it the size of the layout, starts fading it, and when it's done it sets Link's position to the room.

    This is a really really REALLY bad tutorial to learn from, so please avoid it. The programming on how you move Link around is really... different.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • You want to destroy the coin object. Then, if you have a counter for the coins, add 1 to it.

  • This is beautiful! Have you tried exporting it to .exe using node webkit yet?

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Can't wait for it too!

  • Tested it, it really works. As soon as I finish level 5, it asks for me to buy it, then if I go back to the menu and try opening level 6, it asks me again to buy it. Can't see any workarounds.

    Great job (and game)!

  • There's an "on finished loading" function. Make the first layout your "loading" layout, then tell it that as soon as everything has finished loading, he can go to the next layout.

  • Maybe the FTP program you're using corrupted the file somehow? I use dropbox to store my games and I'm always able to open them anywhere I am.

    You can use MD5 to compare between the working file and the corrupted one and see if it's really corrupted.

  • Pretty cool! How did you make it mirror to Youtube though? Manually?

  • Congrats man!!!

    Sorry, but do you mind if I ask a few questions about your game and the IGF? I'm curious about both.

    About the IGF: How did you get into the IGF? Just have a working prototype of your game then pay the fee? Do you have to attend anywhere personally? How much of your game must be ready for you to enter it?

    About your game: How is porting your game to Ouya doing? Is it hard? How much of it is done?


  • I don't see this as "giving the rights", the app still belongs to you, they can just do whatever they want with it (like post pictures of it on the main page if it's good, and such). It's not like they own it. For instance, you could still release in other platforms.

    edit: whoa what the hell, I thought I was replying to the last post hahaha. My bad.