andreyin's Forum Posts

    I'm not on the Steam version and the same thing keeps happening (in fact just happened like 2 secs ago)!

    This time I took note of what I was doing, in this case I cloned a sprite then double clicked it to edit the images. C2 freezed briefly then closed itself. When I tried to open my project again, I got an error saying that the original sprite I used for the clone had missing animations. I indeed had made a new animation before cloning the object, but the animation was a duplicate of the original "default" animation. I just copied/pasted the same images from the "default" animation folder to the new one I created and it was fixed.

    Really odd..

  • Same thing here. Z view button simply opens no window, and C2 keeps closing itself out of nowhere - no crash or anything. It does freeze very briefly before closing itself down. I'd love to make a new bug post but to be honest I don't have any more information other than that. It usually happens randomly.

  • The link in the first post isn't showing, but if you quote the first post it still shows up in the reply input box. It's this:

    Thanks again for this!

  • AJ2DI

    Any plans to support Electron? It has come a long way and I'm looking into using it instead of nwjs as it's more customizable.

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  • skymen

    Hey man! I think I stumbled onto a bug. It seems that having a wait command in the typewriter effect after a linebreak will break it.

    To test, just open SpritefontDeluxe Showcase.capx and in the typewriter layout, type this:

    "<TW wait 0.5>test

    <TW wait 0.5>test

    <TW wait 0.5>test"

    The first "test" works fine, the second one shows a "t" before waiting, and the last one shows a "te" before waiting.

    Thanks again for this great plugin!

  • blackhornet that's alright, in any case thank you so much for this!!

  • I've still been using this after all these years and I love it! I feel like I've asked this already but the anti-aliasing option from v1 isnt available in v2 or v3 so it makes it quite difficult to have pixelated fonts, especially if they're small.. even in v1 it kinda works, but for some reason it forces the font to be bold if its too small.

    For example, this font by Eeve Somepx:

    and try setting it to 12px. After exporting it, in v1 it looks bolder than usualy, and in v2 and v3 it forces the antialising..

    Is there any workaround to this? Thanks again for this program!

  • Beautiful!

  • I have difficulty in showing global variables in the dialogue. What's is the correct syntax to use in the utility for the showing global variables? How do you insert the variable in the Game Variables dictionary?

    It's impossible to call variables my name in Construct 2, so you have to use the GameVariables dictionary. You use the action "add key" to add a new variable or set it's value (if you add an existing key, it just overwrites the value).

    Oh and to compare variables in a dictionary, you use the expression GameVariables.get("VariableName")

  • No, your files are in the package.nw file. Rename it to to open it up.

  • Hello, when I go to export in NWjs I want to export only for Win64 bits.

    Is it possible to configure this in some file of C2 or NWjs ?.

    on your NWjs install folder, just delete the linux/OSX/Win32 directories. If it doesn't work, just delete the Linux/OSX directories. You'll get an error when trying to export, but it will still export to Windows just fine.

  • Rex is not going to solve this, it will no longer invert its time in code C2 or C3.

    Maybe someone could look into the code of this behavior and solve that problem?

    Oh, I had no idea. :(

    I tried looking into the code and messing around with it a bit and I think I know why this is happening, but I'm not savvy enough to fix it. I *think* the way this plugin works is that it tries finding the first avaiable free position to push the object in that direction using what rex calls a "8-direction spiral scan", so depending on where you're colliding with the object, it pushes you to the first available free direction.

    // 8-direction spiral scan
    		while (dist <= max_dist)
    			switch (dir) {
    			case 0:		dx = 0; dy = -1; dist++; break;
    			case 1:		dx = 1; dy = -1; break;
    			case 2:		dx = 1; dy = 0; break;
    			case 3:		dx = 1; dy = 1; break;
    			case 4:		dx = 0; dy = 1; break;
    			case 5:		dx = -1; dy = 1; break;
    			case 6:		dx = -1; dy = 0; break;
    			case 7:		dx = -1; dy = -1; break;
    			dir = (dir + 1) % 8;
    			inst.x = cr.floor(oldx + (dx * dist));
    			inst.y = cr.floor(oldy + (dy * dist));
     overlap_inst = this.get_first_overlap_inst(candidates, overlap_inst);
    	 if (!overlap_inst)
    		 return true;

    I'm going to try messing with it a bit more to see if I can just stop the player altogether instead of pushing him to different directions.

  • If anyone is interested, I'm probably going to end up using rexrainbow's push out of solid behaviour:

    It's not a perfect solution (it seems there's a weird bug that I talk about here: ) but at least it doesn't allow my players to overlap each other. Since the players are 16x16 it's almost unnoticable anyway.

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  • This error seems to only occur towards the left side.

    Like I said in the first post, there are different errors depending on the side. Left and Up makes the player warp like that, but Right and Down makes the player exchange positions if both are moving in the same direction.