andreyin's Forum Posts

  • I've been taking a look into this and the last version where recording is possible was 0.13.2 in the Scirra nwjs list, or 0.13.4 if you download it directly from the NWjs website. Unfortunately this version also has a bug where, if the player closes the game, nwjs will still run in the background, which is awful.

    Any version after that just won't show up, not only in OBS, but other stream apps I've tried. I've googled a whole lot and it seems to be a bug with how Chrome uses DX11 - but it could be just speculation. One of the workarounds is disabling hardware acceleration, but that will make your game run like complete crap.

    This is awful. This bug has been around for not one but two whole years, and apparently no word if it's getting fixed or when.

    Edit - It also seems to work with version 0.18.7, using "game capture" instead of window capture. I'm going through some versions right now and testing them.

    Another edit - I've ran a few more tests and apparently adding " --in-process-gpu" to the package.json allows the game to show up on OBS, when using the "game capture" option. However, resizing the game window makes the recording freeze and the only solution is to close and open the game again. Still, a pretty good solution! I'm glad I can use the latest version.

  • YES, awesome! Thanks so much for this!

    Edit: Just a heads up, both the example and showcase capx require other 3rd party plugins (Globals by Toby and FPS Counter by Gigatron) so I can't open them without these plugins. Are they absolutely necessary? Thanks again!

  • > The provided .capx makes no sense - it essentially spams the API, particularly in creating an infinite loop requesting profile info non-stop, because you request profile info again in "On profile info success". I suspect it's probably failing due to rate-limits on the API calls.


    > In my own test the gametag works fine. This is the test project I use:


    I know this isn't fun, but please fix the Xbox Live plugin, when used on the Xbox One console itself, not just for Edge or PC. According to Microsoft's certification status for my submission, it's the last thing standing in my way. Please test it on an actual console, see that it doesn't work, or tell us what to do to make it work. I even asked Microsoft customer support to allow my game, minus a visible Gamertag, but that might not go through.

    Construct 2 is an amazing software. Thanks!

    There are other C2 games on the Creators Collection right now that show the gamertag just fine (including mine). Try building your game as an appx file on Visual Studio, then uploading it through the dev dashboard page (if yours is turned off you can enable it in the dev settings on your xbox).

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • andreyin Are leaderboards working for you? Sounds like a lot of people in this forum are having trouble getting it to work.

    Ooh I see. My game doesn't use them so I thought they were already had been implemented. Sorry!

  • > Still waiting on achievements... It's the only thing left that I need to get my game out of the Creators Program and into the regular store, I believe. Here's hoping 2018 is the year I can finally release my game on Xbox One properly!


    Achievements, friends lists, and I think leaderboards.

    Aren't leaderboards working already? Or am I missing something?

  • Still waiting on achievements... It's the only thing left that I need to get my game out of the Creators Program and into the regular store, I believe. Here's hoping 2018 is the year I can finally release my game on Xbox One properly!

  • Your best bet would be checking the window size and adjusting the level of the pixellate effect accordingly.

  • We're too busy to give an ETA on any new features at the moment. I filed a todo issue for it which you can follow for any more updates. (It's on the C3 tracker but we'll backport the change to C2.)

    Nice, thanks!!

  • Ashley just to confirm, achievements are still coming right?

  • Nice, the update today added leaderboards and statistics, so only achievements left!

  • > andreyin Oh so setting the Target Version to 15063 did NOT get accepted? That's weird.. but good to know.

    > I set the target to the lowest possible to maximize the userbase, I assume C2 is not taking advantage of anything in the newer SDKs.

    > Glad it worked!


    Im not sure but I think you should consider Edge browser and then choose your version. For example does everything in your game works well on Edge version X? If yes then choose version X

    The problem isn't that "the game didn't run on version X", my game ran fine on the Xbox One no matter what version I was using when testing. The problem was that when I uploaded my appx to the dev center, it didn't accept it as an Xbox One game.

    There's more about this here: ... ailability

    Even though in there it says it should work with newer versions, the dashboard submission still won't accept it as an Xbox One game.

  • andreyin Ah I think I ran into that too. In your VS project's properties, is your Target Version set to 10240? Try setting it to 14393 (the Min Version can stay at 10240) and then create the app packages again. I think that fixed the issue for me.

    oh my GOD this actually worked! Thanks so much! I had tried setting both min and target to the max value possible but it never occurred me to try other versions apart from those.

    Thank you!

  • Hi I just noticed this thread. Our game Crystal Brawl is made with Construct 2 and is also in the Creators Collection, it's the first game shown in the youtube link above (at 1:50)

    I posted about it here, please feel free to ask questions:

    That's nice! I ran into some trouble trying to submit my appbundle to the developer dashboard, do you think you could help me out?

    I generate an appbundle in VS2015 just fine, it passes all the WACK tests and everything, but if I upload this appbundle to my submission on the developer dashboard and select the Xbox option, it will say my submission is incomplete. There's no icon or anything under the Xbox option too:

    Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? I've also tried with other projects and this seems to happen even with empty projects...

  • Just a heads up - apparently there's already a C2 game on the Creators Program too! The game is GalactiMAX and you can download it for free on the store, under the Creators Collection category.

  • You can now self-publish on Xbox using the Creators Program:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I'm still looking into it, but so far I've been able to get my game running on the Xbox perfectly. I'm really impressed with how good it works now. When it was first possible to get a C2 game running on the Xbox One everything felt really sluggish, but with the new updates and such everything is working much better.

    Bl4ckSh33p have you got it working? Maybe I can help.. I just followed Ashley's tutorial though.

    My most common mistakes were not enabling internet after setting my Xbox One to devmode (when you do that, it erases the wifi configuration so you have to setup it again) and not enabling UWP when installing VS2015.

    If your Xbox One IP on the devhome is something really weird (like 169.502.65.52 instead of the usual 192.168.0.X), it probably means you aren't connected to your network.

    One thing I noticed is that running the game directly from VS2015 to your Xbox in debug mode will cause it to run slower than it's supposed to. To avoid this, just go to Project -> Store -> Create App Package and follow the instructions. Then, in the devhome on your Xbox, enable "Connect with your browser", then type the IP address of the Xbox directly into your browser (if you get a warning about it not being safe, click "advaced" and go to it anyway). Then on the page that opens, click the "add" button and pick your apppackage file. It will install directly on the Xbox. From there you can just run it like normal.

    A couple things I couldn't figure out though - my game still shows up as an app instead of a game, and I have no idea how to set my save game file to show on the Xbox One in the right place. My game uses local storage and it seems this should be enough to make it show up there, but I have no idea how.