> I know this isn't fun, but please fix the Xbox Live plugin, when used on the Xbox One console itself, not just for Edge or PC.
As far as I am aware, there are no differences in the Xbox Live API between Xbox and PC. What do you think needs changing?
Sadly it still isn't working. I'll list the steps I take. To be safe I'm using the Scirra Xboxlivetest capx instead of my own project. My Xbox One is also up to date, OS version 10.0.16299.5101. Please let me know if you see anything wrong:
1. In C2, export for Windows Store, "Minify script (recommended)" is checked, (I've also tried with it unchecked) Target version is Windows 10 Universal.
2. Open Xboxlivetest.sln in Visual Studio. (mine is: Visual Studio Community 2017 Preview Version 4.7.02556)
3. Double-click package.appxmanifest and generate the Visual Assets from the C2 icon-256.png.
4. Right-click "Xboxlivetest (Universal Windows)" > Store > Create App Packages > Yes > Generate app bundle: Always, Neutral > Create.
5. Turn Xbox One on, in Dev mode.
6. Go to Xbox Device Portal on your PC, at: https://xboxone:11443/#Home and sign in.
7. Click "Add" and select the package, such as at ...XboxLiveTest\AppPackages\Xboxlivetest_1.0.1.0_Debug_Test\Xboxlivetest_1.1.1.0_AnyCPU.appxbundle > Start > Done. (I've also tested using a Xboxlivetest_1.1.0.0_x64.appx instead of an appxbundle)
8. Select "Launch" to run it on Xbox One.
But, unfortunately, it doesn't get past "Xbox Live not available", as seen in this screenshot taken directly from Xbox Device Portal Media Capture Screenshot:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/06mikmrirhqbt ... -12-37.jpg
In addition, the Microsoft certification attempts are what list the Gamertag as not visible, and of course they must be testing it the proper way.
Any help would be great, such a confirmation on your end that it really does work for you when tested on an actual Xbox One console, as stated in the bug report steps that must be taken in order to correctly reproduce the issue, or a correction of one of the steps I listed above.