Team EternaL's Forum Posts

  • No they don't fade at the same time. I'll test out certain ideas I have soon, such as anytime opacity >50%, set opacity to 50%. Otherwise I'll try LiteTween, where every time a fade starts, skip it, and instead set off a LiteTween action. Just wish there were a way to customize the actual Fade behavior in C2. Thanks

  • How do I make the Fade behavior treat the object's opacity as the starting and ending opacity for fade-outs and fade-ins respectively instead of that always being 100? The poor design of the Fade behavior always ends up in a 100 opacity when fully faded-in, ignoring the object's set opacity, and even bumps the opacity to 100 at the beginning of a fade-out! The correct design would have been to treat the current set opacity as the max opacity at the start of fade-outs and as the destination value of fade-ins, instead of just 100 every time. I know I can use the Sine behavior to change opacity over time instead, but I'm looking for a more time-saving fix involving over 200 objects that I've already committed to fading in and out using the normal behavior (Understandably, I assumed that a behavior called 'Fade' would be the greatest way to fade objects in and out).

  • Set scale to lerp(0.1, 1, unlerp(800, 1800, self.y))

    If you want to limit the scale in this range, you can wrap this formula in clamp(...., 0.1, 1)

    Wow, just amazing! Thanks!

  • What's the best math formula for changing an object's scale ratio according to its Y position?

    When Object.Y = 800, the object scale should be 0.1

    When Object.Y = 1800, the object scale should be 1.0

    with a smooth gradient between, to give the effect of a character moving as if on a 3D plane, away or towards the camera.

    I tried, for example, "Every tick: Set object scale to Object.Y/1000", but that doesn't give me enough control over the perspective, as the character is far away enough from Y that the resulting change is too subtle.


  • Unhandled exception at line 563, column 303 in ms-appx://25608eternai.eternalbrawl/c2runtime.js

    0x803f6107 - JavaScript runtime error: Unknown runtime error occurred

    d)):(console.log("[Construct 2] Product '"+b+"' purchase finished but product not active (cancelled?)"),d.d.trigger(Hc.prototype.i.Ct,d))},function(a){console.log("[Construct 2] Product '"+b+"' purchase failed: "+a);d.d.trigger(Hc.prototype.i.Ct,d)})}};k.prototype.zz=function(){if(this.Lf){var b=this;{console.log("[Construct 2] Listing information loaded");b.CA=d.formattedPrice;b.oD=d.productListings;b.d.trigger(Hc.prototype.i.oz,b)})}};b.u=new k;

    It looks like all my settings are correct everywhere regarding anything to do with Windows Store listings or add-ons. Anyone know what this error specifically means?

  • Can someone good at math give me a formula for how to set the layout scale to something based on the distance between two points? The layout size is 3840x3840, and the window size is 1920x1080, so when the objects are right on each other, the layout scale should be 2 max, and when they're furthest away, it should be 0.5 min.

    So far the best I have is this, except it gives the opposite scale effect I want, and zooms out too much, and has nothing else to do with the measures I need:

    Every tick: Set layout scale to distance(1CharBox.X, 1CharBox.Y, 2CharBox.X, 2CharBox.Y)/1000

    Edit: Oh, okay, I figured it out. Sorry. Was easier than I thought. In case anyone else cares:

    Every tick: Set layout scale to 1000/distance(1CharBox.X, 1CharBox.Y, 2CharBox.X, 2CharBox.Y)

    I also made a global variable called Layout_Scale that's always set to LayoutScale. Then:

    Layout_Scale < 0.5 : Set layout scale to 0.5

    Layout_Scale > 2 : Set layout scale to 2

  • By the way, I think I may have found that the event "(Invert) Is on-screen" doesn't work. If so, for now the "Else" command can be used to get around it. ("Is on-screen", "Else")

  • I can't seem to find a SRPG/strategy RPG game template for sale in the store. Is there any? For games like Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, etc. where you move and attack on a grid.

  • Can someone with an Xbox One go through these steps and post back here with your results?

    On your computer, redeem this code with your Xbox Live account to get the game for free:

    On your Xbox One, let the game install. Then select 'Vs CPU', and select any character except 'Adam' or 'Custom Male'.

    1. Does it prompt you to purchase an IAP? YES/NO

    2. Does it let you use the character even without purchasing the IAP? YES/NO

    Exit the game.

    On your computer, redeem this code with your Xbox Live account:

    On your Xbox One, run the game again and go to the main menu.

    3. Does a message appear reading 'Code Detected'? YES/NO

    If YES, press the Back/View button on your Xbox One controller.

    4. Does it appear to unlock a character? YES/NO

    If YES, select 'Creation'. Find and select the character that was unlocked. Select any Slot other than the first one.

    5. Does it let you enter the character customization window? YES/NO

    Press B to go back to character select. Select a character other than the character that was unlocked, or Adam or Custom Male.

    6. Does it prompt you to purchase an IAP? YES/NO

    7. Does it let you use the character even without purchasing the IAP? YES/NO

    Exit the game. Open the game again and go to the main menu.

    9. Does the 'Code Detected' message appear again? YES/NO

    Go to 'Creation' and once again try to select the previously unlocked character.

    10. Does it let you enter the character customization window? YES/NO

    I realize these steps are tedious, but I'd appreciate it if anyone has some free time to test this for me. Thanks!

    (Reasons I can't test this myself include: I only have one computer and one Xbox One. I don't know how to use Test Mode; It returns a choice of error messages to select, instead of actually allowing me to simulate the purchase. I already have all IAPs for the game on my Xbox One, so it's impossible for me to test IAPs that only work when you don't already own them. I don't know how to use a different Xbox Live account, on my PC or Xbox One, that won't detect the IAPs already owned by my main Xbox Live account.)

  • It runs sooo fast on PC/preview, and the Xbox is able to run such huge 3-D games, that I wonder if I'm missing something big somewhere between C2 and Xbox? The "Running app memory" of the Xbox Device Portal is almost always maxed out. I'd also rather avoid going down the "blame C2" route, and it's not like I have a choice anymore anyway. I reviewed these 3 manual pages: ... our-memory

    And made whatever changes I could, always choosing performance over quality. The slowest area in my game by far is the character creation mode, which I'm guessing is due to almost a thousand tiny jpgs that the events use for customization selections. I probably know very little about this stuff, but is there any way that, on the current layout, all images on all hidden layers can be treated as if they don't exist, so that they don't impact memory at all, until the layer is visible, at which point only then the objects are created? I'd much rather have delays at certain times, than an overall snail pace. (Actually, I'll probably try that: Make a backup of the char creation layout, make new events that create all needed objects exactly where they need to go when that layer is visible, and use a local variable to determine when ALL objects are again deleted every time a new layer instead becomes visible. But, hooboy, that'll take a while.)

    In the meantime, any advice would be appreciated.

  • Just confirming I have all the steps correct, since it can't be tested in preview, and didn't work for me the first time I tested on Xbox One with Test mode on:

    Add WindowsStore plugin

    At start of layout > Request store listing

    If player selects a purchase-able character:

    WindowsStore|X (Invert) Has purchased "Character" > WindowsStore|Prompt to purchase product "Character"

    Is that all there is to it? If so, my guess is that even though the Add-ons I created have the "In the Store" status, they really take a little longer before that prompt does anything?

    Just making sure there isn't some bigger issue, like that WindowsStore add-ons don't work on Xbox One.

    Edit: Or is there any chance that the event work is wrong, like that it has to be simpler, like just a purchase button that immediately prompts the purchase, instead of starting with a check if you already have it or not?

    Edit2: Okay, when testing with Test mode off it tells me to Reinstall the app from the Store, because my license needs to be refreshed to make in-app purchases. So thankfully it looks like it will work, anyway. Thanks!

  • Just sharing another tip I didn't know for a couple of months: To target the Xbox device family, you need to first right-click the project name at the right in Visual Studio, and select Properties, and change both the Target version and Min version to 10.0.14393.0.

  • In case this helps anyone else, here's some info that stumped me for a couple of months on how to get Xbox Live working in your game:

    First off, remember to do the "NuGet" step shown under "Setting up Visual Studio" in this tutorial.

    I also found that exporting to a fresh new folder instead of using the same one I always did helped. More accurately, I seem to have found that anytime I want to do a re-export out of C2 into the same directory, it breaks the Xbox Live functionality in the Visual Studio solution. I seem to have found that the easiest fix for this is to delete at least one if not all of these 4 files that Visual Studio creates:





    Then I reopen VS and redo the NuGet step, Store Association step, and Visual Assets step.

  • If you didn't change the IDs in the Xbox Live plugin properties to an app you actually own, it won't work. It also looks like you missed all the steps in "Setting up Visual Studio" in the tutorial.

    THANK YOU! It was the "NuGet" step. I still couldn't get it to work for a couple of days after that, until I just tried exporting to a fresh new folder instead of using the same one I always did, and that also did the trick. More accurately, I seem to have found that anytime I want to do a re-export out of C2 into the same directory, it breaks the Xbox Live functionality in the Visual Studio solution. I seem to have found that the easiest fix for this is to delete at least one if not all of these 4 files that Visual Studio creates:





    Then I reopen VS and redo the NuGet step, Store Association step, and Visual Assets step.

    I'll share these things as a [solved] post in the "How do I..?" forum just in case it can help anyone else in the future.

    If you have any insight as to why the platform behavior moves slowly on Xbox One, I'd appreciate it, but that's another topic. You da man!

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  • > I know this isn't fun, but please fix the Xbox Live plugin, when used on the Xbox One console itself, not just for Edge or PC.


    As far as I am aware, there are no differences in the Xbox Live API between Xbox and PC. What do you think needs changing?


    Sadly it still isn't working. I'll list the steps I take. To be safe I'm using the Scirra Xboxlivetest capx instead of my own project. My Xbox One is also up to date, OS version 10.0.16299.5101. Please let me know if you see anything wrong:

    1. In C2, export for Windows Store, "Minify script (recommended)" is checked, (I've also tried with it unchecked) Target version is Windows 10 Universal.

    2. Open Xboxlivetest.sln in Visual Studio. (mine is: Visual Studio Community 2017 Preview Version 4.7.02556)

    3. Double-click package.appxmanifest and generate the Visual Assets from the C2 icon-256.png.

    4. Right-click "Xboxlivetest (Universal Windows)" > Store > Create App Packages > Yes > Generate app bundle: Always, Neutral > Create.

    5. Turn Xbox One on, in Dev mode.

    6. Go to Xbox Device Portal on your PC, at: https://xboxone:11443/#Home and sign in.

    7. Click "Add" and select the package, such as at ...XboxLiveTest\AppPackages\Xboxlivetest_1.0.1.0_Debug_Test\Xboxlivetest_1.1.1.0_AnyCPU.appxbundle > Start > Done. (I've also tested using a Xboxlivetest_1.1.0.0_x64.appx instead of an appxbundle)

    8. Select "Launch" to run it on Xbox One.

    But, unfortunately, it doesn't get past "Xbox Live not available", as seen in this screenshot taken directly from Xbox Device Portal Media Capture Screenshot: ... -12-37.jpg

    In addition, the Microsoft certification attempts are what list the Gamertag as not visible, and of course they must be testing it the proper way.

    Any help would be great, such a confirmation on your end that it really does work for you when tested on an actual Xbox One console, as stated in the bug report steps that must be taken in order to correctly reproduce the issue, or a correction of one of the steps I listed above.