Team EternaL's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    Since at least a couple of days ago or so, Construct 2 plugin(s), such as IAP and/or LocalStorage, results in Intel XDK errors: ... 9%20AM.jpg ... 1%20AM.jpg

    I'm unsure if this is a big deal, but am desperate to make my app work again, a problem described here, viewtopic.php?f=147&t=185698&p=1088539#p1088539 and so am looking into whether or not this bug is related.

    Also, this error appears after first installing C2, at least r241, which doesn't stop C2 from running, but just in case it's problematic:

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    Has basic C2 plugins/object types, including IAP and LocalStorage, for testing purposes.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Export that Capx for Cordova/Android, not minified, using new Intel XDK project format
    • Use it in XDK
    • Try to build it in XDK

    Observed Result

    The first screenshot error happens when you import/open the exported project in XDK. The second error happens when you try to build.

    (A workaround for the second error is to delete and re-select the File plugin, and/or the Media one, which both appear to contain the disk-writing permission.)

    Expected Result

    Neither error.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: NO
    • FireFox: NO
    • Internet Explorer: NO

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10, Latest.

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r241 64-bit checked

  • Ashley Can it have to do with C2's IAP plugin for any reason? I have it in my project, and need it for an IAP, and when I tested a fresh new export folder and XDK build, it began with these two errors, I'm assuming just because of the IAP plugin in C2:

    I selected the only choice to move on, 'Remove', and, without editing anything, the Build Fails with these errors:

    Maybe C2 needs a fix to remove or update or fix something with the 'File' plugin? I removed it and added XDK's File plugin, which passes the Build, but no matter what I try in regards to plugins, it still doesn't get past a black screen on my Galaxy S7 mobile device.

    These are the plugins I use:

    I assume I need the Media plugin in XDK, which includes File and Compat. But whether I have those there or not, the build doesn't get past the black screen.

    I also use this plugin for IAPs:

    But same deal, it's a black screen whether I have that there or not. I'm just trying to pin the black screen on anything to do with plugins, as I'm unsure what I could've possibly done or changed in C2 to cause it to not even run. I do notice the APK doesn't require any special permissions when I install it on mobile, despite that I think it should mention something to do with Files or Audio.

    Do you notice anything wrong? Or anything I should try?

  • And I tried again with r241 right now just in case, but same issue, as it's already the release I was using. So I still have the same problem. Any help would be appreciated, as I don't know what to do.

    Edit: So assuming it isn't a bug, what may be one or more most likely causes of a black screen instead of the app starting up? It doesn't reach the loader bar stage either.

  • Have you tried re-exporting with the latest stable release? The release notes describe some fixes that some apps may need:

    I just downloaded it now, but it tells me my project was saved in release 241 or newer, whereas my current release is 239, so that I need that version or newer to open it, so it looks like the latest stable isn't my answer. I very much appreciate your help!

  • *UPDATE: After days of work and probably around 20hrs of total work, I finally figured out it was Spriter's fault the entire time. It took me so long because I didn't suspect it as the cause. When I delete all SCML objects, it works, both in simulate and build. No runtime error, no black screen. Spriter just recently released version 10, an update I accepted, after which I also immediately looked for and installed the latest Spriter plugin for C2 as well, something I always do after every Spriter update, since it doesn't appear to be done automatically. So there's needless to say a high chance that there's a major bug either in Spriter version 10 or its C2 plugin. I'll look into it further tomorrow and then alert Spriter to it. ...Finally!

    Every build of my app thru XDK was doing fine on mobile, both with APK tests as well as when downloaded from the Play store, until, for some unknown reason, with no special change or edit to the project that I know of that would have any effect on the app's ability to simply start up in the first place, it never starts up anymore on mobile, simply showing the splashscreen set up in XDK, then a quick white flash and just black from then on. I don't know what to do or try anymore to be able to run the app on mobile. I get the same results on 2 different Android devices. The good news should be that there's probably one simple setting that I can toggle someplace in the process, either when exporting in Construct 2, or in the XDK settings, to get it past startup. What is a likely culprit in this sort of situation? ... ychomachia

  • I found a workaround: I made a 'fake plugin' by copying the win8 plugin folder in the plugin folder (C:\Program Files\Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins) and renamed it to "Xbox Live" as the plugin name and "XboxLive" as the ID in the edittime file (you can download the edit I made here ... ), which allowed me to open my project, so that I could remove the problem plugin, and save the fixed project.

  • The latest update doesn't come with the Xbox Live plugin by Scirra so my project doesn't open after updating. Where to download the plugin again?

  • I imagine that someone here with some coding knowledge could whip up a tutorial 'for dummies' explaining step by step how someone without coding knowledge can make an expansion file for their C2 game. It's necessary for larger mobile games, so a tutorial is overdue. My Googling it has only resulted in answers that look to require coding knowledge, such as through use of Android Studio. Which would be okay, if there were to be a tutorial guiding us along the way. Could someone who knows how to do this take some time to write up a tutorial? It would be very popular.

  • I just had a successful test !!!!!

    My 145Mb game downloaded from google play, installed and launched

    I guess that Intel will officially publish the plugin soon.

    delaflaquita - for now, completing the process requires manual editing of intelxdk.config.additions.xml with some app data from your google play developer console, but this is not too complicated.

    I need to know what you know. Can you explain how you did this? It would make for a useful tutorial.

  • MaorKeshet Does anyone know? Such as in what way to edit the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file in order to tell it that files meant to be in a certain directory (such as the folder 'www' or 'images' or 'media') can be found, instead, in this other APK package?

  • Ashley How do I use Expansion Files for GPlay in C2 and/or Intel XDK?

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  • lucid Has this been reported yet, or is there a fix for it?: When using the new 'draw self' method--which I love, because of its performance-increasing power in avoiding thousands of images in C2--the origin points for the images are very off, I believe all reset to their original upper-left positions. Such as either not properly saved in the scon despite using the correct sprite sheet options in Spriter, or not properly read by the scml plugin side in C2. Is there a fix for this now, or a way I can manually work around the issue myself now?

  • Thankfully I found the problem! I tried a test of saving the project as a new temporary one so I don't mess things up by accident, then I deleted some things one at a time and ran preview til I found the culprit, which was easy because I started by deleting the largest folder of images I had from the use of Spriter, and that was the cause. More specifically, it's when I use that SCML object in a large layout. So instead I use the new self-drawing method of the SCML plugin, which doesn't require hundreds of image objects, and it runs! The self-drawing method has issues of its own, but I'm currently trying to get help for that from Spriter. Thanks!

  • Wild guess here, but you may be stuck in a loop. I've had similar things happen before when using "while" loops incorrectly, but I think I usually get the option to "stop unresponsive script," though I usually test in Firefox. I'd look at any loops you may be running as a potential cause.

    Have you tried loading in other browsers?

    It looks to me that I may not currently be using any Loops events anywhere. I did test in Firefox just now, and got the "Stop unresponsive script" error that you got before, and also got an option to Debug that I didn't get in Chrome, so I clicked it, and it gave me this:

    Is any info there useful for finding out the cause?

    Thank you

  • I get a black screen and a Chrome 'Page Unresponsive' message for a few minutes before the preview correctly continues to the loading screen and finally the preview itself. Right now the delay mainly poses an issue to my patience and work efficiency, but it may represent a bigger issue down the line. Although my project is big, I try to keep it trimmed to only what I need, and with minimal image resolution. The 'Approx. download' states 112.8 mb, and memory use states 320.9 mb, and total events states ~2700. I certainly worked with much larger projects before, but without ever previously having this black screen delay. Has anyone heard of a specific cause or setting that can cause it?

    Update: Thankfully I found the problem! I tried a test of saving the project as a new temporary one so I don't mess things up by accident, then I deleted some things one at a time and ran preview til I found the culprit, which was easy because I started by deleting the largest folder of images I had from the use of Spriter, and that was the cause. More specifically, it's when I use that SCML object in a large layout. So instead I use the new self-drawing method of the SCML plugin, which doesn't require hundreds of image objects, and it runs! The self-drawing method has issues of its own, but I'm currently trying to get help for that from Spriter. Thanks!