Team EternaL's Forum Posts

  • Edge doesn't support WebRTC DataChannels, so you can't use Multiplayer in Edge or UWP apps either.

    But I thought UWP apps is how you make Xbox One apps? We've been working on an online multiplayer fighting game for Xbox One for years. How do you correctly do multiplayer on Xbox One?

  • Multiplayer/online functionality in my game works in Construct 2 preview, but Visual Studio 2017 Preview debugging for the UWP version of the app returns this error when connecting online:

    Unhandled exception at line 111, column 13 in ms-appx://25608name.gamename/c2mp-peer.js 0xc004e00d - JavaScript runtime error: Could not complete the operation due to error c004e00d.

    this.pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ "iceServers" }, { "optional": [{ "googIPv6": true }] });

    Any help getting past the error would be appreciated.

  • When double-clicking packageappx.manifest, it says:

    Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

    This is after a fresh export from Construct 2 to make a Windows 10 app. I Googled the issue, but every solution doesn't seem to apply to my case, or is only for programmers to understand. I only have a few days to pass this issue before the Windows Creators UWA contest deadline on Nov 17.

    UPDATE: It looks like I did it! If it's not too early to celebrate: Here's what I did: I downloaded and installed the latest "Visual Studio Community 2017 Preview" 15.5.0 Preview 3.0, and I also Modified the Install by checkmarking "Universal Windows Platform development" and "Desktop development with C++" including all the Individual component Windows 10 SDKs. Doing it in that is what did it.

  • When signed into FB, I can see my game, which was approved for App Center, at ... 5910110337 , but people I share that link with tell me it doesn't appear for them. Even searching its name doesn't bring it up. What is the expected url/page for a Facebook Game?

  • Problem Description

    Editing Text object Properties can cause C2 to crash. Unfortunately I have no idea what causes it to happen or not happen, I just know it's happened a few times in my experience over the past year, causing me to learn to ensure I save the project before making edits to the Text object's Properties. I think I notice it especially happens after clicking/editing the "Font" Property in particular, such as by selecting a Font, Font style, and Size, clicking OK, and then having a crash. My only guess to any special case I have is that I have a lot of downloaded fonts on my system. Not hundreds, but a lot.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Has text object.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Add Text object.
    • Edit Text object Properties.

    Observed Result


    Expected Result

    Not crash.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: NO
    • FireFox: NO
    • Internet Explorer: NO

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 64-bit Latest.

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • ... ychomachia

    I completed the first version of an online multiplayer fighting game with character creation I've been working on for a while, available for Android devices. I'd appreciate if anyone has a chance to test it, especially if you manage to find another human player online, and can then offer any suggestions here for how I may be able to improve the event work in C2.


  • I've been using wss:// successfully as the signalling server with my in-testing multiplayer game for months now, but recently I can't get the host and peer to stay connected to each other for more than a few seconds. I don't think I changed anything in events that affects it, so I'm wondering if something's currently wrong with the Scirra multiplayer signalling server or anything?

    As a side question, what's the difference between this $18.99 license for a Multiplayer signalling server ... server-161 and the free official signalling server at wss:// Do games stay connected better if I buy and somehow use the license?

  • The latest Spriter plugin version 12/26/16 results in the app just displaying a black screen when exported from Construct 2 r241, built in Intel XDK, and run on Android, as well as this error in Simulate in Intel XDK:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: cr_createRuntime is not defined index.html (// Create new runtime using the c2canvas cr_createRuntime("c2canvas");)

    A previous plugin version does work. So don't use the 12/26/16 version of the plugin. I still had the 11/2/16 version on my computer, and it worked, so I'm using that one, which you could get here if needed: ...

    I don't have a copy of the 12/16/16 version to be able to use/test that one.

    Note that the latest Spriter R10 is fine, just not the latest 12/26/16 Construct 2 plugin.

  • There's an script line including your c2runtime.js in your index.html?

    *UPDATE: After days of work and probably around 20hrs of total work, I finally figured out it was Spriter's fault the entire time. It took me so long because I didn't suspect it as the cause. When I delete all SCML objects, it works, both in simulate and build. No runtime error, no black screen. Spriter just recently released version 10, an update I accepted, after which I also immediately looked for and installed the latest Spriter plugin for C2 as well, something I always do after every Spriter update, since it doesn't appear to be done automatically. So there's needless to say a high chance that there's a major bug either in Spriter version 10 or its C2 plugin. I'll look into it further tomorrow and then alert Spriter to it. ...Finally!

    Thanks for your replies Josek!

  • I've been trying to find a solution for some days, and i didn't xDD The projects are working correctly after the build so i think it's a problem with xdk emulator

    Hmm my builds don't work, so my issue may be deeper. In my case it seems that when the runtime error happens in the simulation, it also means a black screen on-device.

  • What is currently the correct/best/working IAP plugin for use in Intel XDK for Cordova/Android projects?


    cc.fovea.plugins.inapppurchase ... ayment-iap

    or other?

  • Ashley Or even just what does the error mean? I've been at this error for days now, and am confused about what to do or even if I should do anything other than just be patient and wait for Scirra to fix it, (in which case I'm at least trying to make it clear that the error exists, which hopefully I have) because I don't even know how much of this error is my fault, or how much is C2's fault (such as from the latest r241, if applicable?). Perhaps my main question is: How do you define the cr_createRuntime?

  • *UPDATE: After days of work and probably around 20hrs of total work, I finally figured out it was Spriter's fault the entire time. It took me so long because I didn't suspect it as the cause. When I delete all SCML objects, it works, both in simulate and build. No runtime error, no black screen. Spriter just recently released version 10, an update I accepted, after which I also immediately looked for and installed the latest Spriter plugin for C2 as well, something I always do after every Spriter update, since it doesn't appear to be done automatically. So there's needless to say a high chance that there's a major bug either in Spriter version 10 or its C2 plugin. I'll look into it further tomorrow and then alert Spriter to it. ...Finally!

    I get that error in Intel XDK's Simulation and my game doesn't run, just a black screen.

    Uncaught ReferenceError: cr_createRuntime is not defined index.html

    		document.addEventListener("deviceready", function ()
    			window["c2iscordova"] = true;
    			// Create new runtime using the c2canvas
    			document.addEventListener("pause", function() {
    			}, false);[/code:1h1szdys]
    Searching for the error in the forums and online, some people found that rolling back to an older C2 version (I use the latest beta r241) avoided the error, but I'm stuck on r241 because the project was saved there. I'll never trust beta releases again, and set update notifications in options to be stable releases only, so I'm never stuck like this again. But, for now, can this error be fixed in r241? (or in r242)
  • Is this a useful shortcut to finding out what's wrong?: The Simulate tab gives me this as the last error:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: cr_createRuntime is not defined      index.html:86[/code:cbmtxklx]
    And line 86 in index.html is "cr_createRuntime("c2canvas");" seen below:
    [code:cbmtxklx]    <script>
    		document.addEventListener("deviceready", function ()
    			window["c2iscordova"] = true;
    			// Create new runtime using the c2canvas
    			document.addEventListener("pause", function() {
    			}, false);[/code:cbmtxklx]
    [b]*UPDATE: [/b]After days of work and probably around 20hrs of total work, I finally figured out it was Spriter's fault the entire time. It took me so long because I didn't suspect it as the cause. When I delete all SCML objects, it works, both in simulate and build. No runtime error, no black screen. Spriter just recently released version 10, an update I accepted, after which I also immediately looked for and installed the latest Spriter plugin for C2 as well, something I always do after every Spriter update, since it doesn't appear to be done automatically. So there's needless to say a high chance that there's a major bug either in Spriter version 10 or its C2 plugin. I'll look into it further tomorrow and then alert Spriter to it. ...Finally!
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  • I still need help.

    I see 166 errors from the Simulate tab: > <> < Does that show what the solution might be?

    By the way, this was from a fresh clean new Construct 2 export/project file directory with a new name, so there are no problems with incorrect project updates/re-exports.

    Also, I just built it using the "old method" of C2 export and XDK import, to see if it helps, but still the black screen. I deleted 3 plugins from the additions file (cc.fovea.cordova.purchase,, and cordova-plugin-inappbrowser) and added them thru the plugin manager, but the build failed because cc.fovea.cordova.purchase failed to install. Unsure if it's because of the Billing Key I pasted (I used the 'License Key' from Play Store), but so I removed that plugin, which passed the Build, but still resulted in the black screen.

    Any help would be appreciated, as I'm stuck and desperate, since my work has been stalled for a few days now and I was hoping to be done by New Years. Even older backup versions of the project, that ran successfully on device before, don't anymore, which seems especially strange.

    P.S. I always found it strange that XDK seems to find that my C2 project uses "" right from the moment I open the project for the first time in XDK after a fresh export from C2, as that doesn't look to me like something that would be an officially-supported C2 plugin, and I can't/don't know how to add custom plugins into C2 myself, to have added it myself.