I still need help.
I see 166 errors from the Simulate tab: > https://www.dropbox.com/s/fynzlqvzbfj8e4t/errors0.jpg <> https://www.dropbox.com/s/danrlqdydoxz3he/errors.jpg < Does that show what the solution might be?
By the way, this was from a fresh clean new Construct 2 export/project file directory with a new name, so there are no problems with incorrect project updates/re-exports.
Also, I just built it using the "old method" of C2 export and XDK import, to see if it helps, but still the black screen. I deleted 3 plugins from the additions file (cc.fovea.cordova.purchase, https://github.com/maxmoore14/AndroidInAppBilling.git, and cordova-plugin-inappbrowser) and added them thru the plugin manager, but the build failed because cc.fovea.cordova.purchase failed to install. Unsure if it's because of the Billing Key I pasted (I used the 'License Key' from Play Store), but so I removed that plugin, which passed the Build, but still resulted in the black screen.
Any help would be appreciated, as I'm stuck and desperate, since my work has been stalled for a few days now and I was hoping to be done by New Years. Even older backup versions of the project, that ran successfully on device before, don't anymore, which seems especially strange.
P.S. I always found it strange that XDK seems to find that my C2 project uses "https://github.com/maxmoore14/AndroidInAppBilling.git" right from the moment I open the project for the first time in XDK after a fresh export from C2, as that doesn't look to me like something that would be an officially-supported C2 plugin, and I can't/don't know how to add custom plugins into C2 myself, to have added it myself.