Sprite Font Generator - v3

From the Asset Store
Creepy Sprite Font suitable font for your Dark/Horror/Halloween games.
  • jezjones24

    I just tried, and it works fine. I'm guessing you didn't follow all of the steps. You need to check the TXT file that is written at the same time, and copy the width, height, and character set into C2. There is a tutorial here, written by somebody else.


  • Thanks for the reply.

    I have used sprite fonts quite alot. The problem seems to be due to the extra characters.

    Previously I have used the default character set in "Give me your font" and it has been totally fine (EN).

    I have reverted to another sprite font with english characters only and it works fine (for english).

    It seems that i get a large space to the right of the accented characters i added to character set.

    Is there anything relating to these extra characters that may be causing a problem. Are there any rules i need to follow in defining the character set, eg order ?

  • As I said, I tried that font and it is fine. You'll need to post something I can look at. Bundle the three output files and if you have a demo project, that too.

  • Ok, thanks.

    I am just trying to create a demo of the problem in a fresh project.

    A basic example does work, so i am now looking into my project since the words are created based on events so there could be problems in the way i am instantiating the sprite font.

    You got it working so it must be a problem elsewhere, that does help me quite alot.

    Thanks again.

  • I've still been using this after all these years and I love it! I feel like I've asked this already but the anti-aliasing option from v1 isnt available in v2 or v3 so it makes it quite difficult to have pixelated fonts, especially if they're small.. even in v1 it kinda works, but for some reason it forces the font to be bold if its too small.

    For example, this font by Eeve Somepx:


    and try setting it to 12px. After exporting it, in v1 it looks bolder than usualy, and in v2 and v3 it forces the antialising..

    Is there any workaround to this? Thanks again for this program!

  • Ok, so i found the problem.

    For some reason the character set field in C3 was not keeping the new character set i pasted in there.

    When i deleted the field first (and pressed return) then pasted and return, it took the character set and started working.

    Thanks for your help.

  • andreyin

    Everything I try fails. No fix yet.

  • blackhornet that's alright, in any case thank you so much for this!!

  • blackhornet

    Can you look that?

    C3 spacing array works fine but C2 array have some problems. You can see after ' everything white color.

    How can we fix that?

    If I use SpriteFont+ with WKWebview. It is give me error in IOS. data.js can't load.

    But C3 (C2runtime) don't have any problems, works fine with WKWebview


  • OhhBaby

    It looks like an extra carriage-return got in there. Just backspace so it one single line.

  • OhhBaby

    It looks like an extra carriage-return got in there. Just backspace so it one single line.

    Nope it is already 1 line. You can see that.

    Special chars breaking.





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  • Try a different text editor. I really have no idea what is wrong.

  • It doesn't a text editor issue. Problem is Spritefont+ using this format (C2array). And this format breaking load data.js in IOS with WKWebview.


    This format works fine. (C3 using this format)


    I want talk with plugin developer but he is offline since 5 years.

    Can't we do somethink for fix this?

  • Sorry, I can't help with SpriteFont+. It isn't necessary. I've documented the manual workaround in the original post.

  • blackhornet


    Why this different? I used every think same.

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