There is no Mac version. That it what is being asked for. I am having a look at what it would take for a Mac version, but it's mostly a complete rewrite to do so.
Yeah, thank you, sorry, I did not understand right away! Good luck!
Thank you so much for this. :) <3
Make my Sprite-Fonts in Gimp.
Really great tool to save time. <3
Is there any kind person out there who can spare a few minutes to convert this font for me? I'm on mac osx.
1024 size for a hd game, plain white color.
Thanks very much.
is there a way to make spritefonts with this tool and shut off anti-aliasing?
No. It's a Microsoft bug that forces it on. I keep checking for a fix, but it's never been corrected.
Thanks blackhornet this really made my day!
blackhornet, sorry to be a pain, it works great but i meant a sprite sheet size of 1024 not each character, as this one is gigantic (16384x8192) and i think uses hundreds of megs of memory lol.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
blackhornet thanks again, i owe you one.
blackhornet This was such a huge help! Thank you!
Call me crazy, but where is the actual link to download this? Thanks
It's in the original post.
Doh, I see it now thanks. Plugin is great but it's really missing a horizontal colour gradient feature :(