jezjones24's Forum Posts

  • So a few years ago i used open street maps in a mobile app made with html.

    I would like to do something similar again but the only mapping plugin is very old.

    Does anyone have any suggestions about using mapping and geolocation in an app/game.

    I would like to use custom map tiles but tie them to real lat / lon. I have done this elsewhere, but i am not sure if i can do it with construct.

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Ok, so i found the problem.

    For some reason the character set field in C3 was not keeping the new character set i pasted in there.

    When i deleted the field first (and pressed return) then pasted and return, it took the character set and started working.

    Thanks for your help.

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  • Ok, thanks.

    I am just trying to create a demo of the problem in a fresh project.

    A basic example does work, so i am now looking into my project since the words are created based on events so there could be problems in the way i am instantiating the sprite font.

    You got it working so it must be a problem elsewhere, that does help me quite alot.

    Thanks again.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    I have used sprite fonts quite alot. The problem seems to be due to the extra characters.

    Previously I have used the default character set in "Give me your font" and it has been totally fine (EN).

    I have reverted to another sprite font with english characters only and it works fine (for english).

    It seems that i get a large space to the right of the accented characters i added to character set.

    Is there anything relating to these extra characters that may be causing a problem. Are there any rules i need to follow in defining the character set, eg order ?

  • Hi

    I appreciate this is an old thread, but the activity is recent.....

    I am having trouble with using european characters in my sprite fonts.

    I need to use the extended ascii set with these characters;-


    But when i alter the character set in Give me your fonts, i get random text written to the sprite font despite the debugger showing the correct value for the word.

    Can you give any advice, does the character set have to be a certain order or something ?

    (I only need to cover English, French Spanish and Portugese.)

    For example, i could not use this font ;-

    It still gave garbled text.

    Any suggestions appreciated.



  • Thanks for your replies.

    I just mean having them both on my system side by side. I don't intend to interchange projects between them, just keep my my construct 2 projects as that and create new projects in construct 3.

    My question is based on the license. i think i get a year on C3 based on when i got C2 license. I am worried about ongoing support of construct 2 apps i have developed if i move to C3.

  • So i have actual ongoing work with construct 2 and to be honest i am not that impressed with the change in the license for construct 3... it goes from a purchased item to a yearly subscription.

    Add to that the "build service" that seems to be mentioned whenever you say construct 3 export, and i just see "cloud" everywhere which = fees for everything.

    So, while i am still to be convinced that there is any practical difference in Construct 3, i do have real world IT reason not to upgrade...deadlines and clients.

    Which begs the question, can i run construct 3 side by side with 2 so that i can ensure no downtime on migration?

  • dop2000

    Thank you very much, I knew i made it too complicated but could not see how to get out of it.

    Your solution works well and lets me delete lots of un-necessary code.

    Thanks again!

  • Capx file ... kComjTuXxB

    Hi, i hope you guys can help me.

    Ok, so i am trying to do a fairly basic game where a face is shown and you have the match the word for the emotion (happy , sad etc).

    It is fairly simple, the face are 1 sprite with each face on a different frame.

    The corresponding emotion words are in arrays where the X of the array matches the face animation frame.

    You click the play button and randomly spin the faces /words. This all works.

    My problem is with matching them up.

    I tried to create a draggable line between a face and word (or vs versa), but although it works in a browser it simply didn't on mobile. The line didn't appear as you dragged - maybe frame rate or something.

    Now i am trying to click first on one face and then 2nd on the corresponding word.

    The idea is you click on the face, it's background animates to show it is chosen, then you click on the corresponding word which also animates the background. Right now, i am simply writing "win" to a text box on screen to see it working or not.

    I am getting odd errors where the animations don't run or the "see if it is correct" function doesn't seem to be called.

    If you look at it in the debug, the values that are tested for win / lose are being stored but my logic is off somewhere. I know i am making too many things "true" but i can't see the problem.

    I would appreciate anyone taking a look as i have been staring at for a while and i can't see where it is wrong.



  • tunepunk thanks, I've downloaded the file you attached.

    I don't have construct 3 yet, I'm waiting to finish my current project, but I will take a look.

  • Hi, thanks that's great it works!

    Previously, i thought the problem was down to timing, release caused the touch X / Y to return to 0 before the line was finished drawing, right? I just didn't know how to solve that.

    The actual sprite has a fade effect with Destroy on fade out, the debug view shows the objects increasing and decreasing quite well.

    Thanks again.

  • Hi all,

    I would like to draw line across the screen with either touch or mouse.

    I have searched for information to do this.



    Where an example is suggested but it doesn't seem to relate to drawing a line only creating a fixed line between two objects.

    Kyatric who suggested the above example has a page of lots of techniques, this was the only one about drawing a line.

    On another thread I found a decent explanation


    but it was shut down for being too old.

    I have managed to implement the technique given in that second link, thanks , but while i can draw line, even a squiggly line, on release of touch or mouse, a line is continued from the last touch x, y to 0,0 and i can't understand why.

    Does anyone have any ideas what could cause it? ... Aba3lO3sgU

    I added this code to an already existing project, not a big project but with plenty of events. I have removed all the other stuff in this copy but i still get the line drawn on release.

  • dop2000

    Thank you, that does make sense, but i would have had no idea how to get the css into my capx project.

    Also for anyone else looking at this, in CSS an ID has to be unique so in this case setting an ID on the object set the same ID on all the buttons.

    The css needed for this is

    cursor: pointer;
    This will set it for all buttons.
    Also just in case people are not familiar with CSS the tutorial above uses a file called style.css but it can be called anything, so long as it matches the load command from the event sheet. Style.css is a very common name for css files and its best to avoid one that may conflict.
    @zenox98  I consider this a bug as Construct 2 is controlling the CSS of the buttons and the JS of setting the mouseover which seems to conflict , thus preventing that action on a button object.
    It would be useful if this page
    mentioned more about CSS or that C2 has its own cursor styles.

    I hope the above link shows.

    This is my capx, i have tried to find why the cursor doesn't change but i am hoping someone here will be able to spot the problem.


  • The reason this was not working was the filenames of the video.

    They seem to only work with spaces (that should have been obvious to me), but also without capital letters in the file name.