The Big NW.js Roundup - News & Tips

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  • It's taking longer than expected as we're still waiting on Rackspace to create a new server for us to run the script on (I requested it around 4 days ago). Please be patient.

  • It's taking longer than expected as we're still waiting on Rackspace to create a new server for us to run the script on (I requested it around 4 days ago). Please be patient.

    Tom Not sure if the new porting attempt happened yet but besides the centered images and minor quirks like that, there seems to be a major issue with text that had been formatted with the old "color" and "size" properties.

    Those types or text either don't show up at all or are showing up extremely large. Would appreciate a fix in the next porting attempt.

  • Since I don't want to mess with the main post yet and wait for the forum update, here are the latest known NWjs issues:

    Custom cursor CSS not preserved in window (Github Link)

    NW.js v0.30+ WebM Playback Causes Apphang/Appcrash (Github Link)

  • Tom It seems like there is a new char limit restricting me from completing my post. I would like to request the removal of this newly introduced feature so that I can fully update this topic. (Github Issue)

  • Hello, when I go to export in NWjs I want to export only for Win64 bits.

    Is it possible to configure this in some file of C2 or NWjs ?.

  • Hello, when I go to export in NWjs I want to export only for Win64 bits.

    Is it possible to configure this in some file of C2 or NWjs ?.

    on your NWjs install folder, just delete the linux/OSX/Win32 directories. If it doesn't work, just delete the Linux/OSX directories. You'll get an error when trying to export, but it will still export to Windows just fine.

  • > Hello, when I go to export in NWjs I want to export only for Win64 bits.

    > Is it possible to configure this in some file of C2 or NWjs ?.

    on your NWjs install folder, just delete the linux/OSX/Win32 directories. If it doesn't work, just delete the Linux/OSX directories. You'll get an error when trying to export, but it will still export to Windows just fine.

    I have tried that and I have achieved it but maybe there is some more elegant way.

    Although it's true, that works.


  • This should be alright now, thanks again for increasing the char limit Tom! No new workarounds or features, just some new external bugreports which can be found in the "NW.js Archive".


  • Hello, I would like to make a new way to protect resources.

    This way would be to put a password to the package.nw file.

    This file is a zip file.

    I would put a password to this zip file using winrar.

    With winrar you can create compressed files with a password.

    Then I tell NWjs that he should use this password to unzip the file.

    This is possible? Can be done?.

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  • Hello, I would like to make a new way to protect resources.

    This way would be to put a password to the package.nw file.

    This file is a zip file.

    I would put a password to this zip file using winrar.

    With winrar you can create compressed files with a password.

    Then I tell NWjs that he should use this password to unzip the file.

    This is possible? Can be done?.

    There is honestly no point in doing this and I'd generally recommend working and finishing up your game instead of using time on this. HERE is an issue regarding this from the past about package.nw/zip password protection.

    There might be complicated workarounds with NPM modules but I'm not familiar with both NPM and JS to provide something useful, putting aside the fact that your game could run slower or take forever to start up with something like this implemented.

    One thing you could do is "hide" it inside the exe file (How To: Secure/Hide Your Game Assets), which at least would make it more difficult for people that don't know how to reverse the process to access it.

    Again speaking from personal experience, don't waste your time on this and finish your game instead. If someone really wants to crack your game, that individual will manage to do it even if you use super expensive security systems like Denuvo.

  • the Mnk ,

    ( Tom , how to tag names with spaces eg The Mnk above ?)

    I am not affiliated with them in any way but....

    Enigma Virtual Box (free, ive used and works well) will allow you to turn your nwjs package into a fairly secure exe

    and Enigma Protector ($199, ive not tried) will allow you to hardlock the exe to a unique machine / user with unique licence serial number access keys distributed by yourself.

    both products can be found here.

    as TheRealDannyyy says though its likely all cracked allready if you go search the right places.

    But it would at least deter casual / lazy sharing of assets and game.

    also Im not sure if dev tools is accessible through nwjs apps, possibly not, but if it is it would make all this pointless.

    also if you are putting your game on steam I am pretty sure they have some DRM options.

  • For those of you ****** exporting for Steam, what's the reason why you're not using C3 to export but still sticking with C2? (assuming you have both licenses)

    Is it because of the addons or because C3 NW.js ultimately still has more issues than C2?

    Which one is easier to work with theoretically (Includes implementing Steam Achievements)?

  • For those of you ****** exporting for Steam, what's the reason why you're not using C3 to export but still sticking with C2? (assuming you have both licenses)

    Is it because of the addons or because C3 NW.js ultimately still has more issues than C2?

    Which one is easier to work with theoretically (Includes implementing Steam Achievements)?

    Construct 3 all the way! Here are some things you get in C3's NW.js export that you don't get in C2:

    • Fully automatic selection and installation of NW.js builds
    • Option to select exporting platform(s)
    • Option to set up chromium args and other common features during export
    • Workaround for permissions issue on MacOS and Linux
    • Swiftshader software rendering support for systems that don't support WebGL at all

    These are just the things that I know off the top of my head, there is probably much more to Construct 3's NW.js implementation that I didn't discover yet.

    It's not really possible to give you a definitive answer for why people don't/can't switch to C3, the most common reason for not switching are not supported 3rd party plugins. No difference for Steam specific features, works the same for both C2 and C3.

  • TheRealDannyyyThanks for the heads up!!:)

  • I am not affiliated with them in any way but....

    Enigma Virtual Box (free, ive used and works well) will allow you to turn your nwjs package into a fairly secure exe

    and Enigma Protector ($199, ive not tried) will allow you to hardlock the exe to a unique machine / user with unique licence serial number access keys distributed by yourself.

    both products can be found here.

    as TheRealDannyyy says though its likely all cracked allready if you go search the right places.

    But it would at least deter casual / lazy sharing of assets and game.

    also Im not sure if dev tools is accessible through nwjs apps, possibly not, but if it is it would make all this pointless.

    also if you are putting your game on steam I am pretty sure they have some DRM options.

    Those are valid options. Won't add this to the roundup though, too "hacky" for me and I generally try to avoid the use of 3rd party systems in any of my workarounds.

    You can completly remove dev-tools by using a custom build, see "How To: Hide/Prevent Chrome Devtools For The End-User".

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