Why we decided to use Gravatar

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  • Who really has different passwords for private reasons <img src="smileys/smiley22.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    You'd ever have to carry a list with you, to login anywhere else but home.

    I want an avatar, but dont want to register on another site for that <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • If some scriptkiddies may hack the gravatar server, they got mail, user and pw for many users at many sites.

    That's true of any site, not just Gravatar, if you use the same username/password/email combo. Personally I use KeePass to store randomly generated passwords for each website I use, all locked by a single long password which I simply remember and don't have written down anywhere.

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  • why not implement to use gravatar as an option?

  • It is an option :)

  • I'm not a fan of Gravatar either, but using the premise of it being a security risk is silly. It is no more a security risk than creating an account anywhere else.

    Personally I would prefer to use the old avatar system, by linking to an image in DropBox... but signing up for Gravatar wasn't THAT big of a deal.


  • I'm not a fan of Gravatar either, but using the premise of it being a security risk is silly.

    It is what u guess. just dont want to see my avatar on all sites, i am registered at, faked or something.

    It is an option :)

    i cant find it. where on scirra.com can i choose to use an external site to upload an avatar without registering at gravatar?

    and of course, i could use no own avatar, but it is a typical forum feature to get a symbol or picture for fast user reference. if u mean it is an option to upload an avatar, i guess you dont fully understand the sense of a discussion board.

    btw the forum here on scirra is the first site in the net, where i am forced to register on another site just to upload an own pic for fast identification. sorry, but i really dont see a reason to handle this restraint for every user. maybe mail verification is inactive, but handling serious users from the outset as spammers seems strange to me.

  • Why i need a username to login there? If the Mail adresses are linked, i dont see a reason to provide another username for an avatar.

    At the end, i guess this system is a true security risk for mail, usernames and password.

    The only risk, with the hash of your email adress being send out, is that once decrypted, people can have a valid email adress.

    BEWARE !!! You risk spam...

    Most users use the same password there and on forums etc, and i dont know how these are stored there. If some scriptkiddies may hack the gravatar server, they got mail, user and pw for many users at many sites.

    Well most users are doing wrong. And if you REALLY cared as much about security as you claimed, you'd have a different user name, a different email adress and a different password for any account you ever registered over the internet.

    Who really has different passwords for private reasons

    You'd ever have to carry a list with you, to login anywhere else but home.

    Well, I do for one, and I'm not the only one.

    About carrying passwords around, well I use a software named KeePass (I can't remember if I heard about it on scirra.com or toribash) which is really a convenient and secured tool. You can put it on an usb key, remember only the master password, and here you go.

    To be honest, it's really not hard to set up/use, especially on your main computer (the one you work and access internet the most with)

    It is what u guess. just dont want to see my avatar on all sites, i am registered at, faked or something.

    btw the forum here on scirra is the first site in the net, where i am forced to register on another site just to upload an own pic for fast identification. sorry, but i really dont see a reason to handle this restraint for every user. maybe mail verification is inactive, but handling serious users from the outset as spammers seems strange to me.

    So what are you complaining about ? You know no other site that uses gravatar.

    i cant find it. where on scirra.com can i choose to use an external site to upload an avatar without registering at gravatar?

    and of course, i could use no own avatar, but it is a typical forum feature to get a symbol or picture for fast user reference. if u mean it is an option to upload an avatar, i guess you dont fully understand the sense of a discussion board.

    That was quite patronizing.

    You have bad user passwords habits and now will go and rant about the effectiveness and comprehension of concept of Tom ?

    Like soldjah I wasn't appealed to register to gravatar first either. But in the end I did (with another password as mentionned above, etc...)

    But after having registered and used it, well, it ain't that bad. I'd even consider it for my own website, since the main advantage of that technology is : website doesn't need to store megabytes of pictures now. It's handled by gravatar, and you can use that ressources for the very service your website is providing.

    From a dev perspective, it's an interesting option. (not mentioning the size handling and image manipulations of the avatar itself)

    Of course, you could debate about some globalization factor (registered accounts on sites go search for your email automaticly and gets an avatar in return, one avatar for all websites. You'll "look the same" on every websites). I'd even agree, but that kind of discussion should be lead into gravatar's forums, not scirra's.

    The option is that if you don't want to register gravatar, you're not forced to. You just have one of the hidious default avatars with no personality.

    In the end you have a right to rant about gravatar, but imo, you're ranting for all the wrong reasons.

    And if script kiddies frighten you, go change your passwords right now, 'cause now they know that getting access to one of your accounts on the net will allow them to access them all.

    Script kiddies surely love users like you.

  • i'm talking about the combination of one picture on different forums AND usernames. i could also setup a site where u can register once with one name and use this on every forum which uses my system.

    but i also dont like facebook and google, which links everything everywhere, but dont care about personal information of their users or laws.

    a realistic view from the users side IS that security risk where someone gets my account however, he could ruin my name www, and use my account for spamming on multiple sites or whatever. this could be the admin itself, maybe if his database is unsecure or he is forced from someone to share the data. this dont need to be scriptkiddies or destructive people.

    maybe outsourcing disk space and load times is nice for websites, and maybe its a good idea to handle multiple sites with one account, but i think this has to be an option. who doesn't want this, should also have the possibility to use standard functions like an avatar on a discussion board.

    but now i give up, and dont use an avatar here. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> thanks for your opinions.

  • hmm its strange..

    after almost 2 days, i haven't got my avatar yet :S

    used same email on both sites... i have used the check on gravatar, but its the same and image is ok in all ratings.. what is the problem?

    i think this is the problem. CandyFace did what was required and a month and half later nothing, not even a reply. I've also signed up (10 hours or so) and nothing. I suspect something really stupid like how gravatar might convert all emails to lower case before generating the hash. I'm grasping at straws i know, but how can something "so simple" not work? What's their "check" page for if that doesn't correlate with the forum we're using? Checking on gravatar's own site is clearly bogus. Where's the reverse check for the forum we're on? I've resisted signing up to gravatar in the past, and relented, but the result is more like frustration of stupidity for something that shouldn't take hours/days/weeks/months/years... /rant

  • Guys, Help please!!! its more than three days already, and my gravatar still didn't update the image here! What do i do!?! >o<""

  • Thanks for the report guys, it seems that gravatar requires everything lowercase. This is now fixed on the forum, and will be fixed in comments on other parts of the site tonight or tommorow.

  • I try to reg and it did not like the pass or the name and wanted me to jump throw hoops.

    I think I well just pass on this one. I can live with the default Avatar Scirra gives me. <img src="smileys/smiley21.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Now I have gravatar on the site but why here is the same as before?

  • Is Gravatar down? I can't seem to create an account. I think I've tried eight times. I don't see that I'm doing anything wrong, I mean, I've signed up on sites before...

    update: Tried emailing Gravatar support yesterday, and no response yet. Sad, because that robot avatar looks EXACTLY like me, and I hate putting my picture on the webs ;)

  • About carrying passwords around, well I use a software named KeePass (I can't remember if I heard about it on scirra.com or toribash) which is really a convenient and secured tool. You can put it on an usb key, remember only the master password, and here you go.

    To be honest, it's really not hard to set up/use, especially on your main computer (the one you work and access internet the most with)

    I use LastPass. I've never heard of KeePass before.

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