Zephlon's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, but I haven't figured out exactly when it crashes. All I do know at this point is it happens sometimes when you run the game.

  • Well unless they were to put a warning in the backups tab, I would consider it a bug.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Sorry, but I cannot provide this since I lost almost all of my work from this bug. But here is the most recent backup I have on the highly unlikely chance that it contains anything that actually caused the problem:


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Unknown

    2. Unknown

    3. Unknown

    Observed result:

    Construct 2 stopped responding after I clicked Run Layout. I waited about 5 minutes and nothing happened, so I closed Construct 2. I looked in my dropbox folder for a backup (which I configured to run hourly), but the backup was from 12:23 PM and only contained changes made since when I last saved (which must have been that time).

    Expected result:

    Construct 2 should have ran the layout normally instead of being an idiot and crapping its pants. (Sorry, I'm a bit upset from losing almost all of today's work.)

    Also, it should have saved a backup around 8:30 PM (it's 9:36 PM right now) because I had it set to hourly.

    Browsers affected:

    I was using Chrome 30.0.1599.69, but the issue is with the editor, not in the browser.

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 Pro (64-bit)

    Construct 2 version:

    146 (64-bit)

  • I want Dropbox to be optional for my game, but when I click Deny on Dropbox's Authorization Page, I get redirected back to it again. You should make the plugin so it will detect when it has been denied and remember that.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Have you ever heard of Peggle? Well I created my own version of it called Poggle. It's almost finished, I just need people to beta test it to see if there are any issues before I upload the final version.

    Play it here:


    How to play guide here:


  • I had the same problem in a game I'm working on. Just install rexrainbow's Z-Sorter Plugin and use that.

  • I got a 404 when trying to test it. :(

  • It seems like if I close C2 when there's unsaved changes, and tell it to save, it will close properly. Most other times it won't.

  • I removed the -- from the file extension and it opened as it should.

    Thank you, keepee! That is exactly what I was looking for.

    Only problem after I implemented it into my game is that when you place heavy objects on the button, it bounces causing the doors to open and close repeatedly.

  • Nimtrix Thank you! It works now.

    keepee I got an error when opening your capx.


    Error loading project


    Failed to open project 'C:\Users\Nick\Downloads\phystrig.capx--':

    Error document empty.

    The file may be invalid. Try checking the file in a text editor (projects are saved in XML format).




  • How can I make a button that will push down and trigger an event when a specific amount of weight is on top of it? I already have a system in place for triggering an event, but no matter what I try the buttons don't always work like they should.

    When nothing is on top of the button, it should move to/stay at its original position. When something heavy enough is on top of the button, it should move down 32 pixels. When something not heavy enough is on top of the button, it should move down a realistic amount. Whenever it moves, it should move smoothly.

  • I tried. It's very difficult. Here is what I managed to do before giving up:


    In order to open that you'll need rexrainbow's MoveTo Plugin.

    How to install plugins and behaviors ?

  • Please search for an answer before asking the question:


    The first result is what you're looking for.

  • As an alternative, you could move a large amount of the logic into a plugin.


  • Is the picture a power of two size? Examples:








    Also, when measuring something on the screen, use pixels.