Zephlon's Forum Posts

  • I have a license, so I'm allowed to make stuff for profit. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> But as superkew said, it depends upon the complexity of the game.

  • I'm working on a game that is very similar to the Silent Realms in Zelda: Skyward Sword except in two dimensions. I can't seem to find the sounds/music for the Silent Realm online, and because the original game is in 3D, I can't find any pre-made graphics for it. I already altered some graphics to make it look like the Silent Realm, but it's getting too time-consuming and I'm not that good at it. I'd rather spend my time making the actual game than with making graphics and sound. If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Sadly because this game is free, all I can offer in return is a spot on the credits page in the menu.

    Here are some screenshots of what I have so far: (last updated 7/8/2012)





    Here is a list of what I need specifically: (last updated 7/8/2012)

    [X] = Have it.

    [_] = Needed.

    [-] = Don't have it and don't need it but would be a bonus.

    • Sound/Music (Either from the original game, or that closely matches what you would hear in the original game.)
      • [_] Guardians are asleep (From just one of the areas will do.)
      • [_] Link got caught and the guardians are waking up.
      • [_] Link is being chased by the guardians.
      • [_] Sound that is played when you grab a tear.
      • [-] Link got too close to one of the watchers that follow you, and it made that jingling sound.
      • [_] Sound that is played when Link step into the safe circle after collecting all of the tears.
    • Graphics (Should be Zelda-styled) Important Note: When the guardians are asleep everything has cool colors (mostly blue). When They wake up, almost everything turns into warm colors like red or orange. Keep this in mind when making the graphics.
      • [_] Dirt and transition between dirt and grass. (The grass part should be transparent because the grass will change colors.)
      • [_] Mountain tiles. (GB-styled because aLttP mountains are complicated.) Any grass that overlaps the mountain should be transparent because the grass will change colors. It should support heights from 16 pixels and up.
      • [-] Waking Water. (Just make a animated rectangle of it about 200x150 pixels. I'll edit it in Gimp to give it the shape I want.)
      • [-] Better looking (but still similar) fence than in the screenshots. (Horizontal and vertical.)
      • [_] Knight Guardian (Either from scratch or altered from Minish Cap Darknut sprites.) 4 directions (up, down, left, right) for each:
        • Asleep with sword stabbed in ground.
        • (Optional) Standing up and lifting sword.
        • Standing in place, looking around for Link.
        • (Optional) Preparing to charge.
        • Charing forward.
        • Attacking.
      • [_] Ghost Guardian (Either from scratch or altered from existing Zelda sprites.) 4 directions (up, down, left, right) for each:
        • Asleep
        • Foating slowly toward Link in a very creepy fashion.
        • Attacking.
      • [_] Sky Watcher (Either from scratch or altered from existing Zelda sprites.) 4 directions (up, down, left, right) for each:
        • Foating high with light pointing straight down.
        • (Optional) Link has been spotted and watcher is disappearing.
      • [-] Earth Watcher (Either from scratch or altered from existing Zelda sprites.) 4 directions (up, down, left, right) for each:
        • Hovering above ground.
        • Link got too close and watcher is following Link.
        • Link has been spotted and watcher is dissapearing.

    If you want to be a beta tester and you know what that means, just say so and I will send you a copy when the game goes in beta. (Right now it's in early development.)

  • Thank you. Problem solved.

  • I'm making a game like Minesweeper, but I can't think of a way to have the game count the bombs around each space. I am using a 64px x 64px grid. Each space has a sprite called Rock (because it looks like a square rock). At the start of the layout, it will For Each through all of the rocks twice. Once to randomly place bombs (without putting more than one on the same spot by accident), and a second time to put Kreptons (money) of appropriate value in each of the remaining spaces. The Krepton sprite has different frames and an instance variable to determine how much each is worth. I want it to put specific amounts Kreptons in the space depending on how many bombs are around it (9 x 9 or 192px x 192px area with the current space in the center).

    I'm afraid that if I put in another loop inside the second For Each loop, that it would make the game slow. Is there a way to count them without a loop? I tried this, but bcount is always zero.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/52788071/count_bombs.png" border="0" />

  • Joannesalfa

    I guess it's best not to use layer effects in that case. However, I have to use the Particle plugin because it's for the contest. Thanks but, I go with delgado's idea.

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  • Using the Particles plugin, is there a way to give each particle a random color?

    Since the Particles plugin doesn't support multiple sprites, I tried to fake it by using a large colorful image and sprite effects, but it's not working. Not even the Sprite Effects example works. :(

    Here is the demo and capx. Just click anywhere in the game area to trigger particles.



  • Create a System->Compare Two Values event. Then go to System and find the distance function. (It's under Math.) Plugin the player and enemy's X and Y properties. Example: distance(Player.x, Player.Y, Enemy.X, Enemy.Y). Then change equals to less than, and type a number in the second box for the distance (in pixels).

  • If by group you mean that all of the sprites are part of one big object and move together, then yes it's possible but not easy.

    If by group you mean that all of the sprites are separate but part of a family, then this feature comes with a license.

  • Thank you, Ashely

  • I modified the Physics plugin to add an action that destroys all Physics Joints. All is well until I get this error in the console, then it can't register any more joints as well as other weird behaviors.

    <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'm_collideConnected' of undefined






















        (anonymous function)






    I added this code to edittime.js

    <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">AddAction(901, af_none, "Break joints", "Joints", "Break all {my} joints", "Break all physics joints on this object.", "destroyMyJoints");</font>

    And this code to runtime.js

    <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">acts.destroyMyJoints = function () {



    Here is the capx for the game the error occurred in.


    The frisbee will "stick" to a pole when it hits it and spins around it until you either right-click or press space bar. You can control the frisbee while it's on a pole in any of three ways:

    • Click on the frisbee to push it.
    • Use the arrow keys to move it.
    • Hold down the left mouse button anywhere but the frisbee. A white ball will appear. Move the mouse to hit the frisbee with the ball. When you let go the ball will disappear.
  • Because tab switches between different controls (i.e. buttons, text boxes, check boxes, etc.). It's like the standard for all windows programs.

  • That would work, but it won't save the player's progress. So if the player closed the game and reopened it, he would be back at level 1.

    Also, it is not a good idea to have multiple copies of the same event sheet. Even if some of the variables have different values.

    • What if you wanted to change how the game works? You'd have to change the same little thing for all of the levels.
    • It increases the file size more than nessesary. In a case where you have a lot of events for each level, the player will become impatient when your game takes forever to load and go find a different game to play.
    • If you wanted to add a few levels, you'd have to duplicate one of the event sheets and change it accordingly.

    It is better not to repeat the same instructions over and over, but instead to say it once and put variable where it's different.

    Instead, you should do something like this:

    Make one sprite object, name it levelbox. Right-click on it, choose add/edit instance variables, click the green plus sign, name the variable level and give it a type of text, click ok, and close the add/edit instance variables window. Hold ctrl and move the levelbox. This copies it. Do this until you have enough for each level. Edit each one to have the name of one of the levels (layouts) in the level instance variable (you can find it in the properties). If you don't want to type the name out each time, you can copy something like "Level " to the clipboard and paste that into the textbox then type the number. Example: Click levelbox, click the box next to "Instance Variables, level", press Ctrl+V, type "1", click the next levelbox, click the box next to "Instance Variables, level", press Ctrl+V, type "2", etc.

    -- Menu Events --

    system.every tick -> set opacity to 40 for all level boxes in the menu.

    Declare Local Variable unlock_level = 1

    System - For Each levelbox

    If unlock_level = 1 -> then set levelbox opacity to 100%

    (Event with no conditions) -> System > set variable unlock_level to WebStore.getLocalKey(levelbox.level)

    On levelbox clicked, and -

    levelbox opacity is 100% -> system go to levelbox.level

    -- Game Events --

    When a level is finished -> WebStorage > Set Local Key > LayoutName to 1.

  • You can have the variables that are different attached to an object (like the player). Just click on the object, go to properties, and click "Add/Edit Instance Variables". Then if there isn't anything else different, delete all of the event sheets but one (except for the menu events) and make sure all of the levels point to the same event sheet.

  • First, you can have more than one layout share the same event sheet. Second, each of the level boxes should be multiple instances of the same object. (Create the first one, name it, and then move it while holding ctrl to copy. Or, right-click>copy, then right-click>paste.) To have multiple frames for one object, open the first one, create a new frame (right-click in the frames window, click add frame), make sure the new frame is selected, and open the next image.

    Try this:


    Does your game keep track of score? If not, we'll need to do this differently; because this is like a level select menu and high-score system in one.

  • The basic idea is that, at the end of a level, you store the highscore in a database of some kind (I used the WebStorage object). Then you create a sprite on the level select menu with one animation for unlocked, and one for locked. Then at the start of the layout you iterate through all of the levels and if the previous level has a highscore greater than zero, unlock it.

    I can explain in more detail, but I'll need to know if you want the menu to be automatically generated and if you want multiple pages.