Zephlon's Forum Posts

  • Is there a way to check if a layout with a given name exists?

  • A while ago I found an article on Code Project about a Connect Four game that "learns".


    Obviously it's not the same game or writen in the same language, but I thought it might help.

    Program a stupidly hard AI that knows how to counter and dodge everything, and proper timing for effective attacks. Then dumb it down at the beginning of a round or game.

    I made a Tic-Tac-Toe AI in a similar way. If it finds two in a row of your tile, it will block it. If it finds two in a row of its tile, it will win. Otherwise it will chose a random place. I dumbed it down by having it chose a random place sometimes.

  • Cool! Now I have an excuse to get a PS Vita.

    Great! The question is will be it any good though? For example Android's browser isn't great with HTML5 (although that's supposed to be fixed in Android 4).

    That explains why my game is painfully slow when I test it on my tablet.

  • About carrying passwords around, well I use a software named KeePass (I can't remember if I heard about it on scirra.com or toribash) which is really a convenient and secured tool. You can put it on an usb key, remember only the master password, and here you go.

    To be honest, it's really not hard to set up/use, especially on your main computer (the one you work and access internet the most with)

    I use LastPass. I've never heard of KeePass before.

  • Wow, I could barely tell the difference between the two trees. I had to look at it like 3 inches away from my monitor. The one on the left has more colors, and therefore looks a little better.

  • No, the badge is separate from the avatar, it just isn't displayed by ajax.

  • I posted a comment on a game in the arcade and my comment appeared with a cool animation, but the Early Adopters Badge did not appear until I reloaded the page.

  • <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52788071/SandBOX%20-%20Free%20Addicting%20Game.png" border="0" />

    I can stand on that wall. Logically I should slide down a diagonal wall depending upon how steep it is.

    Other than that very well done.

  • If you have the Collision mask property set to "Use collision polygon", make sure that the collision polygons for both of them are correct.

    1. Right-click the object.

    2. Choose Set animations

    3. Click the icon on the left side of the image editor that says "Set collision polygon".

    4. Move the points to the corners of the box. You can also right-click to add or remove points.

  • Hello world! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    My pseudo-name is Zephlon Arphanosh. I mostly do Web Development, and I have a website called ZefurNet (which is the middle of a hiatus right now). I have been looking for an HTML5 game editor for a while and I am very glad I found Construct 2.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • MyBB is better.


    MyBB: 9.6/10 (1562 votes)

    PhpBB: 7.4/10 (398 votes)

  • Probably the best 2D version of Breakout I have played. Great job. However, Sometimes I would move the mouse, but the paddle would not move and the mouse goes outside the game area.

    Btw, I dodge the speed down power-ups on purpose because they make the game too easy.

  • Ok then, how can I render rounded rectangles, gradients, and outlines with a thickness other than 1px in edit time?

  • calebevans.me/projects/jcanvas/index.php

    I would like to use jCanvas to draw shapes at both edit time and run time. I tried just copying and pasting the minified code into the common.js file, but got this error:


    HTML5 exporter


    Unable to load plugin in 'C:\Program Files\Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\zui_rectangle\': Javascript exception in file 'common.js' line 8: ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

    Code line:


    Stack trace:

    ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

        at common.js:8:12841

    This plugin will not be available in the editor.





    How would I get jCanvas to work?

  • also, curious. anyone call it con'struct instead of construct',

    as in the noun instead of the verb?   ? I kinda wanted to, but it just didn't roll off the tongue very well.

    I didn't realize that construct and construct have different pronunciations. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />