neverhouse's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • I don't know. I think Gravatar is broken. I can't create an account. Anyone experience trouble trying to register an account?

  • Is Gravatar down? I can't seem to create an account. I think I've tried eight times. I don't see that I'm doing anything wrong, I mean, I've signed up on sites before...

    update: Tried emailing Gravatar support yesterday, and no response yet. Sad, because that robot avatar looks EXACTLY like me, and I hate putting my picture on the webs ;)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hi!

    Found myself here from Rob Braun's op piece reprinted on Gamasutra. Just ran through the tutorial project, and I'm hooked! Love gaming, and have been taking steps, recently, toward making games. Construct 2 seems like a great tool to that end!

    I've dipped the very tip of my little toe into C++, Python and various other tools/resources to try to gain more knowledge, more understanding. I'm more of a graphics and design person, and learning programming has been a bit of a challenge, but a nice change of atmosphere. C2 seems very approachable, and I look forward to digging in deeper!</font>

  • 3 posts