The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hello! First of all sorry for my English language skills <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    I am start make comp games lond time ago when I was a kid. It was on ZXSpectrum-48 and old IBM System's, by using Basic and Assembler. After this I work as DataBases programmer on FoxPro, Access and LotusNotes/Domino. After this I am move from coding to sales/marketing department in IT-industry. I was help to my friends to sale games they created (as independent developers) but I was still have an idea to make my own games. In my free time I learn C# and make some text-based MUDs. Previously I was looking in Unity3D side (because of my C# knowledges), but thinking realistically, I realized that I can not do anything good in 3D - it requires good skills in modeling and takes much longer time to do something look not very bad. At the same time, 99% of my ideas fit perfectly in 2D format. So I decide to make game prototypes on Construct and code it on C#+XNA Framework.

    But after I see Arima's game I was shoked. It is amasing project! After some questions on forum and Arima's PMs I decide make Scirra Constructor as my main game dev tool and now I will try to make a whole game on it from A to Z. I buy personal licence and very happy with my choi?e (look like it takes 10 times less time and stress, than if I did the same work via C#+XNA).

    I am still a bit worry about performance for big projects but I hope all will be fine.

  • Hello <img src="smileys/smiley31.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I am an Italian web developer with a strong passion for the gaming world.

    I know languages ??like C #, Java, PHP, and - of course - HTML. For work I have always developed on ECMS, or medium-large web projects.

    While, as a hobby, my passion for video games has led me to try to develop my game. I tried various tools and frameworks, from XNA to jMonkeyEngine for example. Unfortunately I have little time to develop an indie game, but Construct 2 has awakened the desire to do something!

    For now I have not bought any license and I am trying Construct 2 in Free version :-)

    However, it is absolutely fantastic, it takes half the time to create something nice! Less stress, less time "wasted" and a good result. As soon as I planned how to develop something serious, I will buy a personal license! <img src="smileys/smiley42.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Sorry for my English <img src="smileys/smiley23.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello !

    I'm new there :)

    After some tests on Free Edition, I just bought the Personal Edition and I enjoy it ! Perhaps you'll see me soon around a thread :)

    As Damaxeus (Welcome too), I feel sorry for my poor english... French people inside :)

  • Hello construct people,

    I am very new to construct, found it online while researching collision detection so i could start creating my first game. Making a game been something on my to do list for many many many years. Started several times then always end up running out of time or becoming way too busy. I was glad i found this program. Makes building a game actually do-able.

    Maybe I can be of some future help, since I'm a developer for boring business applications.

    Hopefully I can post my first game to the arcade in a couple months.

  • <font size="3">I Love construct 2 very much. i love to make games so i searched for game designing programs and i saw construct 2 and i download it. I try it and its was diffucult for me because this is the first time i make games. After time I learned how to use and Im happy so much.</font>

  • Hello everyone! I'm new to the community as well as the 2d scene. As an indie, I've been working with 3d engines for the past few years. I have been wanting to delve into 2d for some time, but for numerous reasons, I never have. Recently, I was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of Construct 2 through a contest that IGD Magazine held. I must say that I am very impressed with the Scirra community and the engine itself. I do look forward to spending more time here and hope to have something to show soon. Thanks!

  • Hi everyone -

    New to Scirra, but it looks like I'm going to be spending all my free time here until I've got no creative juices left =)

  • Hey all, I'm Frank Perez, but I also go by the user name Elyzius or Elysius in a number of forums and gaming sites. I've mostly been in the Neverwinter Nights 2 modding scene, but I'm now looking into indie game development. Anyone who is interested in my game-related projects may visit my blog. Among other things, it has a number of musings on game development and 3D modeling.


  • Hello, i'm ViralHaze, a pixel artist, who intrested a game development in Construct Classic and Construct 2.

  • Hey, I'm Biped and I've just started to learn Construct2. Done a couple tutorials and everything has been pretty RAD. Hope to post some games eventually <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi! I decided to take a look at Construct Classic as an alternative to a certain popular game making tool that's also event based, and I would like to learn a few things about this program to make a game, really. :3

  • Portuguese (Brazil): Ol� mundo, meu nome � Gustavo e espero futuramente ganhar dinheiro com meus jogos feitos em C2, estou adorando o C2 e este site, onde posso aprender muito sobre o programa. J� fiz um jogo e postei aqui no scirra arcade, s� que veio um um erro na �ltima fase e quando fiz a atualiza��o do jogo, eles ainda n�o aceitaram, aguardo ancioso. Caso queiram ver uma de minhas cria��es, clique aqui:

    Como eu disse, est� com alguns erros, mas a atualiza��o vai corrigi-los. Espero fazer amigos aqui. Abra�os.

    English: Hello world, my name is Gustavo and I hope to make money with my future games made in C2, C2, and I'm loving this site, where you can learn a lot about the program. I've done a game and posted here in scirra arcade, which came just one error in a final stage and when I updated the game, they have not accepted, waiting anxiously. If you want to see one of my creations, click here:

    Like I said, is with some errors, but the update will fix them. I hope to make friends here. Hugs.

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  • Hey there guys!

    I'm new to the software (and to the forums); actually I'm trying to make my way up to create an rpg/managerial game. Still crawling in my ideas, though; nothing's up yet at the moment.

    Great IDE by the way!

  • Hi!

    I've been a "lurker" for a year now, just learning, reading and trying to make my business around Construct 2, after a few successfully deployed projects, i feel that i have something to give to this forum.

    In next week or two, i will share my experiences with construct 2 and some projects that i made using this brilliant piece of software.

    I just wanna send a big thank you for whole Scirra team, you are doing a brilliant job, just keep going!

  • Hello,

    My name is H?i. Nguy?n T�i H?i. I come from VietNam.

    I work in game industry 5 years. I developed a game editor like Construct 2 in C++. Now I want remake it into Javascript to support HTML5 game.

    My company is: Gameloft:[url=][/url] the best mobile game.

    I have a cummunity about game development in VietNam:

    I developed some game in HTLM5 with some kute features. I will share with you and improve some plush in for Construct 2 in the future.


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