Gustavo's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • The link to test your game in action is off :(

    Delete this game please:

  • Hello, I made an upload of a new version of my game in the arcade scirra, but created a new updated copy of the game, leaving the old game there. I just have to replace the old with the new game? Or can I delete my old game?

    Thank you for your attention.



  • PROBLEM SOLVED! After hours trying to find the solution to this problem, I discovered that it was using an invalid letter in a game sprite. That's it; D

    But thanks for trying to help. Now anyone with this problem already know how to solve. Hugs!

  • I tried again and could not in any browser.

  • I'm using google chrome, and I've tried in firefox and also failed. I'll download the opera to see if I can. Thanks

  • I can not upload a specific game for chrome webstore, I bought the developer license and I send my games, however, there is a game of mine that I can not, it is at 100% and hangs. I've left it all day at 100% and nothing. already rebooted the pc, I saved the game with another name and nothing. My game is lightweight, has only 1.9MB. and urgent need to send this game. please someone help me!!!! Thanks.

    PRINT: <img src="" border="0" />


    PROBLEM SOLVED! After hours trying to find the solution to this problem, I discovered that it was using an invalid letter in a game sprite. That's it; D

    But thanks for trying to help. Now anyone with this problem already know how to solve. Hugs!

  • Thanks, I'll try here, if you can stand, but I think we can close here, thank you.

  • ...

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  • (I created a facebook game, and wanted to upload it in scirra arcade, but it seems that it is not possible, you know any sites hosting games for free in HTML 5? Thank you.)

  • Problems in sending an update to a game in "Scirra Arcade"

    I sent an update of my game to the site, but is slow to be accepted. I need this update is accepted for me to send another (For in another update, I did a translation for the game - which is currently in Portuguese -)

    Do not know if this delay is normal, I sent yesterday, and thought it was automatic, sorry if I'm bothering you, hope to solve my problem, thanks for listening.

  • Portuguese (Brazil): Ol� mundo, meu nome � Gustavo e espero futuramente ganhar dinheiro com meus jogos feitos em C2, estou adorando o C2 e este site, onde posso aprender muito sobre o programa. J� fiz um jogo e postei aqui no scirra arcade, s� que veio um um erro na �ltima fase e quando fiz a atualiza��o do jogo, eles ainda n�o aceitaram, aguardo ancioso. Caso queiram ver uma de minhas cria��es, clique aqui:

    Como eu disse, est� com alguns erros, mas a atualiza��o vai corrigi-los. Espero fazer amigos aqui. Abra�os.

    English: Hello world, my name is Gustavo and I hope to make money with my future games made in C2, C2, and I'm loving this site, where you can learn a lot about the program. I've done a game and posted here in scirra arcade, which came just one error in a final stage and when I updated the game, they have not accepted, waiting anxiously. If you want to see one of my creations, click here:

    Like I said, is with some errors, but the update will fix them. I hope to make friends here. Hugs.

  • 12 posts