DeusEx's Forum Posts

  • Thank you!

  • Any chanse to see GameSparks plugin for C3?

  • I've made a NodeJS chat application using C2 and deployed it on Heroku :

    Works well but if you want to make a complex multi-player game, then I recommend a service like Photon instead because it already has a lot of features that you will need like rooms for example.

    Thank you, need to read a bit more documentation

  • I run a suite of four dedicated servers performing various functions to support the C2 client right now. Feel free to PM questions.

    Thank you, will do

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • you can already do that on C2 so i think that yes, its possible.

    Did you have any experience with this?

  • Is it will be possible to make a multiplayer (turn-based) game with client maded in C3 and server based on Photon or Node.js?

    I ask this because Costruct Arcade servise are simple/easy but I don't see how I can monetise this.

    Also dedicated server is good to prevent cheating.

    DeusEx Construct 3 we are talking about not Unity 3D. Yes $99 is a low cost for good game dev software like Unity 3D or Uureal Engine but sorry to say not for Cnstruct 3 when 98% of us only use it for fun in our spare time...

    I use Unity3D more then 4 years, I even was Unity2D Advisory Board Member (then they test 2D options) , so let me tell you something: it not fair to compare these engines. Unity3D, Unreal, CryEngine, etc.. they all require serious study of programming. Yes all of them have build-in tools or assets like FlowChart/Visual programming and etc, but you are unable to make something serious or really unique with them without writing code.

    So why the software that requires less knowledge/skills for using should be cheaper?

    Subscription model (or SAAS - Software as a service) now is a inductry standart in fact. and it's become a common delivery model for many business applications. Yes, it's a bit new for game dev, but not because it doesn't work, but because developers prefer add one digit to software version and sell Software++.

    SaaS better for customer, mainly because all important updates implemented immediately, and developers not need to wait for next number relise.

    It's also good for developers because it's more stable profit model.

    I don't see any problem with subscription. 99$/y is a low cost for good game dev software.

  • By the way, game recently passed Greenlight!!! So thanks so much to who support game in voting! BIG THANKS!

    Will definitely buy it as soon as it will be available on PC.

    So no "code-programming" (including plugins) was involved in development?

  • How much plugins you use in the development of the game?

  • Vista, yes. Thanks!

  • After I update NW pack for 1 Sep installer I start receive "Power clear request dll kernel32.dll" while I try to start any NW-exported exe (I try also on standart examples, like build-in Platformer example).

    How I can solve this? Thanks

  • Really Cool. Потрясающе!

  • May I ask:

    • did you make any special changes/export for Steam distribution?
    • is it "pure" Construct-2 or you use any additional JavaScript plugins?

    -Is any articles/developer blogs exist (Eng/Ru)?

    Thanks! Buy it today on Steam.

  • @anthonykojima, thank you soo much for your help and attention.

    I will be very appreciate if you with share capx example with me for my better understanding. Of course I will be wait as long as it will be needed. Thanks you one more time!

    p.s. One more thiung: how are you place text from array on dialog sprite? (I mean how you organise events to thow dialog box/bubble with needed coordinates and etc)