DeusEx's Forum Posts

  • I see this bug many times in old relises of SC, and it was one of things why I don't upgrade from free edition. A few day ago I come back to idea make an upgrade (you make a awesome work!) and was very surprised that bug still exist.

    You can easily found this here for example

    (great game btw)

    Sometimes controlled character (object) don't move in this or that direction from keybord. (You can press button many times but character "stuck") But if you press opposite direction move button, he start going.

    Step by step: controlled character don't want to move right. Press button "move left" (opposite direction) once, now controlled character can move in needed (right) direction again.

    Usually, it happened close to screen (game) borders or close to another textures/object with "solid" properties.

    It will be very good, if someone can fix it. This is very annoying.

  • Very, VERY impressive!

    But can you please add FPS counter? Because look like productivity need to be optimized.

  • Absolutely great!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I was read this topic carefully, and imho many users can not understand

    restrictions of any game constructor.

    Hey, look, many favourite and profitable games was made with fewer resources. Look at "Angry Birds" or "Worms!". You definitely can do same things by using Construct-2. For example it's possible even in GM (like this Construct-2 is definitely better even now, in beta stage.

    You can create a masterpiece even with good 2D graph.

    But why so many people try to make new MMORPG or another big projects without any small but look professional games in portfolio?

    I remember 199x years, with Atari and ZX-Spectrum, when we had only 48k RAM and people do great games on ASM or C.

    Why are you talking about Steam? Steam publishing required professionally made games. Even games on Steam made in Torque or another engine (not constructor!) was polished by "hands" with editing engine source code and etc.

    Construct-2 is great thing to TEST your ideas. It perfect way to make your portfolio for future presentations (your projects or yourself as game designer). Without small but successful project *no one* will be talk with you about publishing on Steam or in any another serious place.

    With Construct you can test your gameplay ideas. You can make simple presentation of future project for your dev team or investors. You can learn/develop some skills needed to build bigger and more complex games.

    but if you want to make 1Gb RPG...correct me, if I wrong, but I am sure you need to lear C++ or C# and start using something from XNA framework to UDK SDK.

    p.s. Our industry (game dev) need more good ideas, not programmers. We have *many* talented programmers, but we have only 1 or 2 really attractive gameplay ideas per year. This is why people sometimes play in 10+ years old games like Diablo-1 or "Little Big Adventure". This is why sites like are still profitable.

    Come on, people still download and play on ZX-Spectrum emulators with 256 colors games!

    Any user can made a new MOD on CryENGINE-3. But make a talented text MUD is MUCH harder

  • Like I did for the example of the PathFinder behavior.

    This is awesome!   <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Thanks for answers!

    Construct is perfectly suitable for a commercial release, even more if you consider the growth of HTML5.

    No, I am looking for stand alone .exe as result.

    I hope this option will be added in future.

  • I ask because I see many successful commercial examples with Torque 2D on Steam, but in most cases it's not only result of using constructor itself, but also huge ammount of coding (include replacing some parts of engine source code).

    And as I see all other so called "constructors" don't allow do anyting serious withous learning their script language (like GM). And, btw, this language always can be used only in theis constructors. In this situation I prefer use C# + XNA and not waste my time with such type of "game makers".

    I really hope Srirra's Construct-2 will be exception to this rule and I will be happy to buy and use it for my indie projects.

  • Dear Construct-2 creators,

    from your own point of view - does SCIRRA Construct-2 have potential as developer tool for simple but commercial indie games or it's only education tool for hobbists and students with no serious plans about monetising their products.

    (forgive me for my bad English, it's not my native language)

  • How I can use animated sprites (like walking character) and what software can you recommend to create it?

    I mean sprites like here

    for examples (main character and monsters/sceletons)


  • Climbing a ladder topic

    Thanks you, in fact I am already examine this topic, but I am still thinking it will be much more easely have "ladder" as separate object/properties/behaviour in game constructor, than so much separate events in event sheet.

    From my point of view "Ladder" as black box with a few properties (like "is both directions available") will be much more useful.


    p.s. awesome job with

  • Is it possible to add "Ladder" property to sprites in future?

    It's very useful to have this object for both platformers and quests games. (So character can move up/down on virtual ladder sprite)

    Of course it's easy realise same behaviour via event manager, but it can use to much resources to event processing and seriously slow down final programm.

    Does it have a sence?