Elyzius's Forum Posts

  • Do all your enemy1 objects use the same sprite? If so, perhaps you can wrap the events you listed above within a "for each object" loop.

  • The only way I can think of is to write a plugin for that purpose.

  • I didn't notice any stuttering or brief pause when the ball hits the paddle or bricks. Did you already fix this before uploading your CAP file?

    Anyhow, when I lost the game, there was a noticeable stuttering of sound and the program became unresponsive. To fix this problem, add a "trigger once" condition to your game-over event, as shown below.

    <img src="http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp45/Elyzius/sound.jpg" border="0" />

    By the way, I found your game to be very entertaining. It made me laugh to see the paddle getting destroyed bit by bit every time the ball hit it. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Nothing happens when I press 1 on the keyboard. It seems that pressing 1 should cause spell 1 to be cast, but for that to happen, the private variable 'cible' has to be either "oui" or "non." I ran your game in debug mode, and I saw that 'cible' was blank. Was there supposed to be an event that would set 'cible' to "oui" or "non"?

    Looks like you've already done a lot of work on your game. It's getting hard to debug, so I suggest that you debug everything first before you add more events.

    I do have a couple of suggestions at this point.

    First, you should make your background image a Tiled Background instead of a Sprite. Tiled Backgrounds use up less memory and do not require the features of a Sprite.

    Second, if you need a variable like 'cible' that stores only "oui" or "non," consider making it numeric and store the numbers 1 for "oui" and 0 for "non." Your game will use up less computing resources that way.

  • You can make the sword part of the character's sprite if you want. The main advantage of having a separate sword sprite is that you can extend it beyond the square area of the character sprite.

    <img src="http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp45/Elyzius/big_sword.jpg" border="0">

    If you look carefully at the above picture, you will see bits of cyan color behind the sword. The cyan color is actually part of the sword's collision mask, which I purposely kept visible for demonstration purposes.

    If you decide to make the sword blade separate from the character, you should set its sprite's origin to the bottom center of the blade.

    <img src="http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp45/Elyzius/sword.jpg" border="0">

    Likewise, the sword's collision mask should also have its origin at the bottom center.

    Next, edit every frame of the character's animations to create an image point where the sword blade and its collision mask will be attached.

    <img src="http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp45/Elyzius/imagepoint.jpg" border="0">

    Finally, create events to attach everything together at the proper angle. Rather than explain the process step-by-step, I prefer to upload a demo CAP file for anyone to look into.

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  • The solution would depend on how you implement your inventory system. If you upload your CAP file, I or someone else may be able to help you.

  • 1 Well globaly the ennemy has two lines of sight, one to make them go forth, and a shorter one to make them stop. But what I wanted to know is if there might be any problem because the short one is inside the biggest one, so when an object enters the short one, somehow he still is inside the big one.

    I see. You want the enemy to approach the player when the player is within the longer LOS but not within the shorter LOS. I've never tried to give an object more than one behavior of the same type until now. I tried it, and it worked, although it isn't how I'd have done it. I'd have assigned only one LOS behavior to the enemy and checked for the distance between it and the player instead. Construct has a built-in expression for checking distances between two points.

    Off hand, the only problem I can think of with having two Lines of Sight for the same object is that it is computationally wasteful. Having only one LOS and checking for the distance between the enemy and the player uses up less computing power. Other than that, as long as you set up your events properly, you'll be able to get them to work as intended.

  • Can you upload your CAP file so we can test it?

  • I don't have enough details to say for sure, but my guess is that the problem lies in the way your events are structured. Can you upload your CAP file so we can see what's going on in your game?

  • It's easy to get a player to ride a mech in Construct. Both need to have the Platform behavior. At the start of layout, deactivate platform movement for the mech.

    Next, set an event for when the player touches the mech (say, on collision between player and mech). In a nutshell, the actions for this event should be as follows:

    1. Deactivate platform movement for the player.
    2. Make the player sprite disappear.
    3. Activate platform movement for the mech.
  • 1: I set a line of sight for when they see me to come, and one when they are close enough, to stop, but isn't there any problem about when he reaches the shortest line of sight, he is still inside the large one, like, could I put priority to the short one ?

    Sorry, but your question sounds confusing to me. Who has the line of sight to whom? What are the short LOS and the large LOS? Who is within these lines of sight, the enemy or the player?

    2: Less important, isn't there any way of making the line of sight visible, to see more precisely the radius it affects ?

    You could make your own graphics to show the LOS, but you'd also have to ensure that it matches with the LOS behavior. If you're looking for a built-in method for showing the LOS without having to make one yourself, I don't think there is any.

    3: Also nothing to do with the line of sight behaviour, but when I want to set the value of a global variable to a text, it won't accept, even though i've put the variable as a Text variable

    Assuming that the global variable is indeed a text variable and not a numeric one, you should be able to assign text to it using syntax similar to the one below:

        System: Set global variable 'StrGlobal' to "Hello world"

    How did you set the value of your global variable?

  • SECat, there are a number of file hosting sites that you can upload your file to. Try box.com, dropbox.com, or Google Docs.

  • Try this.

    I added a number of events, by the way, so the event numbers referenced in your comments won't match with the intended events anymore. Sorry about that.

  • This:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/SHgvC.jpg" border="0" />

    Into this:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/1Svo8.jpg" border="0" />

    You think that it exactly this result can be archived with different layers effects?

    Why not? With a bit of Photoshopping to remove as much of the gray background as possible, some interesting effects can be achieved with shaders.

    <img src="http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp45/Elyzius/lighteffect.jpg" border="0" />

    And... you guys noticed moving candles flames (top of stage) and little "fire effect" from those candles fire? I'm planning add some falling wax from those candles via particles, but... you noticed it? I love small details!

    Yep, I noticed them. Very cool.

  • But every time mr. blue box touch "scream1" canvas the sound was playing, even with "once" condition.

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/V25YY.jpg" border="0" />

    so I created something that works, but it's stupid, don't you think so?

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/bf0mG.jpg" border="0" />

    It's working good, but I don't think is good to use solution like that, because there is probably other, better solution with events.

    Nothing wrong with your solution, but if you want a different one, here's what I suggest: Create a global numeric variable with an initial value of zero. Let's call it "screamed." In your event, you'll need to check for On Collision AND whether global variable 'screamed' is zero. Your actions will then be to play the sound file and to set global variable 'screamed' to 1. This will guarantee that the sound file won't be played again even if the sprites collide.

    2. Now quite complex one. I create game for 1024x768 resolution, but many people have other monitor proportions like 16:9, 16:10. I send preview exe to two guys with 16:9 monitor and everyhing is working, but graphic was streched horizontaly, and I really don't know what to do with this. Help.

    I don't really see that as being a big problem. Many professional casual games are set at 1024x768 resolution. There is some minor horizontal stretching when the games play at full screen, but that never bothered me. If you're making your game for the general public, this resolution will be playable on all but the most ancient PCs.

    3. In one place there is huge fps drop:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/XGsB7.jpg" border="0" />

    censored due to brutall stuff

    I know the project is very graphic "heavy" (an will be only more), but fps drop only in one place, when mr. blue box jump (1) to another place (2)?

    I'm not seeing any huge FPS drop, although I do have a pretty good rig.

    If I were you, I'd optimize the use of graphics to save on VRAM. Many people who play 2D games don't have the computing power to play 3D games. Replacing your background Sprites with Tiled Backgrounds is good advice. Even better, you can break up the repeating parts of your backgrounds and stretch them across your layout. Stretching a tiled background will not deform it the way it does to a Sprite. Instead, it will cause the image to repeat across the stretched area.

    Your graphics and sounds are excellent, by the way. I wish you the best of luck with your project.