Naji's Forum Posts

  • I have created a game in Construct 2 that used the bullet behavior. Now I'm using another engine (Unity) and I'm making a sequel of the game. Since there is no bullet behavior in Unity, I don't know how to make my own version of the bullet of C2 bullet in Unity. Can anyone tell me what is the logic of the bullet behavior in c2 , how it works so I can implement it in my new game?

  • Since there are rare number of game development jokes, I made a blog post about it and chose 15 jokes every game developer can relate to. Read the blog post. Enjoy

    • Post link icon

    Here is a [LINK REMOVED for offering a way to bypass the free version restriction] I made to play and test your game on wifi. This also works on all web games. Enjoy!

  • An article for young game developers out there :How to develop games during school days

  • As you know I'm working on my latest game Stupid Chickens 3 . In the level selection layout /scene the panel is too big and the problem is that I don't have enough space to add back to menu button so I have worked on a new design technique. In the level selection panel , I have added the back to menu button so when the player scroll for levels he can exit by scrolling to the extreme left of the panel so he can exit and go back to the menu. What do you think about the technique? Is it good enough or should I find a new way to add the button?

  • Today PolyBlast has been released and it is an addictive arcade game that requires speed and precision to shoot projectiles over moving obstacles!

    Download the Game from Google PlayStore or App Store

    Read more about it here!

  • How can I attract players and create hype among people and make them download or play my game? Any ideas or personal experience?

  • jojoe Copyright doesn't protect ideas and styles and whatsoever <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> source : ... ected.html

  • Ethan C-7 I made few tweaks and differences , it is better now?

  • I'm on the designing part of the development of my game Stupid Chickens 3, and I really got inspired from the Angry Bird artistic so I want to make the artistic style the same but graphic and design different in a way (The trees are different , the title , etc...) . The point is that this is not an Angry Bird clone and it is different kind of game, but when I posted the image of the title screen on facebook indie group some people said that this is Angry Birds rip off. The question is can't I make the same artistic style or it is wrong?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Aphrodite Tetriser alvarop iceangel nlon HZGaming , I tagged you just to inform you about the new sequel since you are fans of the game

  • [edit] Here's a little teaser image showing how the game environment is and how it would be like !

  • Just curious, why are you switching to Unity for this one?

    Hi DrewMelton. I want to switch to Unity for many reasons and primary because I want to use and improve my skills in C# language (Since C2 is visual I can't program ) Another thing is the variety of features available in Unity and mainly the physics system (which is so slow in C2 on mobile compared to Unity) and the ability to make the level editor (which needs a lot of programming of course) . I want to take Stupid Chickens to the next level and I might also make 3D games later on SC (which C2 also doesn't provide).

    Don't get me wrong, Construct 2 is a powerful 2D Engine that I love to use , even more than Unity, but since I'm more a programmer rather than a designer and I'm a logic-oriented person I chose Unity for this game. What's important is the game itself and it's enjoyment and experience , not the game engine used.

  • Well I don't think it's exciting you like I thought it will

  • Hey Guys, I have lately decided to start the development of SC 3 (Stupid Chickens 3) because It's one of my favorite games I have made and also I got very positive feedback on the previous releases. The third sequel will be a better version (remake) of the original game and it will have some awesome features so I'm so excited to share the details with you guys :

    • It will be developed in Unity Game Engine
    • Improved Graphics with Cartoon theme similar to Angry Birds style
    • 60 awesome challenging levels divided to 3 worlds
    • A level editor with full features and with the ability to save , download, and share levels offline (for PC) and online (Android)
    • Better Gameplay with better physics and improved design
    • New playing techniques
    • Social Sharing on Facebook , Twitter and other social networks
    • A whole new story , characters, chickens and (pending) in-game cutscenes

    The game will be developed primary for Windows PCs and Android mobiles and it will probably take me around 2-3 months minimum to finish .

    I'll make sure that this game will give you new experience and amazing time. Plus, since you can create your own levels by using your imagination and also the ability to download new levels , the fun will never ends

    If you are a fan of SC series or you are interested in the game , SUBSCRIBE to get updates about SC 3 (and also to get a demo and early access to the game)

    Play the SC series to see how the game looks like:

    Stupid Chickens Original

    Stupid Chickens 2 : Trip To Space

    Thank you for time!