Padraik's Forum Posts

  • There doesn't seem to be an answer for this anywhere. I'm needing to do the same thing, but can't figure it out.

  • Cookie Clicker style games need to not pause when losing focus... there has to be a way to make this happen.

  • shameless bump - plea for help

  • I've managed a small workaround, in which I can have Webstorage check if the Saveslot data exists. If it does, I change the button text to "Continue Game n"

    At least this way, players know there's a game there but I'm lost on how to set what that text says to make it reflect relevant information about the actual save data.

    Can anyone help? Should I make a different thread for this?

  • Well - I thought I was done.

    the problem I'm having now is that when the game starts, all buttons say "New Character" because no save data has been loaded that has the correct names stored in the slots. Clicking the slots loads the correct game, but how do I have those slots populated for a player to choose his game before a save slot is chosen?

    Image1 of my Capx save events

    Image2 of my Capx save events

  • Hi all -

    I've been dabbling with Construct off and on for months and have finally dedicated daily time to making my game a reality.

    I intend to release on mobile devices and have just finished figuring out and implementing save slots for my game, but now that I have the 'how' figured out, I need to know best practice.

    Given that I'm going to release on mobile, I need the game to be resumable when a player needs to exit. So, my question is "how often do you savegame?"

    How much is too much? It seems obvious to me that every tick is just silly. But what's common practice? system -> every 5 seconds -> Save game to slot? Or should I make it save on player action?

    Obviously I'm sure the answer isn't universal, I'm just looking for experiences and opinions.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • And, of course, I answered my own question. When the player enters the desired name of the save slot, I save it to a global variable (One of three variables since I have 3 save slots, which I give the initial value of "New Character") - then, on form load, I simply added

    button -> set text -> GlobalSaveSlotName

    for all three save slot buttons. Thanks for the saving demo, Joannesalfa.

  • InvaderX Use expression to get to store value.

    I feel like I should be able to follow this, but I'm not. My game will begin with three buttons representing empty save slots - they say "New Character"

    When the player selects, I want him to name his character (and the corresponding save slot).

    I can't figure out how to carry that name back to the first layout.

    In the example you posted, can you show me how to rename the Layout 1 buttons from Layout 2?

  • I finally figured it out - I was right, something simple. Notice that in my AJAX -> on "grindmobs" completed statement I had quotes around AJAX.LastData. Removing those quotes seems to have fixed my problem.

  • At this point I've tried multiple other XML files, including the one used in the example, where I learned how to make it work by pasting the XML in as a string.

    I've moved on to work on other things, but before I can finish this one, I'll have to solve the problem of reading this from files.

  • I'm having Xeed's problem. I've imported the file. My capx to start looks exactly like what was posted earlier from the documentation. My very next line is a super simple test XML -> for every node "/nodename" Text -> "confirmed"

    Nothing happens. It's like the file is not being loaded at all. I have no idea what I've missed.

    BTW, this works if instead of trying to load it through ajax, I just paste the xml in as a string.

  • ok, I've gone over all the posts I can find on here, tried to do all the steps that are listed, and for the life of me, I can't get Construct to read the XML file I'm trying to use.

    I've drilled down to the simplest possible test I can do and I'm still missing something simple. My expectation is that I would see "found it" on the screen when it runs... but instead, the text still says "text" meaning no change.

    Can someone please school me on whatever I'm missing?

    I've imported grindmobs.xml to the project


    my capx is this simple:

    1. System (on start of layout) -> AJAX (request grindmobs.xml (tag "grindmobs")

    2. AJAX (on "grindmobs" completed) -> XML (Load XML document from string "AJAX.LastData")

    3. XML (For each node "bestiary") -> Text (Set text to "found it"


    And here is the XML file:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>









              <name>Big Goblin</name>




  • Nimtrix, I got this working very well thanks to your help =)

    Now it's on to the cooldown behavior that Kyatric so kindly pointed me to, which, I have to admit, on first glance I don't understand at all.

  • And then I see that your file is called cast bar. Can't wait to see what you've got, thanks!

  • Thanks Nimtrix,

    I'm currently traveling and will have to look at that file tonight but it sounds like you're talking about the casting animation that the character plays while casting. I'm trying to get basically a progress bar that fills up smoothly over the course of n seconds.