DECAY - a construct competition starting December 1st

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
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    Competitions are a beautiful thing. And because I noticed a lack of those precious challenges around here, I thought I might just as well start my own to spice things up a little.


    You might have guessed: it's about decay. Take it literally, make it about rotten and decomposing things or interpret it differently, dealing with the topic on a more artistic level. Let your imagination run wild.


      • Your entry must relate to the chosen theme.
      • Your entry must be an original game created for this compo.
      • You may only submit one game.
      • You can work as a team. However, prizes will only be awarded to one single person.
      • Since this is a Construct challenge, you'll have to use Construct to create your entry.

    Wanna join?

    In order to join, you need to make a new thread in the Your Creations forum, marking it as entry for this competition in the subject with the following tag: []

    After you did so please reply here with the direct link to your game's thread.

    Entrants will be accepted until the first day of December.


    I thought about it briefly and because I'm not able to pay you 1000 bucks or award you something amazing, some Steam indie games will have to do.

    1st place: Machinarium OR Aquaria OR Trine

    2nd place: Zeno Clash OR AAAAAA...! A Reckless Disregard For Gravity

    (provided by Sagal, so clap your hands for him!)

    3rd place: Hammerfight OR Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood

    So winners will be choosers. The reason is simply because some people might already have certain games. And be aware that you will need a steam account in order to receive a prize!


    The following community members will be judging the entries:

    PixelRebirth Sagal Aeal5566 SuperV

    Judges will be given two votes, which they will give to their favorite entries. You can't give both votes to the same entry. To be frank I grant myself a little extra here, since I will be having one additional vote (so three overall) and if there's some kind of draw, I'll decide who comes out on top.

    If you want to apply as a judge please do so by writing me an email or a PM. There's just one restriction: Judges must have at least 100 posts on the forums here. This is just to ensure they are experienced Construct users to a certain extent and somewhat active in the community.


    The competition will officially start on the 1st of December. After that date, no more entrants will be accepted. You may already start with your game of course when you read this, but be aware that the whole thing might be blown off if it doesn't spark enough interest.

    The deadline is Sunday 10th January 2010. So the competition runs a little longer than a month, considering the holidays I'm sure people will appreciate some extra time.

    Projects being worked on so far:

    Urban Zombies

    by newt

    You've Got Red On You

    by partymetroid and ShadeKirby500

    All feedback is welcome!

  • I love it already!

  • Sounds awesome

  • Hmm, I think I have an idea...

    Have to test some things out. Depending on how it goes, I might be in

  • It's good to have compo with lots of time so that we can get as many entries as possible

  • sounds like fun, ill see if i can get time for this.

  • ����������

    Interest... rising.

  • Sounds great!

    Still, if I can find/steal enough time to get something together, i'm in =)

  • ??????????

    Interest... rising.

    monster hunter weapon sharpness bar??

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  • I'm SO in.

  • I'm SO in.

    Great to hear!

    The competition already has three more judges btw:




    Big thx goes already out to these trustworthy guys! We could still use one or two more community members in the jury, so if you can't find the time to participate, maybe you want to contribute this way.

    Also we have a few people who we can already write down as possible entrants, which is a good thing at this point. Still there's quite some time to get your stuff together and enter the compo, so spread the word!

  • Joining for me is quite likely.

  • Huh, it's starting. Nice one!

    Keep 'em coming!

  • Can the game be partially completed? My friend and I are working on a game with, GASP, zombies (originality at its finest). There's probably going to be some decay in intelligence, too... though I'm not sure if that in and of itself with validate this game for the contest.

    ANYWAY, as soon as we get some art assets, and confirm with him as to whether I can enter us in (this is, after all, a group effort), I'll start a thread.

    You can almost assuredly count me in.

    ... Almost.

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