Action Game Maker Trial Released

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Dirt Bike game sprites - including environment, human rider and more!
  • For those unfamiliar this is a game creation program probably similar to Construct developed by Enterbrain, the same company who made the RPG Maker series for the PC..

    The final release would be not for free. Haven't tried it fully myself, but this may give ideas or whatever for the development of Construct maybe

    (though honestly, I think Construct is way more potential than this)


    Action Game Maker also known as AGM is Enterbrains latest entry in the popular Tsukuru (Maker) series. AGM is unlike any other maker before, previous makers were created with the functions for creating one game genre. However with AGM Enterbrain changed that, AGM allows the user to create three different types of game genres! Users are able to create a platform game (Super Mario Bros.), a action-adventure game (Legend Of Zelda) and even Shump (Gradius/R-Type) games! But that's not all that separates it from the previous Tsukuru programs, with AGM you can compile and share your game in three different formats! You have the ability to create a stand alone executable like in the previous Tsukuru programs or you can create a FLASH (.swf) file. However the final method is something fans have been wanting for a very long time. AGM allows the user to output their game into the XNA Game Studio which for those of you who don't know its the program that you can use to create XBox 360 games! Using the "XBox LIVE Community Games" service you will be able to share your game with the world and even make some money off it, for a change! Something else that's completely new to the Tskuru programs is that AGM supports High-Definition(HD) graphics!

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  • I wonder why they make a separate program for each genre of game. Still, they've got export to 360.

  • This:

    [quote:2l0ckgkt]However the final method is something fans have been wanting for a very long time. AGM allows the user to output their game into the XNA Game Studio which for those of you who don't know its the program that you can use to create XBox 360 games!

    is a BIG win. I hope Construct will support that too later on, cause that'd be huge. A lot of the 2d games people are gonna make will just make more sense being played on a console where you can naturally assume that a player has a controller in his hand and plays it on an LCD Screen.

  • Wow, it certainly has a lot of potential but I'll personally be sticking with Construct. The XNA implemenatation is especially awesome.

  • lol HD graphics

    wow XNA export

  • I got this before I got construct and I most say has down construct is bester.

    It has some great features but it also has a it limits.

    One reason why I stop using it is because:

    You can make hills or slops so, no sonic game.

    You can't make turn based game so, no Final Fantasy.

    You can't make Turn Based Strategy game so, no fire Emblem.

    And It cost $108.

    Construct is free.

    Construct Wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I sugested export to XNA long time ago if any one remember.

  • I sugested export to XNA long time ago if any one remember.

    easier said than done

    it's a good feature, but not worth the limits that 3 genre nonsense puts on you.

  • Looks like exporting a game to the Marketplace requires an "XNA Creator's Club Premium" membership. $50 for 4 months or $100 for a year. Of course, you have to first submit your game for approval before it will be available to download.

    I guess $150-$200 is still pretty cheap for what it's giving you, though. In any case I'm interested in seeing some games from actual users and not the developers.

  • Looks like exporting a game to the Marketplace requires an "XNA Creator's Club Premium" membership.

    And even before that, there would be about 30,000 lines of runtime code to convert to C#, not including porting of plugins. First the C++ code has to be finished anyway, and then maintaining duplicate codebases also slows down development time. Unless we can get an official XBox dev kit to compile native XBox code, which I believe costs around �10,000, and is probably wrapped up in politics and official distributors, not generally for lying around in someone's bedroom.

  • Need to test this out when I get the english translation + 64bit patch working same time.

  • You can't make turn based game so, no Final Fantasy.

    You can't make Turn Based Strategy game so, no fire Emblem.

    Action Game Maker.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It is still crappy. You can't make a sonic game platformer even. Because you can't make hills in AGM. Even though it haves 3 game engines (platformer,adventure, and the shooter). Next time if you are going to quote me use my whole quote and understand what the quote is about. To put it in simple terms for you AGM can't make the kind of games and it cost $108, construct can make all of this kind of games and it is free! so, "Construct Wins". I hope this this is simple enough for your mind.

  • I hope this this is simple enough for your mind.

    This kind of stuff really isn't necessary. Let's keep things civil, please.

  • you are right and I am sorry for that last part. It was too harsh. I Just hate it when people use my quotes out of contexts with out understanding what I was talking a bout. And I hate it even more when people use my statements to act in a smart ass towards me. I start to become angry and they would't like me when I am angry. <img src="">

    But in all seriousness sorry.

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