How long will C2 be supported?

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  • Seeing as we have a C3 beta date.

  • Construct 2 will continue to receive updates as they have been for the foreseeable future. Exactly as has been in the past, if critical parts break they will be fixed and updates given to everyone free of charge.

  • Tom This is something I wish had been covered in the original blog post for Construct 3.

    It's good to hear that updates will continue for Construct 2. I think that if you made that clear in the Construct 3 announcement, the community wouldn't have responded so negatively, since they would have felt secure that they wouldn't be losing Construct 2 when Construct 3 comes out.

    Will Construct 2 licenses still be for sale after the release of Construct 3?

    What's the deal with Construct 2/3 Business Licenses (another point notably missing from the announcement)?

  • Construct 2 will continue to receive updates as they have been for the foreseeable future. Exactly as has been in the past, if critical parts break they will be fixed and updates given to everyone free of charge.

    Great news!

  • Will Construct 2 licenses still be for sale after the release of Construct 3?

    The ultimate question. I just hope C2 will be supported forever.

  • Will Construct 2 licenses still be for sale after the release of Construct 3?

    Ah yes, would like to know that too.

  • >

    > Will Construct 2 licenses still be for sale after the release of Construct 3?



    The ultimate question. I just hope C2 will be supported forever.

    Imagine that they say something like this:


    "C2 will become open source and will be maintained by users".

  • >

    > >

    > > Will Construct 2 licenses still be for sale after the release of Construct 3?

    > >

    > >


    > The ultimate question. I just hope C2 will be supported forever.


    Imagine that they say something like this:


    "C2 will become open source and will be maintained by users".

    Honestly I don't know what to make of that. I've been here less than a year and the only thing I can think of is Rojo and Rex are geniuses and if they continue to contribute as much as they already have

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  • I'm sure as long as Scirra is doing updates there will be an option to purchase the license for C2. Once updates for C2 stop, I can see it going the way of the original Construct.

  • >

    > >

    > > Will Construct 2 licenses still be for sale after the release of Construct 3?

    > >

    > >


    > The ultimate question. I just hope C2 will be supported forever.


    Imagine that they say something like this:


    "C2 will become open source and will be maintained by users".

    Ever heard of Construct Classic?

  • Construct 2 will continue to receive updates as they have been for the foreseeable future. Exactly as has been in the past, if critical parts break they will be fixed and updates given to everyone free of charge.

    Now, you saved me a heart attack. Long live Construct 2!

  • &TD Bauer

    The problem is that we've been left to speculate without any assurances or information about Construct 2's future. This could have been a very exciting time, but Scirra botched the announcement horribly. They've only given us things to worry about (higher cost, unclear support for Construct 2, web-based), and made clear that several desired features won't be included (3D, native exporters).

    I'm sure there's something exciting in Construct 3, I just don't know what it is yet... ¯\_(?)_/¯

  • This is great news, thanks Tom

  • Ever heard of Construct Classic?

    Yeah though I never tried it.

    I think it would be good if C2 is open source, the community can continue to fix bugs, modifying and improving things.

  • Construct 2 will continue to receive updates as they have been for the foreseeable future. Exactly as has been in the past, if critical parts break they will be fixed and updates given to everyone free of charge.

    This is too vague. A game can take 5+ years especially for someone that's not a full time game creator.

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