I love this thing. Ordered my copy a while back. Looking forward to the time we get to tween animations, and even the possibility of allowing for rag-doll physics in C2... but I doubt that is possible :(
Thank you. It is possible, but that's a long long long term thing. It's an idea I've had in mind since the beginning though
> I got that problem until I went into Spriter and gave a name for each object in the Persistent Objects panel. Double-click on the object, a little box appears, add a name. Rinse repeat until they all have names, then delete everything from your C2 file (the family, the .scml, the images, the files) and re-import it. If they show up in the editor, you have them named. Otherwise, you missed something. I hope that works!
C-7 hello,Excuse me where is the Persistent Objects panel ,i can't find it in Spriter Essential Edition b4.
All of the Spriter versions since the c2 plugins been around automatically name everything (even if you load an old project and resave it, they are automatically named with generic names). Also, you can double click anywhere in the editor where an object name appears (zorder, heirarchy, timeline, or persistent object palette) to rename it.
All objects are persistent now so it's just called the 'object palette', and by default when you start the program it's the tab behind the file palette.