Spriter/C2 - (9-16-2019 - bug fix)

From the Asset Store
Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • Hey guys,

    I did some tests on Spriter + C2 and I'm really happy with the results. I can't just use it on my game right now, but at least I tested the normal Spriter system to have nicer animations frame by frame in the game. Next project I'll use it for sure.

    You can check an idle animation using Spriter and C2 that I made. There are some bugs on the animation because the drawn wasn't prepared for it. It was just a fanart/illustration that I made a quite long ago and I adapted to work with bones and modular animation.


  • looks awesome arcgen. love the style

    azweig, if possible please send me the project folder (scml files, and images) zipped, and I'll take a look, but as far as I know any valid Spriter file should work on export as of the latest plugin version, and the nonworking projects were individual issues.

  • Great plugin and great software.

    But could you tell me how to set the angle of a object from the imported SCML file?

    better explained:

    I spawn a enemy, and then i want to set the angle of his arms and gun towards an position, i would use the "set angle toward position" for that.

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  • Hello, I want to import .scml files dynamically via code, not drag and drop, is there a way or guide? thank you very much!

  • SgtConti, you can control each individual sprite with the usual actions. Eventually, the plugin will be updated to allow you to control bones (which affect the animation but are not C2 objects)

    Zaxuhe, do you mean you want to import them at runtime from an external file? if so, this will be supported in a future version of the plugin, but this is currently not possible.

    plugin changelog 8/20/13

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed a bug that didn't show Set Current Time action changes immediately followed by Pause Animation actions <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed a bug that made it so situations like On Animation "A" Finished - Set Animation To "B" followed by On Animation "B" Finished - Set Animation To "A" would both trigger in the same tick
  • Is there any way to move an entire animation up/down/left/right in Spriter? When I try to do it by keyframe, the parts split off each other on the next keyframe and I create a storm of living limbs.

  • I'm not sure what you mean It sounds like you mean what happens when you move the actual scml object, but I'm guessing you mean something else?

  • I love this thing. Ordered my copy a while back. Looking forward to the time we get to tween animations, and even the possibility of allowing for rag-doll physics in C2... but I doubt that is possible :(

  • I got that problem until I went into Spriter and gave a name for each object in the Persistent Objects panel. Double-click on the object, a little box appears, add a name. Rinse repeat until they all have names, then delete everything from your C2 file (the family, the .scml, the images, the files) and re-import it. If they show up in the editor, you have them named. Otherwise, you missed something. I hope that works!

    C-7   hello,Excuse me where is the Persistent Objects panel ,i can't find it in Spriter Essential Edition b4.

  • I love this thing. Ordered my copy a while back. Looking forward to the time we get to tween animations, and even the possibility of allowing for rag-doll physics in C2... but I doubt that is possible :(

    Thank you. It is possible, but that's a long long long term thing. It's an idea I've had in mind since the beginning though


    > I got that problem until I went into Spriter and gave a name for each object in the Persistent Objects panel. Double-click on the object, a little box appears, add a name. Rinse repeat until they all have names, then delete everything from your C2 file (the family, the .scml, the images, the files) and re-import it. If they show up in the editor, you have them named. Otherwise, you missed something. I hope that works!

    C-7   hello,Excuse me where is the Persistent Objects panel ,i can't find it in Spriter Essential Edition b4.

    All of the Spriter versions since the c2 plugins been around automatically name everything (even if you load an old project and resave it, they are automatically named with generic names). Also, you can double click anywhere in the editor where an object name appears (zorder, heirarchy, timeline, or persistent object palette) to rename it.

    All objects are persistent now so it's just called the 'object palette', and by default when you start the program it's the tab behind the file palette.

  • lucid


    I've done a test which I change the object scale of the sprite "On initialised" or "On created" , to 0.1 and I spawn that object on any touch start:

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25165464/Capture.JPG" border="0" />

    What i've noticed when running the game on Chrome is that sometimes at the first mili-second that the object exists, you can see all the object's sprites in their original size clumped on the position and after that mili-second everything is scaled to the required size and position.

    This only happens sometimes(especially when I spam click), and not happening on Internet Explorer 9 for example.

    I hope I explained myself correctly, I just can't catch a screenshot of that because it's only for 1 ms or so (:

  • hi oronbz. I'm aware of this problem, and I have a few possible solutions I'm working on. Thanks for the report.

  • lucid

    I bought the pro edition of spriter and construct 2 yesterday, I'm excited and looking forward for those to work and live in perfect harmony with each other, and I know how much work and time you're putting into it, keep it up! (:

  • It's possible to stop the animation from looping?

    I tried with Set animation looping... -> not looping

    And it doesn't work

    Somebody knows?


    I was using the Set animation looping... -> not looping

    when the spriter object is initialised, I changed it to another event and it works.

    BTW spriter + construct 2 is great! good work

  • AnD4D I use spriter and ragdolls. Its not too hard <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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