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    You would only need C++ if you made anything very demanding. For most games GDScipt is enough and it is easy python like language that is very integrated to the engine. You also have mono c# option. You could just test it if it is your thing the download is massive ~20 MB. To my knowledge, Discord is best place to get help.

  • Hmmm. All of that - just to set a camera!

    That is kind of metroidvania style camera. Simplest is just to put camera Node as player child and no scripting.

  • +Godot

    Godot 3.0 is now out. Godot has grown a lot since I started and you can find a lot of tutorials for it. Most of the basic 2.0 tutorials will work with little to no modifications.

    A lot of people are afraid of scripting, but after you learn the basic syntax, you will use it before you realize. A little sample camera script.

    extends Camera2D
    onready var player = get_node("/root/World/Player")
    var resolution = Vector2()
    var bounds = Rect2()
    var room_size = Vector2(3, 1)
    func _ready():
    	resolution = settings.resolution
    	bounds = Rect2(Vector2(resolution.x / 2, resolution.y / 2), Vector2(room_size.x * resolution.x - resolution.x / 2, room_size.y * resolution.y - resolution.y / 2))
    func _process(delta):
    	var player_pos = player.get_position()
    	var pos = get_position()
    	pos.x = clamp(player_pos.x, bounds.position.x, bounds.size.x)
    	pos.y = clamp(player_pos.y, bounds.position.y, bounds.size.y)
    There is Mono/C# support (still cannot export) and you can link C and C++ code with GDNative, so I think you get all the bunnies you need 
    There is also visual scripting now, but I am not familiar with it.
  • Eisenhans Yes but, actually it seems that there is no much difference if at all. I just put that in without much of a thought.

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  • This inspired me to make my own test. More of an object count test and much uglier

    I use bullet behavior for the trees instead of parallax layer and the trees only have 4 parts. Layers are only used for layer effects (AdjustHSL). Was wondering how this would run on a weaker systems. Some small extra optimisation could still be done.


    Also does anyone know if there is an easy way to switch between integrated GPU and dedicated card. I have Intel Core i5 3570K (Ivy Bridge) CPU and it has integrated Intel HD 4000 that would be nice for testing.

    Edit: Changed it to use layer scale. Much nicer and easy effect. Also added one more cloud and tree layer.

  • helena

    [quote:u9yryzgt]also SimCity.. but I am quite disappointed with the latest versions

    Cities: Skylines looks a bit more promising in case you didn't know about it.

  • xeed

    It was intentionally left out. I thought it would make the AI overly complicated and probably acting "dumb". Also I thought it would be CPU taxing and I already had a lot of performance problems. Maybe it would be easier now with pathfinding collision cells but, currently I have no plans to continue this project. I guess if I would do it it would be only for vehicles.

  • bangoo

    It has nothing to do with moving units in formation. Only setting animation direction. I pretty much use same thing for formation as in RTS template.

  • bangoo


    For 8-direction animation you could use

    set "direction" variable

    int(((self.8Direction.MovingAngle+360+45/2) %360)/45)[/code:20nhk3ck]
    and use "stage" like idle,walk, etc. So set animation should be something like.
    Set animation.
    [code:20nhk3ck] player.stage & player.direction[/code:20nhk3ck]
    Animations could be idle0,idle1... idle7. Starting from down right and going clockwise.
  • Jermfire

    Thanks for the info.

  • Mario&Luigi (Just so random idea)

    Nali from Unreal 1

    Diablo from 1&2

    Midna from Zelda:Twilight princess

    Glottis from Grim Fandango


    Peon from Warcraft 3

    Leg Horse from Space Funeral

    Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2

    Knartas (Sausage people) from Little Big Adventure 2

    Grim Reaper from Castlevania series

    Gobbos from Croc series

    Big Daddy from BioShock 1&2

    Shodan from System Shock 2

    Ornstein & Smough from Dark Souls

    Beheaded Kamikaze from Serious Sam

    Vault Boy from Fallout

    Samus Aran from Metroid series

    To name a few.

  • You should check the collision boxes. Can get stuck on the corners.

  • Is there a reason why you cannot just set angles instead of animation?