Maybe this gets you started.
Here is one example using rexrainbows moveto behavior.
Edit:Small improvement and character
I remembered that I had large image memory usage before when using large Paster object but, now I don't see much of a difference testin on 6000x6000 object and layout. So I'm not actually sure how it works :/
One thing to note is that it is better to make Paster object follow screen and make it slightly bigger than what can be seen to cope with set position lag.
On larger levels the image memory usage will rise quickly if Paster object is very large.
Here is my attempt. I use Source atop blend mode instead of TintMask.
Thanks for sharing this! I thought about this Paster method just yesterday
I got the same effect before using Destination atop and Source atop Blend modes but for some reason it didn't work on Node-Webkit.
For each Enemy, near player, half health, (enemy speed full?) > set speed to half.
Const struct too
I would add variable layer for the objects and when the active layer is not same disable collisions or solid.
What are you tying to achieve? It is taxing to run long loops every frame.
I also do this on my isometric engine for the walls. First set amount is created and after that just moved.
Well I post my attempt anyway even when it's unfinished. If nothing else then just to show one more method. Didn't add any proper 3d projection and the whole thing only currently works on right side.
Yeah.. well. It was more of an idea I just thought it might work. I post CAPX if I can figure out something.
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If you would like to go really with a 3d effect I would suggest to use canvas and Bezier curve.
You should be able to draw circle using four curves. Red dots represent control points on the right side example.
This could also help
Would this work?