Katala's Forum Posts

  • Here is a very simple example you can do.

    From clearly technical standpoint they don't run at the same time it is more like run Y times for X times.

    If it would be a cube it would take much longer to run the whole thing.

  • hundredfold

    Sorry I wasn't very clear. It definitely can. I just meant that even then it only affects that particular loop where you but the stop loop action. I mean C2 runs loop to the end and continues to the next event etc... Question was about all loops on the sheet.

  • You could use pathfinding behavior to only find the path and use some other movement type to actually move the object. Diagonal is 8 directions.

    There is a third party Behavior called moveTo that might be usefull.


  • There cannot be many loops running at the same time. If you use stop loop as a sub-event of the loop it will work as intended.

    For instance run loop 15 times

    L System|loopindex = 5 Stop loop

  • Now when Tilemap got it's Load image from URL action, could the same thing be added for SpriteFont.

  • One option I think should works is to name the weapons as "0_Pistol", "1_Ice gun" and every time you pick a new weapon you could push it back and sort the array.

    Another option is to have fixed positions in the array and run loop to next none 0 slot.

  • -You can stack multiple fail states so that the text will overlap.

    -Thanks to machine gun fire. You can overlap pumpkin sounds.

    -Chicken can take multiple hits from one arrow and spawn loads of eggs.

    -When chicken if falling it's origin point seems to be wrong.

    -You can sometimes softlock the game if you shoot all your arrow to the general direction of the chicken before it appears to the screen.

    Just my personal opinion but, what is the point of the pumpkin and the boy if they are not involved in anyway. If the player shoots the pumpkin ones then they are just gonna ignore them after that.

  • nothaseo

    NW has action "List files" and after that you can run a loop (repeat or for) and run it for each file "NodeWebkit.ListCount". From the description "Return the number of files after 'List files'"

  • nothaseo

    -List files from the folder.

    -Run loop list count times

    -Move "PATH/"&NodeWebkit.ListAt(loopindex)

    -To "PATH/"&NodeWebkit.ListAt(loopindex)

  • [quote:3bfm4n8l]Thanks for the help. And is it okay to "/" or "\" as we prefer?

    As far as I know both work fine.

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  • i don't understand arrays and particular expression (array.curx)

    Speed lesson about Arrays:

    -Open new project

    -Add Array

    -Start debugger and click Array

    -On Array data you will see the content. Vertical colums represent X dimension

    -Edit Array to have 10 width and height

    -Start debugger and click Array

    -Now there are additional values representing Y dimension.

    -If you add depth it gets a bit harder to read on the debugger but, the idea is the same.

    -So you have basically a line, grid or cube of values

    -Address for individual value in 3 dimensional cube X= -- Y=|| Z= // (0-based)

    Array has its own loop function for each. So if you want to check all values on X you can use it. Note that this only works on 1 dimensional array. If you need to check at X and Y use for each XY.

    For instance if you want to update your inventory item list you can run for each XY. Item images could have variables "slotX" and "slotY". Now during the loop you get for instance the right animation for that image comparing if current X and Y in the loop are the same as those variables on the Sprite object and change animation to value that is on that memory address.

    There is multiple ways to set up equip system. You can have different inventory for equipped items or you just share the same one and there is value somewhere that which item from the inventory is been used.

    I will highly encourage you to make it your self since there is no one right answer anyway and if you want to get anywhere on your project you should understand these basic principles first.

  • nothaseo

    Yes. I would probably use.

    Nodewebkit Path doesn't exist => Create Folder NodeWebkit.UserFolder&"Documents/1Ultimate Game"

    Then just write file.

    Path = NodeWebkit.UserFolder&"Documents/1Ultimate Game/Config"

    Content = Whatever but, note that for some reason if you just try to save plain text from text plugin or textbox I get some weird results. So it would be good to save as JSON.

    Haven't tested all the functionality but, there should't be much else to it.

    As you see from the list on functions that it indeed can move files etc. and even detect dropped files.

    Use debugger to check what NW is actually doing if you run into problems.

    Edit:Make sure you preview as Node-Webkit!

  • [quote:1rv534sb]It should majorly be entertainment material, which doesn't require too much of thinking. Agree?

    I don't agree. In my opinion even if a movie has bigger budged doesn't always have to mean that it is a no brainer and I'm happy that some movie makers take that risk. If this would never happen there would be even greater mono culture on movies.

    I think this movie had it's Hollywood moments but, It wasn't so major that it would have spoiled it for me.

    P.S. I also like movies like Bad taste for different reasons

  • Note that it is advanced feature. I don't have a lot of experience about multiplayer but, the concept is that host sends the information for peers of certain instances and peers essentially just send inputs for the host.

    You should probably start here https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/892/multiplayer-tutorial-1-concepts

    Or try to find some video tutorials if you don't understand that.